nikkehtine / simple_node_server

Simple vanilla Node web server with TypeScript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Node browser project

As of now it serves static webpages, but I will think about what else I could implement


  • Supports TypeScript
  • No dependencies other than TypeScript, Node and nodemon
  • Automatically reruns the server on changes in dev mode

Folder structure

  • site - the location of the actual site and where all public files are located
    • script - the output folder for TypeScript compiled files
  • src - the location of (input) TypeScript files


  • (p)npm dev or nodemon - runs development server
  • (p)npm build or tsc - builds TypeScript files for the frontend
  • (p)npm start or node server.js - just runs the server


Simple vanilla Node web server with TypeScript

License:Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License


Language:JavaScript 59.7%Language:CSS 20.4%Language:HTML 18.7%Language:TypeScript 1.2%