murffious / FullStackMastery-Resources

Resources to help full stack web developers master their craft

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IN PROGRESS - CHECK BACK LATER test SKILLS notes in BLUE are all taken from real job psotings, copy and pasted the skill as is on the post as required skills to get a job in full stack javascirpt engineer or software enginner whihc is lots of the time a full stack dev.

4 year study plan

Software Engineer

  • Goal master all the skills needed to be a senior software engineer or more
  • Have a solid demonstrated foundation of CS knowledge needed to compete at big companies or CS students
  • Have a structured way to master small pieces and knowledge at a time.

CS knowledge Internet/WW/computer general knowledge

Problem Solving and Analytical Skils

Library/Framework Mastery/Knowledge

Linux/MocOS/Windows knowledge

CSE 591 Software Engineering Principles and Concepts (3)

CSE 543 Information Assurance and Security (3) CSE 565 Software Verification and Validation, and Testing (3) CSE 566 Software Project, Process and Quality Management (3)

Building and deploying applications to cloud hosting providers and key concepts of web security Programming languages Front-End Foundations Advanced concepts of CSS and JavaScript Programming Foundations Basic programming concepts with choice of JavaScript, C#, Ruby or Java Front-End Frameworks Front-end frameworks and Single Page Web Applications (SPA) with AngularJS or ReactJS Back-End Foundations Concepts of server-side software development, relational and non-relational databases, webservers, and software platforms in Express, ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, or Spring Database Foundations Database concepts, theory, and an overview of various implementations and architectures Mobile Apps & Responsive Design Mobile applications (iOS/Android), Angular and Cordova, and Responsive Design Agile Project Management & Career Skills Principles of managing software projects and teams, interview techniques, and career search skills Deployment & Web Security The basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Source Control

Key Activities: 1. 2. Contribute to team and organizational improvements in process and infrastructure 3. Build customer-facing UI and back-end services for payment processing administration and management 4. Effectively use tools and ingenuity to identify and fix defects before they become a problem 5. Invent new things and create world-changing software!

Education: Education level required: | B.S. Computer Science or equivalent experience Major/Field of study: | Computer Science or related field

Technical knowledge required:

  1. Experience developing secure node.js applications and web services, OOD, MVC architecture, npm, github, and other principles of software engineering and design | Strong
  2. Solid understanding of internet and IP communications protocols and formats such as TCP/IP, HTTP, XML, JSON, etc. | Strong
  3. Proficient in Linux/Unix and comfortable with Mac/Windows | proficient
  4. Experience with frameworks such as Angular, React, Express etc. | Strong
  5. Solid understanding of RESTful service architecture and APIs | Strong


  1. Written and oral communication in English | Fluent |
  2. Software design and architecture, unit testing | Strong
  3. Node.js development and frameworks such as Express, Angular, React | Strong |
  4. Database integration, internet communications, JSON,HTTP | Very Strong 5.Javascript/CoffeeScript and related tools and technologies | Strong | 6. Ability to work on a team, innovate, and LOVE technology | Expert

Experience: Java, software development, OOD, web services | Years: Minimum 5 years

web services

2 Purposes of this document. I accept contructive fedback and plan on the great resource of oter devs citirazizqking what I am trying to do here and admitting this has almost certanly been done before maybe even better but by doing this I am becoming

  1. Devs looking for mastery of their craft with the goal to be a Senior Full stack Developer (That is me) although some of this will not be new its the holistic nature of the read me that may help and follow thorugh on mastery of chosen
  2. Someon who is wondering if they shoud do a bootcamp, self teach how to code. and if so where to start.

READING CODE = if you know the vaculary and function is very useful so study for HTLM cool website jsut pull up google chrome and read the code. study it - if anything seems new google it and note it down copy and paste it in to a ongoing sandbox folder.

READ ME TUROIALS - KEY IF the tutiral is well done it will work but iwth almost all cases code is exact so instaead of trying to make someting work form jsut reading it - alwasy clone the whole repo and get it working on your set up perfectly as intendded buyt he author then try to fit int into yoru project. I have seen this with auth alot its hard to get everypeice fit into your ongoing project but you need to confir it works as intended before you spend all the time tryin g ot use it. SKILL - getting other peopls code to work with yours. Stack overlfow titel seems to be helpful but you have to adapt the working code to your own sitiation . varibale names and so forth. if you can alwasy copy and paste exact code and get working then refactro (defien this )

DYNAMIC is the key to everything : what does hardcode mean - static it means that - so DATA FLOW for indiivual itemized dat from large amoutn saray of it dbs fulkl of it . So the process is ussually to"hack it togheth" wiht hardcoded single use data modeled after the real data. tehn integrate the data. Get one thing working at a time. MVP for projects.

Let us repeat this again together: "Errors will be a fact of life."

put int trends area SKILLS: LEGACY CODE UPGRADES courses etc. Angular 1.5 to 2.0 older Re3act to new stuff - Php to react is proplaur right now or Vue - build same project in diffen langauges - show employers

Do not let them discourage you. Do not let them bring you down. Do not let them make you quit. PRevnet BUGS clean code syntax style guide Test Often DEBUGGING isolate your attention to the lines of code closest to the feature that is broken. If clicking that button doesn't trigger a pop-up like you expected, look closely at the code associated with the button. Check your syntax carefully. Check how you've named things. Check your parenthesis. Check if you're capitalization is off. save - build webpack etc Reference Working Code check error mesasge

After completing this pre-work module, you will have each of the following installed:

Google Chrome Slack Visual Studio Code "Open in Browser" Visual Studio Code extension Git Git Bash (Windows) Terminal (Mac, Pre-Installed) Homebrew (Mac) Heroku Toolbelt Node.js MySQL Workbench or POstgres PG admin or Sequel PRo MAMP In addition, you will also have accounts on each of the following websites:

LinkedIn GitHub Stack Overflow Slack jazzy hjaj Improving your Algorithms & Data Structure Skills Article Study hash tables and try to understand them on a deeper level. This data structure underlies objects in JavaScript (dictionaries in Python and hashes in Ruby). Understand how trees and graphs can be beneficial as data structures. Understand the basics of Big-O analysis so you don’t do silly things like create a nested loop 3 levels down if you don’t need to! Know when to use an object vs an array and understand the trade-offs. Learn why caching is so important when working with a large amount of data. Also learn the pros and cons of in-memory vs disk storage. Learn the difference between queues and stacks. SKILLS


web comopnetns liek stencil reusable cusotm izable valinna js custom not only used in those frmawoeokeds react vue angular angagiong web apps interactive manage state - thecniques fo rspeed and UX , routing static web pags - The answer are Static Page Generators like Jekyll, Hugo or projects like Nuxt.js for Vue.js (it's inspired by Next.js for React). All these tools and projects allow us to do one thing: Build web pages that we then pre-render on our local server or some build server. We then deploy a bunch of static files - HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Done! PWA google io web tech to build mobile app like xperinces offline support on an d on no tinstalled at app store - #1 reach hard to find new apps - web search can find it - uses service workers server less apps -let AWS maange sacalbitly AI bots -AI is a broad field though. You can dive into Python, Machine Learning, Big Data, Deep Learning and building AI tools yourself. If you master all of that, you'll have golden times ahead of you ;).Consider tools like AWS Lex, a service that allows you to build intelligent chat bots which you can implement into your page. Tools like this make AI accessible to all of us and allow you to focus on your idea and business logic. video on how these work HTTP in general

How to Become a Senior Full Stack Developer

  1. been to a boot camp and want to porgess asa developer(that's me)
  2. considering a bootcamp and wondering what will be taugt
  3. want to be a self taught programmer
  4. got or getting a cs degree and want to learn about full stack web dvelpoemtn Been to 3 bootcamps. 1. Paid Immersive FT 12 hours day for 3 months. 2. udemy past bootcamp teacher made his own course 3. a University Supported Professional Coding Bootcamp. 4. BOoks on holisitc full stack Web develoment: 5. 1 year experince coding and want to make senior in at best 3 years and maximum 7 years. like tech and want to make up to 78-170 accoridng to google

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Internet/computer basics......Client Side - Server side Your First Code Initial Setup....... the coders workflow and dev environment..... WEB APP: HTML structure WEB APP: STyle CSS Bootstrap etc interactivity JS Jquery JS frameworks libraries tempalting (maybe extra section after servers ) lodash, dev tools - grunt gulp webpack bridge to data AJAX JSON APIS SERVER REDisS NODe express STACKS MERN MEAN SEAN DATA STORE testing TDD stripe, shippo , writing clean code maintainable, scalable Deployment (platform) CDIC some call this dev ops but with small companies like above QA testers real full stack and at small companies hanlde most of this if not the CTO or at leat Seniro waht i want ot be ) Mobile App development and desktop apps - SEO maybe as extra topic INterview questions and Career stuff pluralsight and certiifcations - free test W3 SCHOOLS AND OTHER ONES I HAVE FOUND OOP and ALgorithms CS101 -BIG O Contributing to the community

Internet/Computer Basics

COMPUTER knowledge : Some of this information can seem tedious to pick but it does come in handy and I have talked to many developers who don't fully get all this. I think hte really good ones know this but most don't. How many ports are there? 65000 - useful to know with server side tech Files types JSON form-data url encoded three I have sen the most

SKILL: Proficient in Linux/Unix and comfortable with Mac/Windows - taken from a real job psoting for a full stack engineer OS MAC Windows Linux Which one is best for a devleoper. Well I think that is dependent on langauge and is subjective really. The bust produccts are usually availble for all 3. Mac comes with a better built in terminal bash than Windows and LInux comes pre installed with Python - I have seen on job psoting - experience with LInux as an actual skill, Windows has its own things like microsfot dev suite and you can get what is known as a virtual machine of windows - we may come backk to virtual machines later. Just knwo the term. and know whatever your preference youo can still code. some LInux basics - windwos mac in dev set up

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. Static versus dynamic webpage advacned technologies 55 WPM or so but not going to kill you if its not


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

Give examples

Your First Code and Laying a Programming Foundation

Just a thought for the self-taught (i.e. not obtaining a university degree in CS):

Learning how to program outside of school is increasingly common. A 2015 Stack Overflow (an online community of programmers) survey found 48 percent of respondents did not have a degree in computer science. -Althoff, Cory. The Self-Taught Programmer: The Definitive Guide to Programming Professionally (p. 3). Triangle Connection LLC. Kindle Edition.

What is programming ?

Programming is writing instructions for a computer to execute. The instructions might tell the computer to print Hello, World!, scrape data from the Internet, or read the contents of a file and save them to a database. These instructions are called code.

For an example see this Harvard CS 50 video WATCH: 17:45 -25:55. Main take away: computers can only do exactly what you tell them to do, no more no less. So learn to be very detailed and specific.

Before writing any code even Harvard kids start out on Scratch DO: Make a game or spend a few hours on Hour of Code. The main concepts you need to pick up on are statements(commands to the computer), loops(repeat something), conditions(like a fork in the road, if/else), Boolean Expressions(something is either true or false) and more.

After having covered some basic coding concepts you are ready to write real code. You can now jump into learning for free on all of these sites: Google and YouTube have thousands of tutorials. Here are some pretty good ones:

Warning: Be committed - Not one person ever told me coding (also known as programming) was easy Be committed - Like leaning to speak a foriegn language coding requires study and practice and more practice Be committed - It takes time and diligence and consitency lots of struggle and stretching for most nd ALWAYS BE CODING - once you learn a few concepts try to use it and play around make a folder called /sandbox and jsut make use of new things there. SKILLS: Google Fu Skill in using search engines (especially Google) to quickly find useful information on the Internet stack overflow with g - dont need to memorize everythign at first

FULL STACK define A Full-Stack Web Developer is someone who is able to work on both the front-end and back-end portions of an application. Front-end generally refers to the portion of an application the user will see or interact with, and the back-end is the part of the application that handles the logic, database interactions, user authentication, server configuration, etc. SO using the definitions above: Full Stack Web Development is writing the instructions for a web browser to interpret in order to render and make work a website on the internet. That includes what is known as back-end and front-end technologies as we learned above the client side and server side.

Start with Codecademy. You will need to register (it's free) then click into Web Development and bascially try to lick the top right to go to learn or catalog and start iwth HTML CSS and JavaScript or any language of choice. There are paid portions of the site but you can do a lot for free. The paid stuff includes quizzes and more activities.

Preparing for a Bootcamp or learning on the side in college

PAID - All(I think) have a free trail period. So hitting your free week or 10 days or month on each one can really get you going if you have a few hours per day. More popular way and a very good relatively cheap way tree house linked in learning or codeschool front end masters

Initial Setup Installing the Basics to Code on your local computer

Your ready to get coding you will need to set up yoru computer. I have used all three and found tutrials to have mixed results. So all iI can say is trial and error. Google one for your set up and good luck. So google HOW TO INSTALL ___ on LInux Mac OS Windows etc.

installs code editor git git bash for windows NOde Heroku account GIT HUB and or Bit bucket (private repositories i.e. cloubd based storage of code)

More tech specific tutorials egghead

Codewars. ...

What advantage does a bootcamp really give over self taught ? Should I do a bootcamp or self teach ? If there were anyway to convince a person there is no need for a bootcamp I will find it. Imagine this: 1 year experience collecting everything and trying to tell someone everything they learned in bootcamp and full time emploemtn and many horus of googling and many courses and tutorials. All they tell you is to go on stakc overflow and for me - activites have some one or some other student to ask how to do it when sstuck . its the getting unstuck that is priceless with boootcamps. one aleterntiave is active pteachers and ta s on udemy and other sites treehouse tehese actually work pretty good but most do not have immediate feedback. Guided activites : ineractions with other studetns (netowrking etc) google code 360 and othr walkthrogh for coding challenges that boot camp prep calss i have hackreactor

  1. finsih bootcamp review of whole flow demtn and Uof
  2. reorganzie my whole sturcture
  3. being to fill in each section
  4. find somehow to get activites. maek sure to link interview questions and mayeb take resources form devmtn reosource page - Watch (and chat with) developers live as they code projects. Great for seeing the thought process of other developers. It's also fun to watch them struggle with bugs. TwitchTV - Programming - Similar concept as Li


A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running

Say what the step will be

Give the example

And repeat

until finished

End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo

Running the tests

Explain how to run the automated tests for this system

Break down into end to end tests

Explain what these tests test and why

Give an example

And coding style tests

Explain what these tests test and why

Give an example


Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system

Built With

  • Dropwizard - The web framework used
  • Maven - Dependency Management
  • ROME - Used to generate RSS Feeds


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc

state of Javascirpt here then go into librqires -

Learn OR Typescript my comments, content useful links and books: challange or activtiy like writing the same app in 2-3 langauges Make something new. It doesn’t have to be innovative. You’re not starting a business, so clone, copy, repeat, show your dev skills not your product brainstorming skills. make a toy problems repo with your own comments and notes conists of copy paste your acnswer and problems form popular sites with psuedo code or comments

STUFF to DO - ongoing form a group for a group project practice working in teams

JS timers, JS contructors DS Firebase SQL - sequelize MOngo Mongoose tip TAB word completion in vs code and terminal or start typing and select from list - hover over something vs code

“The art of readable code” (Boswell, Foucher). The fundamental theorem of readability : code should be written to minimize the time it would take for someone else to understand it ! Things you can do to imporve your code: picking good names,(semantic meaningful names)
writing good comments formatting your code neatly (clean use of whitespace)

Linting — prevent bugs by not writing wrong code In development, this is linting. Linters are software that analyses your code while you write it. It executes the partial code in the background and tells you when something is wrong. In the past you needed to install and configure linters yourself. These days, many come as extensions to editors with preconfigured rules. Rules that are the result of years of experts arguing and finding a consensus what makes sense. Google’s developer tools in Chrome give you similar insights. Reading through the results of linters is a good learning exercise. They not only tell you that something is wrong, but also why, what the effects are and how to fix it.

This editor is open source and comes with hundreds of extensions to help you with your tasks. It has linting built-in and allows for setting breakpoints in the editor itself. It contains a command line interface to do more hard-core tasks and has Git version control built in. There is something great about not having to jump from editor to browser to terminal.

CDID lighthouse nibber Paul Murff [7:21 PM] (edited) paste url and get analysis

[7:21] (edited)

[7:21] (edited)


OS Linux ubutu Apple Unix1970 windows

Codecademy. Chances are if you have looked into learning to code before, you've encountered Codecademy. ...

nginix open pathway for accesing thorugh a portal or -


SPECAIL FILES .env .config .gitignore docker yaml linte rc

SKILLS from my Dreams jobs:

APPLE Description Design and develop software architecture for large scale, multi-tier Apple Product Operations. Design and develop tools and dashboards used for Apple’s Operations organization. Design and develop large scale databases. Gather requirements from business users. Support production activities requiring database updates and release of new features for existing tools and dashboards. Perform code reviews. Redesign existing applications for better user experience involving performance and usability. Review hardware infrastructure planning and provide support when required for software upgrades. Education Details Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, or related field and 10 years of progressive post-baccalaureate experience in the job offered or related occupation. Key Qualifications 5+ years of hands-on experience with NoSQL database management systems: Splunk, ElasticSearch, Solr or similar as a developer or administrator. Solid understanding of modern Big Data principles, esp. in NoSQL domain as well as relational databases (e.g. MySQL, Oracle) Efficient programming capabilities in any of the following: Perl, Python, TCL or Makefile Web development with any of the following: PHP, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, XML, HTML, CSS Experience with data reporting and data visualization. Excellent communications skills and customer interfacing. Skill Desired Are Strong Java skills core java, jUnit and object oriented design and development. Spring core, spring boot, spring data and spring cloud. At minimum Spring core and Spring boot NoSQL and SQL DBs like MongoDB, HBase, Kafka and Big Data platform like Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Impala etc. Front end technologies. Preferred Skills: React JS, HTML4/5, CSS3, AJAX & JQuery (Nice to have) Exposure to Docker, Mesos, Marathon etc. (Nice to have)

ADOBE FULL STACK You love writing software You want to be responsible for the full lifecycle of a project: from user story breakdown, design, and git init, to implementation, testing, documentation, and maintenance You have an insatiable desire to simplify complex problems, and create an even simpler interface to the solution You enjoy building robust, scalable, fault-tolerant systems

Must-haves Professional software development experience with any of the following languages: Go, Scala, Ruby, Python, C++, C, Erlang, Haskell, C#, Clojure, D, Elixir, F#, Java, Perl, Rust Excellent communication skills (we’re a geographically distributed team) Good API design skills Have written a HTTP API *nix and git experience Basic understanding of CAP theorem Really-nice-to-haves Open source contributions or projects Distributed systems experience Low-level systems or network programming experience AWS experience (“I've used the console” doesn’t count) Misc: Docker, CI/CD setup/operation, multithreaded programming, stability patterns

We craft tools,processes, and workflows for teams; enabling Containerization, Clusterization, and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). developing cloud-hosted (AWS), responsive, single page web applications using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 5+ years of experience in developing cloud-hosted (AWS), responsive, single page web applications using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 Experience architecting large-scale web applications in Vue, React, Angular or another comparable JavaScript frameworks Able to integrate with and manage APIs exposing micro services (REST, SOAP) including development and support of Java/JavaScript services. Experience with build tools (including Webpack, Gulp, Grunt), as well as transpiling, minification, concatenation and other build-time optimizations Knowledge of security concerns in web technology Knowledge of optimizing client side performance Strong testing discipline and experience using Jest, Jasmine, Karma, Selenium or another comparable testing framework Up-to-date knowledge of JavaScript design patterns as well as object oriented and functional design Familiarity with test-and-learn approaches using web and customer analytics data, and understanding how it drives development Exceptional front-end debugging skills Strong organizational and communication skills, both verbal and written BS degrees in computer science or equivalent experience

Preferred Skills

Test Driven Development (TDD), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD) Experience with Docker and other containerization technologies Java experience Experience with source code control, especially Git Experience with online commerce concepts and terminology Experience working with Agile methodologies (Scrum, Lean Startup, XP) and cross-functional teams (Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Developers, Designers) OTHER ADOBE Design and develop microservice solutions at scale in a big data cloud platform. Solve complex business and technical problems involving large-scale data aggregation, workflow and reporting. Research and exercise proficiency with new technologies. Gain a solid understanding of the Adobe Analytics platform workflows and be willing to drive solutions that span across one or more cross-functional Engineering teams. Develop product enhancements and features with a strong focus on effective customer engagement and satisfaction. What you need to succeed M.S. or B.S. in Computer Science or equivalent field, and at least 3 years experience developing software. Solid object-oriented programming background in Java. Database programming knowledge including SQL and MongoDB. Experience building and scaling RESTful web services. Experience working in a Linux environment. Must be detail-oriented, self-motivated, responsive, professional and dedicated to customer success. Experience with building and deploying back end services platforms. Demonstrated ability to contribute to projects of varying complexity, including integration with other products and systems to identify areas of new feature development. Excellent interpersonal skills.

lds church The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is seeking a Web Software Engineer for the team. We are a large organization with many different teams. Our team delivers web apps across the world to over 130 languages and many cultures. The apps that we build support many of the key content products such as General Conference, the Scriptures, the History of the Church, and Youth websites. The Web Development team for uses leading edge technologies such as ES6, React/Redux, Babel, Post-css, Webpack, and are forward thinking to CSS-Grid, custom elements, ES6 modules, and other layout techniques. We train and support and build one another. This individual works with divine guidance to provide or support technology that furthers the mission of the Church and reflects the eternal impact of the gospel. Responsibilities As Web Software Engineer you focus on front-end delivery of the products for your team. Your team will be responsible for utilizing and maintaining a templating framework using ReactJs / Redux. You will also be responsible to work in legacy codebase using HandlebarsJs and native JavaScript. Under the direction of the team lead you will help direct the agile development process and will have ownership of the quality of the front-end code.

To do this, you will need to: Develop with the React/Redux stack. Be comfortable using the latest tools and frameworks. Be active in knowing and understanding what is coming up in the front-end space. Build a positive work atmosphere by building coworkers and never tearing them down. This is an important one to us. We want everyone to have a voice and feel valued. Qualifications 3 to 4 years of experience in developing on the web. Understand Nodejs and be able to own the front-end server. The ability to break down high level requirements documents and designs and direct the front-end work of your team. Understand component driven development and build highly reusable component patterns. Good understanding of JavaScript. Build performant web apps and know how performance effects worldwide distribution of content. Understand Git and GitFlow. Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience.

lds software engineer 4 Skills Solid understanding of basic computer science concepts of data structures, operating systems principles, computer languages, algorithms, and data storage You have the ability to follow the design and implement simple features of a system, including appropriate tests; able to design proper interactions between components to implement features Have strong analytical, problem solving, organizational, and detail oriented skills You need to be able to work on a team as well as individually in an adaptable, agile environment Solid experience using a database, including data creation and retrieval Demonstrated experience building production web applications and supporting APIs using the following technologies: JavaScript Git RESTful APIs JSON XML Server side technologies Bonus technical skills ReactJS HTML CSS XQuery Node.js MarkLogic or other NoSQL experience Localization and internationalization

ANCESTRY .com software engineer Job Description Ancestry is looking for a talented Software Developer to help with the development of the website and our migration to Amazon Web Services. You will be a key member of a team designing and developing the Ancestry home page, pedigree viewer, and more. We are an agile and close-knit team and the ideal candidate will be open to shifts in frameworks and development tasks, willing to assertively and collaboratively get things done, and most of all willing to learn new technologies. You will Convert webpages from C#/.Net to microservices using node.js. Analyze code for bottlenecks and performance issues, then design and implement solutions. Write excellent unit and integration tests Creating/managing REST API endpoints Qualifications 2+ years of website development with Javascript Experience with Angular/React Experience with Node.js Bachelor's degree in related field required Understanding of an agile software development process, including object oriented analysis, design, and implementation Preferred Skills Experience developing and deploying cloud-based solutions AWS integrations including ECS, RDS, DynamoBD, and Lambda Creating and managing Docker-deployed applications Understanding of high-availability/fault-tolerance and caching techniques Understanding of design patterns Experience with Microsoft Visual Studio Understanding of Git source control

Purpose: A guide to improving your skills in Full Stack Software / Web Devlopment.

About me: After writing my first lines of code while taking a basic tutorial on Codecademy in January of 2017 it was about 1 year later when I was fully employed in a stable job as a Full Stack Software developer at a good wage. To do that I became proficient. Proficiency and Mastery are two different things so this guide is dedicated to the latter. To make Senior I must become a master at my craft. I set the goal to master my craft within 5 years and to become an expert. Just doing my work each day is not going to be enough I thought so I made this project to help me and figured others would benefit as well.

**This is just a resource I do not claim ownership of anything on here.

video on the Hiostry of the the internet here. HArvard CS 50 calss either year or latest one edx HTML class as well free Udemy courses They have really good articles like this one

leetcode TAB autocomplete in terinal and code enter select

Making cool README Open up Issues and drg a photo from the Harddrive or whever into the box and copy the link that auto generates that will display a real photo

Skill: Workflow

This is intended to be the first most basic steps> If something is unfamilar ebleive me you will not want to skip over it. I have sat next to a 7 year veteran Senior dev and he did not know some of these keys Text Editor (IDE integrated development environment) - VS code is winning the fight according to some sources to be honest my personal opinoin is that overall its the easiet to use and is free. Webstorm is cool but cost moneya and has differnt hot keys and bascially is hard to learn from my epxerience people still using Sublime are jsut "don't want to change old shocoolers" which has its place for peopel that are really good and don't need more or new. If you want to use Sublime, Atom whatever then jsut google how to do all these things in that editor and you will be fine. But they all are great so that would be a worthwhile exericse. pro tip: Goal skill: be able to quickly move through all your files (code) find functions variables and their instances CTRL is the same as using the command key on Mac CTRL + A Selects all CTRL + G Go To a line number CTRL + C ULTIMATE KEY OF ALL copy surprisingly high nuer of previous non coders dont reallu use this unless really good on a computer right lcik copy is super slow ) CTRL + V Paste SHIFT UP ARROW move the line up or down not sure what this key is yet look it up CTRL + D (esp useful remember to use Home and End keys to dynamically scroll to end or beginning of the lines text dynamically) CTRL + ?/ (after selecting a block of code this will comment or uncomment if commented out the whole block or line) Save all key bidnings etc config for es lint and js options etc CTRL + P file name search CTRl + SHIFT + F find all occurences in all files in workspace CTRL + Z CTRL + SHIFT + Z ALT + UP or ALT + DOWN moves the current line up or down on the page double click on file at top or left and it will have its own window if you don't dot his and click another file without editing it will disappear and the tab be overwrittn. also the text goes italic whne not clicked twice Code snippets ! tab boilerplate for example <li* turns into <li 3x etc drag the file from the top open status to the terminal and it puts the exact path there useful for ruhnning node etc.

BOttm right click file type GO and has al ot of these keys but its ont usuauolyll my first thoguht to go to each tab and go thorugh each one and knowing whtat it does and when to use it.

GUI for git - bottom left branches and start and plus sign conflicts in purpole. CTTL + "~" open bottom tray with 4 optiosn . - mulitple terminals
problems with file on bottom bar

Debugger for Node vs code breakpoints conitional breakpoint - freeze at certain number in loop for example hit count then expression .
launch.json attach smart step blackboxing not into dependencies my code only restart stackframe column breakpoints on cahined on eline functions chrome and node in vs code seemlessly debug back end node and front end two runtimes

AUTH passport-with-sequelize-and-mysql karma.js nightmare.js

% key extentions for VS CODE Prettier - use a config as such open in browser - allows you to right click on an html file and load it in the browser Prettier- Codeformatter esbenp.prettier-vscode ES lint Beautify (says it works for React JSX but NOT that good ) Snippets of any language so for example when I type ccc tab it creates the whle component boiler plate in React. Jshint Emmet - code completion and snipppets Can turn off temporarily config : file for workspace


Terminal (for linus users use Terminator for teh ideal experience APple has similar) Unix Commands - The termminal is where programmers live GUI are cool and great but you will need to get used to useing this great tool. Growing up all I rmember was run.exe such and such . So Windows or other OS is jsut a GUI for doing this command Description pwd
ls ls -a see hidden files like git ls -ll see who owns the file (if it ever errors messages give you that you don't have that permission it may be wise to check what user owns it for example) cd [dir] mkdir [dir] rm touch cat cd ~ home root fg killall node killall -9 npm ipaddress stuff up key goes to last item and !! also repeats last command (this is very handy) down goes back down the line- Caution CTRL C stops the prcess from working so you have to use the mouse to copy and paste code

Git HUb or bitbucket

vim - sometimes your temrianl will jump to some weird looking screen it could mean you entered into VIM its like a text editor inside the terminal - good for making quick changes and adding commands/code to computer config files etc esc : wq

nano ctrl x

HTML - code validation W3 Semantic HTML list of tags markup browser interprets to render the page

live-server icons brady stuff cubernetes

Getting oriented with Chrome Google Dev tools (Also Mozilla ) Copy the entire things by clicking copy outer html also can copy the enitre css document in a snese by useing CSS Steal extension and indivually by viewing each itme and its CSS also you can find some of the JS

click the arrow to inpect an element see the CSS associated and the classes break down - mobile responsive and tablet view Network . XHR all the images scarpers source box model up and down arrow keys - can manipulate and chage the page how ever you like inclding repalcing images and chanign text

breakpoints console. (front end code only) remember the clear conosle siymbooll and persist logs so you get the logs even when chanign pages which can be useful

10 Words you need to know well MVC IDE DOM way of representing objects that can be defined via HTML and then later to be able to possibly interact with through a scripting lanague like JavaScript. HTML tags are known as nodes on the DOM. It can be ordered like a family tree chart. Parents, children, siblings and so forth in a heirarchal order. So a ul would be the parent of the li and if it has 2 li then those are siblings. Decendants is a common word.

Git or version control 99% of the commands I actually use in dev on the job ( not implying this is what should be or is done by others or even is the best set at all just plainly what I happen to use and sure it will evolve) git init (creates a folder for git version control .git) git add . git commit -m "my message here" git push git stash git stash apply git merge git reset HEad git log git status git checkout git checkout -b creates new branch fro one currently on - so use a development branch and each time start a new branch for each fauter then merge it back to dev. and rebase before pushing some others and linek to books and huge git hub repo of them git bisect git remote -v git pull git log . see commit number you can reset to a commit and checkout a commit so do it often git push --set-upstream origin nss-react-edit-billing

PREtiter ES LINT WARNING PERSONAL SOAP BOX feel free to skip or not : if you ever heard the joke ... I did from my CTO and Senior and other Junior Devs 2 or 4 spaces so I did some reaserch and top repos use 2 and 4 there are pros and cons to each. My philosophy is that I could careless jsut let the comoaony decide and if you are that person to decide then literally flip a coin casue I really dont't think it matters. But I amy be shot for sayinga s such annd have been yelled at for real. The most important thing is to make sure you use technolgyo or software to do it for you or in my book y0ou are not a real programmer in fact aht is what wwe do is make things besiter autoemated sreamlined by telling computers to do work for us. I promised myself when I learned about this debate I would never really get in the habit of hitting tab or spacces but when I hit CTRL S (save in your respective IDE ) the work would be done for you.

JavaScript - turnign arrays into strings and strings into arrays , sort , code wars specality lesson check list loop pusedo code

PRE MADE THEMES FREE portfolio sites bootstrap (my cpmsny buuy a theme and we se it so styling has become this way for m any companies ) working with these themes teh n is a skills

that store i found materilaize demos and opensource stuff

TOp - reduce, map- used a ton, isArray typeof isNan, itHasOqn Propety , for in , for of interval stuff index of module.exports in orms manipulation of DOM document.getELememtnBY Jquery lead in on the declilne but stil very useful JShint code editor , js - validator - usually done by some extension in vs code or IDe but still can be useful to isolate the expereince. JSON pretty print - commhnicating with jSOn objects between computers maybe by http stuff -

go daddy google sites getting a domian name - git hub pages , surge free options ZEIT

V8 engine mozilla servo js runtime rust paralellism chakra js core safari Interactiviy - dynamic websites manipulating the DOM, listeners for event handling - after grabbing a DOM element, adding deleting elements hiding from the DOM Jquery - some unique powerful selectors , abstracts some of the difficulties in maniputalitng the DOM callback allow for sequenceing asynchoromnous events examples: an app that allows a user to input comments - , clearing the input box, making the enter key do something - fading in new comment JS objects : collection of mulitiple variables that are usually related in some way truthy falsy null etc url encoded json stinrgify etc json parser - consume - that link about data types and my link to prts and so forth from wiki

fabric.js- canvas library programmable web


hints VSCODE OR NPM sections or soemthing package JSON - dev dependencies

EMAIL Service nodemailer monkey something aws ses

FULL server stack redis mongo db

git hib and git tutotil part SSH keys and commands config

dev envriroment - DOCKER - help us bootstrap teh development processs - create a clear separation between the client and the server APIS

resources reference htis books packt

Vagrant Virtual BOx virtual machine putty

compuer basics with port stuff and ip address internet basics localhost : port

server - serves up to clients FTP - browser interprets HTML CSS JS http creata server stuff node mouuels what are they - import access no path environments varibles : node process.env .env files

secrutiy sessentials .gitignore node moduels dS stroe config files

server or soemting

handling events - like click debugging tips: variables defined as expected - data being transferred properly replit , googel chorm console , this site give you an idea of how jQuery can help you and maybe even not use it Arrays ,variables, objects, if else, loops PLugins liek colorbox

Styles and code clean maintainble - meaninglful varibel names and funciton names - ORM patters OOP comments : CSS HTML JS quotes single or double , escapes and mixing quotes using small functions for testable pieces of code , modualrize 2-4 spaces

REFACTOR : Dry code - Don't repeat yourself - maps for example loops CSS hovers and oterh css greatness block inline box model SCSS SASS - atrucre varibleas mxin etc - link to 30 to know study some cool sites and see what they use 30 selectors to restrict stlistic rulesets to certain elements in the DOm inheritence rulesets apply to decendents in the DOm unless overridden . cascading rukes, whihc rule takes precednce, 1, 0,1,1, point sysytme for classes ids etc float- set wwidth for grid, css grid bootstrap and other custom premde librairy grids and flex box Check each source google Flex box MDN or FLex box W3 Schools with google fu stuff fonts and sizes ypes em , px etc % CSS lint reset , normalize responsive css - grid bootstrap etc media query and min max width stuff - even have certs GOtcha - collapse border for counting total css length width

how to clone a site tinder clone site

Top paid learning sites and authors and recap Treehouse (check your local library if they offer a free subscription mine does) Udmey ( you should google coupons and most the time 10-12-15-19 dollar offers ) Front End Masters - Cron

  • *     *   *    *        command to be executed

| | | | | | | | | +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0) | | | +------- month (1 - 12) | | +--------- day of month (1 - 31) | +----------- hour (0 - 23) +------------- min (0 - 59)

Front End Back End

Books cousera Jennifer Widom Stanford Univeristy on databases Databases systems : the compdalete Book seven databases in seven weeks dialects of sql keyword

hoisting command space bar on mac acitivty monitor mac and system montior on ubuntu and task maagner on windows for non techy people they need to know about this for killing all servers like serach for node under processes and kill delete end or force quit.


  1. Text Editor VS CODE GUI for git Branching version control error reading Top 5 hot keys to know

SIDE NOTE : EMACS VIM for remote server access to file and edit etc ENANO? 2. Git I made a super cool list of git commands but dont know where ...basics

Dev Tools 1. 2. BE READY : Interview prep(which is a masterty of sorts) and general CS knowledge Algorithms Big O Galye lots of them../? some okay better than oters Put the slide from Galye here

Principles of Debugging Error messages finding out where the code stopped - this is easy most the time - its the bugs wehre you don't know this is the worst once you find out where it stopped you can then debug for real. 10 most common erros. knowing all variables in play checking syntax and spelling (this I have learned is an error mostly made with beginners) good code editors can prevent most of this disodence


Coding on the GO ! Some free apps that can help you learn/ code on the go. Solo Learn jQuery Aide AngularJSPro JS Air JS Anywhere JsTips Stack Overflow Enki - like those brain games but for code Laserlike - select all web dev, software type topics to have in feed

Social Coding CodePen JsBin Replit (perfect for saving just plain JS snippets (and other lagauges) for reference and having a place to run and test js code. Git hub Gist - Simba and VS code and websotrm have live coding software like Google docs.

Surround myself with reading and trends to stay current and learn new things from other passionate/experts Youtube Chanels Traverys media DevTips LevelUpTuts

PULIC APIS and more free photos sites cross orign and security stuff = networking and other full stack wierdness

Blogs Medium

Follow and Jon gorup0s on Facebook (helps bring code to all parts of life even social media) Follow JavaScript Weekly - great posts into social feed React Js Group 23,000 members


With so many resources how to focus and master - feel like its way too much - feel overwhelmed

Put all the steps from demtn psot grad sheet here.

Trends and libraries news etc updates JavaScript news

Git gist Replit jsbin

React Native Tutorial ready for making tru digital app

INTERVIEW Site with about 608 mathemtacil/compjuter programming challenges There are tons of books out there - I have found these to be recommended and range from beginner to advanced JavaSciptr the good parts david hermans effecgive Javascirpst nick zackas maintainable Javasciprt michale fogus functional programming

Most of all having fun while coidng is key. Any career guru would tell you taht and hapness specialist. If you hate code obviosly move on if not thoguht try thinking of 10 things you wish you could make or wished existed in tech and it can exicte you. Laser like. Or something similar

Google FU Ctrl D in webstorm select multiple cursors. Force semi colon. Type checking Force spacing Key argument here is what some call writing legible code.

Varabile names are descriptive. Functions camel case Pick a style and stick to it and likely have to use a company stander so look at these two reps to get and idea of how that is and know how to dial in the tools to automate what you can

Mini style guides. Dear aspiring programmer I am someone who loves to share and help others learn what I have learned in college my favorite professor made dvd of all his lectures. Then when I labeled react I fell in love with Stephen Grider who is would say is like that odorless in college. Ia m making my own boxes some day of topics I love until then I have this to share.

Free tests from plural sight.

They say if you really want to learn something teach it. Coders manifest. Draw your ideas out and share them with close associates/friends.

Electron. React native. - alll the ones on job resumes. Maybe I can build that bot as the last part of this.

Include my trello all on here Shift F12 and CTRL click on a function call to follow it.

Google Package JSon tutorials

On the go coding apps for free. Solo learning ecko. All my apps Google FU. Something something codepen. Or or js bin. Etc. How to compile on code pen the css to copy and paste it or turn it into scss

Simple basic. Like with carousel.

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Front-end frameworks and Single Page Web Applications (SPA)

Each javascript library or frameowrk would have its own verson of this so google your : REACT

HOSTING Trends and Latest Tech (good for ideas and knowing what is out there currently on the cutting edge) Fast Company Troll the app store montlhy or weekly to see newest apps. donwload feaztured ones that look likke your thing or very helpful to see latest incorporations of tech. Soend 1-2 hours going over all the best rated websites in the world to see what is possible.

BUILD ALMOST ANYTHING native apps desktop apps WEB APPS (progressive web apps) link to goolge one

INTERVIEW - just google something soemthinig interview questions and you could spend months going through all the availblable stuff - codility answers sudoku - OOP stuff from my excel notes


Coding Challenge sites - great for preparing for technical interviews also just for language masterty and FUN. Code Fighters Codewars

Codility ( Click on lessons they score for BIG O so very useful compared to Codewars where any code wins BUT takes longer to solve each one and does not have the fun factor of Codewars

Datastore used for cahcing a lot /etc/init.d/redis-server stop front end weekly fb feed REACT NATIVE COMMUNITY FB GROUP react js MeetUps - free to join usually have food and coding time with a lecture - network, make friends, meet future business associates

SWAGGER npm run swagger.edit

LINUX sudo chown -R pmurff:pmurff Security.js sudo apt install Sudo chmod a+x filepath turns into execetuable Sudo ./filepath

DOCKER docker exec -it tdapinodejs_api_1 /bin/bash get into docker to liek do pm install a new module on the fly docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' nss_phpfpm_1 replace last part docker-compose -f up --build docker-compose rm && docker rmi -f $(docker images -q) &amp;&amp; docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) this will kill all your docker instances so you can rebuild them with the new modules

AJAX pacakges CURL right from command line request SA

Ps aux | grep node sudo kill port sudo p kill

VIM sudo vim ~/.bashrc export FRONT_END_PORT=3005 sudo vim /etc/hosts

INtgeresting tech I cam across in real use Buffers -something to do with strings binary and so forth

OOP Design

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logs and status on your apps , updating and redeploying

I thin i bookmarked some cool infograpohcs cour my bookmarks one last time - and Udmey bootcamps 2 of them for topics handling erros ajazz requests etc. try catch async await regional stuff

MVC - orm framwork separating concerns( maintainable code - made up of many small parts that do one thing and do one thing well.) applications architexture- explain how this finaly cicked MODEL like Mongoose file controller files - dictates the design of database driven applications MODEL abstracts the database VIEW generated JSON of view CONTROLLER interacts with the model, generates and send to the view router routes an http request to a controller action - server or index.js, app.get(route, action in cotroller) RESTFUL straighforward URLS with http verbs

REPEAT sections templating EJS Jade handlebars , mutsache etc

SKILLS list as metnioned in boo skill: HTML structure style interactivity bridge to data AJAX JSON APIS SERVER REDisS DATA STORE Client Side - Server side video on how these work HTTP in general

client server with AJAX JS objects and JSON clean maintainable code TDD error handling CRUD REST HTTP response codes local storage redux persist TDD RUby on rails - and tdd python C# Java most jobs (indeed) JADE EJS PHP server side templating handlebars SQL sequelize massive ORM and contorller Model file structure and cookies sessions data persistence data flow data management - updating the view interactive stuff that is it

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CLONE site : Page Ruler What Font ColorZilla FatKun or one like it image downloader ( checkout the file save options)

SKILLS: Work as part of a team developing applications and services using Agile development methods aglie Scrum - points poker cards voting sprints - standups TRELLO maybe in Agile sections ASANA cross functional -

What do you need to know about design and so forth - balsamiq moqups

Search 15 jobs that you want and research learn all the technical skills desried for the postion but rember you can never know everything - mainly its the langauge

API rate limits to keep in mind

backend is all about passing arguaments around for the dynamic also using orms to keep code dry and re use models MVC OOP - objects talkinng to each other


Command Description
git status List all new or modified files
git diff Show file differences that haven't been staged

In the words of Abraham Lincoln:

Pardon my French


Master of My Craft : A guide to becoming Becoming a Senior Full Stack software Developer (Specifically Javascript web developer)

Pre work: what to do before Mastering the Browser :The web app structure style interactivity Beyond the Basics Career Guidance and Becoming a contributor

