nilsnolde/routingpy Issues
Deprecate HERE provider
Updated 4Add support for map-matching
Updated 1Valhalla PBF in-/output
UpdatedRemove mapbox valhalla provider
Closed 1pypy3 is broken in ci
Updated 2Rename `test_helper` file
Updatedactivate coveralls again
Updated3.11 is out
Closed 2Documentation missing
Closed 1Superfluous `profile` parameter
Closed 2Incorrect use of `unit_factor`?
Closed 1Implement HERE Directions v8
Updated 2OSRM profiles removed
Closed 5release v1.0
Closed 1pypi release
Closed 1routingpy ipykernel update
Closed 1py3.10 again
Closed 1OSRM
Closed 2Issue google search
Closed 2Update ORS to 6.1