mushtaq96 / my_tech

a summary of the techstack that i intend to use irrespective of the machine.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

my_tech(ubuntu 18 machine)

installed terminator

installed fish - type fish_config on cli and follow

installed sublime text 3

installed pip3

installed anaconda to run jupyter notebook

install gnome tweaks

sudo apt install bucklespring / use 'snap' - nostalgia

autoenv - A pip package for ease of python environment activations

Interesting things to check out:-

Important things to remember:-

  1. Where are update and apt-get files are stored?

    • /var/cache/apt/archives
    • usage: sudo apt-get install sudo aot-get update
    • apt(Advanced Package Tool) : cli tool for package management on linux distros like ubuntu, debian, mint etc.
  2. conda has some techgnical issues when running with fish shell.This link helps,

  3. Much needed extentions(firefox version) Https everywhere, Grammarly, Wikiwand, ad block plus, momentum, hoxx vpn, onetab, english popup dictionary

    web search navigator(chrome) - keyboard shortcuts for surfing the web

  4. Using NVM(node version manager)

    If you're using Node Version Manager (nvm), you can switch to a different version of Node.js by using the nvm use command. Here's how you can do it:

    1. First, check the available versions of Node.js on your system with nvm ls. The output will show all installed versions.
    2. If you don't have the required version (16.14 or higher as per your error message), you can install it using nvm install 16.14.
    3. After installation, you can switch to the new version with nvm use 16.14.

    Now, your terminal session will use the specified version of Node.js. You can verify this by running node -v, which should output v16.14.

    After switching to the compatible Node.js version, try running yarn install again in your project directory.

    Remember, nvm settings are local to the terminal session. If you open a new terminal window or tab, you'll need to select the Node.js version again using nvm use.

  5. Yarn and npm are both package managers for JavaScript, but they work in slightly different ways.

    The reason for choosing one could be a matter of personal preference or specific features that one package manager provides. For example, some developers prefer Yarn because it's often faster and has a few features that npm doesn't have, like workspaces. On the other hand, npm is bundled with Node.js and has a larger user base.

    However, it's generally recommended to stick with one package manager for a project to avoid inconsistencies. The lock files generated by Yarn and npm (yarn.lock and package-lock.json, respectively) are not compatible with each other. This means that if some developers on a team use npm and others use Yarn, they might end up with different versions of the same dependencies, leading to bugs that are hard to track down.

    In your case, you could replace npm start with yarn start and npm build with yarn build, if you want to use Yarn consistently. Similarly, if you want to use npm, you could replace yarn install with npm install. Just make sure to delete the incorrect lock file (yarn.lock if you're using npm, or package-lock.json if you're using Yarn) before you install the dependencies.

    You can check if a module is installed in your project by looking at the dependencies section of your package.json file. If the module is listed there, it means it’s installed.

  6. Port Conflicts Terminate the Existing Process: If you prefer to use port 3000, you’ll need to terminate the existing process that’s using it. The warning message indicates that the process ID (pid) is 6648. You can terminate this process by running kill -9 6648 in your terminal.

    Find and Terminate the Process Using the Port: If you don’t know the pid, you can find out which process is using port 3000 with the command lsof -i :3000. This will give you a list of processes using the port, from which you can find the pid and terminate it with the kill command.

    After resolving the port conflict, try running your application again.

  7. VS Code In Visual Studio Code, you can collapse all code blocks in the current file using the following steps:

    1. Press Ctrl + K and then Ctrl + 0 (the zero number key) to fold all. To unfold all, you can press Ctrl + K and then Ctrl + J.

    If you want to collapse all directories in the Explorer pane, you can use the following shortcut²:

     1. Press `Ctrl + Shift + E` to focus on the Explorer pane.
     2. Press `Ctrl + Left Arrow` to collapse all directories.


a summary of the techstack that i intend to use irrespective of the machine.