nitras / Handy-Editor-Scripts

Allows you to right click a script (c#/Javascript/Boo) and automatically create a base for your Editor scripts in unity. Save valuable time!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Features / how it works:

Ideally you place your scripts inside a script folder. Editor scripts must reside in an Editor Folder, therefor this tool will automatically create an Editor folder where your scripts reside.

When you select a script simply right click and choose: Create > Handy Editor Script

The script automatically detects c#, Javascript and Boo. When no editor folder exists an editor folder will be created and the newly created editor script will written to that location.

Existing Editor Folders or scripts won’t be overwritten.

This script is also available on the unity asset store.

If you want please do rate and review this asset on the asset store. It helps growing this package with more features. Handy Editor Scripts

Please check out my other assets:

Handy Project Structure

Handy Tools — Useful Hierarchy / Folder Structure / Instant Editor Scripts / Level Design Tools

Abstract Audio

Thank you — Peter —


Allows you to right click a script (c#/Javascript/Boo) and automatically create a base for your Editor scripts in unity. Save valuable time!

License:GNU General Public License v3.0