nanoqsh / dunge

Simple and portable 3d render library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple and portable 3d render based on WGPU.


  • Simple but flexible API
  • Desktop, WASM and Android support
  • Customizable vertices and shaders
  • Pixel perfect render with custom layers
  • Light sources and light spaces

Application area

The library is for personal use only. I use it to create my applications and I make API suitable exclusively for my problems. Perhaps in the future API will settle down and the library will be self-sufficient for other applications.

Getting Started

Let's render a colorful triangle for example. First, we need to add the dependency of dunge in the Cargo.toml:

cargo add dunge

Then, let's create a new window to draw something in it:

use dunge::{CanvasConfig, InitialState};

fn main() {
        .run_blocking(CanvasConfig::default(), App::new)
        .expect("loop error");

make_window creates a new instance of Canvas type and sets up window properties, it allows us to handle an input from users. run_blocking runs our application by calling the constructor of it and passes the Context object there. Context uses for creation and updating of meshes, textures, instances etc.

To be able to draw something, you need to define a vertex type with the Vertex trait implementation and a shader type with the Shader trait implementation:

use dunge::{Shader, Vertex};

// Instead of manually implementing the trait, use a derive macro.
// Note the struct must have the `repr(C)` attribute
struct Vert(#[position] [f32; 2], #[color] [f32; 3]);

struct TriangleShader;
impl Shader for TriangleShader {
    type Vertex = Vert; // Specify the vertex type 

The App is our application type, we need to create it:

use dunge::{Context, Layer, Mesh, MeshData};

struct App {
    layer: Layer<TriangleShader>,
    mesh: Mesh<Vert>,

impl App {
    fn new(context: &mut Context) -> Self {
        // Create a layer
        let layer = context.create_layer();

        // Create a mesh
        let mesh = {
            let data = MeshData::from_verts(&[
                Vert([-0.5, -0.5], [1., 0., 0.]),
                Vert([ 0.5, -0.5], [0., 1., 0.]),
                Vert([ 0.,   0.5], [0., 0., 1.]),


        Self { layer, mesh }

To be able to pass the App in run_blocking we need to implement a Loop trait for it:

use dunge::{Input, Frame, Loop, Rgba};

impl Loop for App {
    // This calls once before every `render`
    fn update(&mut self, context: &mut Context, input: &Input) {
        // You can update the context here. For example create and delete meshes.
        // Also you may want to handle an user's input here.

    // This calls every time the application needs to draw something in the window
    fn render(&self, frame: &mut Frame) {
            .with_clear_color(Rgba::from_bytes([0, 0, 0, u8::MAX]))

Finally, let's run our code:

cargo run

Now you should see something like this



See examples directory for more examples. To build and run an example do:

cargo r -p <example_name>


Simple and portable 3d render library

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 97.3%Language:WGSL 2.5%Language:HTML 0.3%