Net2Dev's repositories
An API NodeJS Script to automate image generation using MidJourneyV4 model in Stable Diffusion
🚀👩🚀This repo contains all the files to follow along and implement a NFT Bridge, including smart contracts and Web3 FrontEnd! Be sure to watch my Youtube tutorials so you can learn and follow along!
👑 This is the best 0x Protocol DeFI Swap App built for NextJS - Add this addon to your existing NextJS Project for a full fledged powerful DeFI Swap Interface Functionality. Allow Users to exchange crypto right from your web front end.
An API NodeJS script to automate image generation using Stable Diffusion AI Image Generator
This repo includes all the smart contracts and steps to learn and deploy a smart contract that will request an AAVE flash loan then use the funds to execute an arbitrage attack.
🎉An ERC20 Crypto Lottery Game App Repo - Build your own lottery game that pays with your own custom ERC20 Token!
🤑The Official ERC20 Algoritmic Stablecoin Project Tutorial Repo - Complete repo on how to deploy your own algorithmic stablecoin and back it with a hybrid collateral reserve between other stablecoins or cryptocurrencies.
🤑Build Your Own Defi Staking dApp - The Official Github Repo with all the supporting code to follow the Youtube Tutorial so you can build your own DeFI Staking Rewards dApp.
⚡ A very straightfoward guide to authenticate users in NextJS with NFTs. Block users that aren't holding a specific ERC721 NFT
How to write Solana SPL Token Programs to launch your own token on the Solana blockchain.
🐱🏍 Learn Smart, Not hard! This is a repo that includes very straightforward cheatsheets to learn Solidity and JS functions.
The simplest web application to generate AI images using many AI models incluiding Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, MidJourney and others!!
This app will auto generate your NFT Collection Art using OpenAI. It will generate each NFT Metadata as well, Upload all of it to IPFS, auto create the smart contract then auto deploy it to the blockchain. It will also create the mint portal so you can sell the nfts!
A NextJS Web3 app that allows users to create and interact ERC-6551 tokenbound accounts (NFT Wallet). Send and Store ERC-20 tokens in NFT. Withdraw tokens and more!
Build a Static HTML Web3 Frontend that can be hosted in IPFS to have a true serverless, decentralized web3 application.
The Ultimate ERC-404 Token Tutorial - Deploy your own ERC-404 then provide liquidity with an UniswapV3 Pool
Because time is money, here's the easiest docker cheatsheet you will find on the internet, period.
A function that returns transfer events from ERC-20 token smart contracts without the need of third party API. Straight from the blockchain!
The Official Net2Dev Move Languague Video Tutorial Repo
A very simple way of determining user's geolocation and redirecting them to their closest destination. No CDN nor cloud loadbalancing service required.
A simple defi staking calculator based on a Masterchef contract formula to help you understand the math behind LP Staking. Just run in NodeJS
Functions to easily interact with Soroban Smart Contracts using JS and the Stellar SDK
A simple yet powerful NodeJS Database App. Create a new local JSON format database, read and write to it using POST API endpoints!!!
A repo with sample contracts to show you how you can translate from Solidity to Rust and deploy on Stellar's Soroban smart contract platform.
Net2Dev Official Aptos Blockchain development Tutorial Videos GitHub Repo
A Stellar Soroban Smart Contract and NextJS Front-end App that integrates the Freighter wallet that enables users to vote in proposals.
A simple straightforward addon using Viem to replace the deprecated Web3Modal on your NextJS Web3 Project with Ethers