routingpy ipykernel update
ArterialMapping opened this issue · comments
Is it possible to update routingpy per this documentation? opengeos/geospatial#16
@ArterialMapping It appears that
requiresipykernel >=5.3.4,<6
, which was released over a year ago. Many packages in the geospatial stack require a much newer version of ipykernel.routingpy
needs to bring ipykernel up to date before it can be added to geospatial.
problem is that we didn't even know that routingpy is on conda-forge. it's a separate repo, they didn't even tell us it exists or ask for upstream support, and now it's stale, because they didn't touch it in 1 year. either someone steps up and includes a direct conda-forge support in routingpy (this repo) or they'll be better following upstream releases or we'll remove routingpy entirely from conda.
this is the repo, I already opened an issue, let's see what they say: