nesl / Black-box-ECG-attack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The code in this repository is for the paper "Hard-Label Black-Box Adversarial Attack on Deep Electrocardiogram Classifier". It was created for use within the Google Colab environment, which is based on Python 3. The files required from this GitHub Repository are in the ECG_v1 folder and the ECG_Adversarial_Attacks.pynb, download them to get started.

File Descriptions

Within ECG_v1 folder main document for running attack function definitions used in, saving necessary numpy files of progress of attack additional function definitions, specifically the smoothing function for perturbations


The ECG_Adversarial_Attacks.pynb is used to running both our black box attack and the white box attack we compared it with. There are comments about how to run both attacks. The code cells should be run in order which they are presented. The additional necessary files are all cited with links and scripts, including the dataset, white-box attack, and required versions of TensorFlow and other packages.

Further details regarding the white-box attack and its respective arguments can be found in the repository below:

All instructions for downloading and preparing the ECG dataset to replicate this are in the ECG_Adversarial_Attacks.pynb file.

Exmaple of Black Box Boundary Attack for Pairs of ECG Data (Original & Target)

%cd /content/drive/My Drive/ECG_v1

# i and j represent the 4 types of ECG classifications 
# k represents how many pairs the user decides to create for each combination of original and target ECG pairs
for i in range(4):
  for j in range(4):
    if(i == j):
    for k in range(10):
      title = "ECG_orig{}_target{}".format(i,j) +"/" + "ECG_Pair{}".format(k)
      !python --input_dir ./PairedDataPhysio/$title/ --store_dir ./results_Physio/$title/ --net ./ResNet_30s_34lay_16conv.hdf5 --max_steps steps --s --win len --candidate

Optional Arguments

  • --input_dir: path for folder containing both original and target ECG numpy files
  • --store_dir: path where resulting numpy files from attack will be saved to
  • --net: path for victim ECG classification model
  • --max_steps: maximum number of iterations allowed for boundary attack, default is 10000
    • our attack set steps to 8000
  • --s: including this argument applies hanning filter to perturbations
  • --win: length of hanning filter applied to pertubations (only used if --s is used)
    • our attack set len to 41
  • --candidate: including this argument creates a starting point initialized closer to the original

Additional Possible Arguments Not Included

  • --max_queries: indicates user wants a limited number of queries, default is infinite
    • our attack used the default, allowing for as many queries as necessary


License:MIT License


Language:Python 54.4%Language:Jupyter Notebook 45.6%