Table of Contents

Is coding (programming web technologies and more) for you? What is a Full stack web developer ? Yes I want to learn to code ! Internet/computer science basics...... - Your First Code ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Hello world ! Getting Setup (software to install etc.) …….

workflow Building WEB APPS: Front end (HTML structure CSS style bootstrap JAVASCRIPT interactivity mastering the browser Client Side JS PRO Jquery frameworks libraries and templating (maybe extra section after servers ) Js tools lodash, charts fabric es6 dev tools - grunt gulp webpack json package tutorials shell terminal etc trick in codepen bridge to data AJAX JSON APIS 3rd party integrations stripe, shippo, facebook auth, google API Building WEB APPS: Back end Server side SERVER REDisS NODe express DATA STORE Deployment (platform)

testing TDD & writing clean code maintainable, scalable QA Front End Dev ops CDIC some call this dev ops but with small companies like above QA testers real full stack and at small companies handle most of this if not the CTO or at leat Seniro waht i want ot be ) SEO maybe as extra topic security I can code now what - to do on going

Getting your dream job interview questions coding sites and Career stuff Proving/expanding yourself : building and on going stuff learning new languages pluralsight and certifications - free test W3 SCHOOLS AND OTHER ONES I HAVE FOUND Contributing to the community -making an NPM module working on non profit volunteering open source contributor Vocab Trello minified list - master checklist and sharpen the saw 5-7 year plan you might already be on this path Build stuff - ideas from magainzes and troll app store write ti down maybe with DVEMTN list here

"It's the only job I can think of where I get to be both an engineer and an artist. There's an incredible, rigorous, technical element to it, which I like because you have to do very precise thinking. On the other hand, it has a wildly creative side where the boundaries of imagination are the only real limitation." —Andy Hertzfeld

Althoff, Cory. The Self-Taught Programmer: The Definitive Guide to Programming Professionally (p. 13). Triangle Connection LLC. Kindle Edition.

How to actually add something of value well by living the one rule of coding called abstraction - this is an abstraction into usable pieces just a little more manageable than W3 schools or Men

Purpose Statement

If you want to explore learning to code, have been coding a while and want to progress this is the right place. Beginners will greatly benefit, internwedote devs will lily learn some new things, and experts may want to contribute and critique this to help to bet better or maybe even learn something new. Some times even if you have 5-10 years expeicen you have been pigeon holed and want to learn more. So you may be an expert in some areas and this will help you find new areas to master. How can I be of value ? This is a question you will get answered by doing this read me. These skills are highly desirable in demand and benefit our world.


Tell you everything -literally everything you would learn in a boot camp and then being employed full time as a full stack developer (Javascript dev mainly). Try to share the benefits of a code camp without having to go to one. If you are goin got one be well prepared for it. Explain what the benefits are.

Ther have been many efforts to get people coidng sooner - kids and i have read we still cannot fill all th e jobs with properly traned poeple/. this is a very small attempt to do that - its a guide to entering the tech market as career or even a hobby - are you someone that thinks you can come up with tons of good app ideas and tech ideas entrepanuership well its very expeseinve to build apps 200k story and you shoudl jsut do it yourself and at the very leart in the process meet the right peopel to help you do yoru dreams.

This article has the goal to be EXTEMELY COMREHENISVE because I have always been a big picture thinker so you likely will need to go over this article many times and to be used as a reference

First of all I am seeking a position as a Senior Fullstack Engineer aka Web developer/ Sotware Developer. I hope that this process and help from others through this document may lead to helpining me be a MASTER at my craft. If you are considering a coding bootcamp I highly recommend saving this document as it will come in great use to you I guarantee it. If you are studyinig comuter scinece or are curois about antyhitng aforementioned this is the right palce. This is mostly a reference doc with an app to follow eventually. My wish would be that someone find this useful for them becoming a Fullstack Sofftware develloper. Be more direct here and simple with explanation after. Been to 3 bootcamps. 1. Paid Immersive FT 12 hours day for 3 months. 2. udemy past bootcamp teacher made his own course 3. a University Supported Professional Coding Bootcamp. 4. BOoks on holisitc full stack Web develoment: 5. 1 year experince coding and want to make senior in at best 3 years and maximum 7 years. I want to share the relazatively littel iI have learned but wish I knew more of when I started. Eveyrone that reads general psots out there on linked nin or caaeer stuf knows that Websd=veolopment is hot and growing so no better time to start tahn now. After my bootcamp I took some React courses from a great Udemy Pro name Stephen Grider. I also bought a course taught by an ex bootcamp insturctor which was an entire bootcamp on its own from what he took and said it was better than his bootcamp. Both of these peole claim their students go on to get jobs. I spent about $120 on about 10 courses. I was so furoius I had jsut soent well over 12000 for a 3 month bootcamp that I was motivated ot help others not have to do that. DOn't get me wrong I actualy do not regret my expereince and recommend it to anyone needing structure BUT te reason I was mad is that I finally understood that the key beifnte is sommeone explainging to you when you are stuck. You cannot esaily interact with the udemy professor althoguh the ones I have metninoed are agressive in getting realtivley quick respnsed ot you but even a few hours is costly.

Purpose: A guide to improving your skills in Full Stack Software / Web Devlopment.

About me: After writing my first lines of code while taking a basic tutorial on Codecademy in January of 2017 it was about 1 year later when I was fully employed in a stable job as a Full Stack Software developer at a good wage. To do that I became proficient. Proficiency and Mastery are two different things so this guide is dedicated to the latter. To make Senior I must become a master at my craft. I set the goal to master my craft within 5 years and to become an expert. Just doing my work each day is not going to be enough I thought so I made this project to help me and figured others would benefit as well.

Purpose: A guide to improving your skills in Full Stack Software / Web Devlopment.

About me: After writing my first lines of code while taking a basic tutorial on Codecademy in January of 2017 it was about 1 year later when I was fully employed in a stable job as a Full Stack Software developer at a good wage. To do that I became proficient. Proficiency and Mastery are two different things so this guide is dedicated to the latter. To make Senior I must become a master at my craft. I set the goal to master my craft within 5 years and to become an expert. Just doing my work each day is not going to be enough I thought so I made this project to help me and figured others would benefit as well.

BUILD ALMOST ANYTHING native apps desktop apps WEB APPS (progressive web apps) link to goolge one Its a great time to be a we b developer

You’re considering a career change but not sure how to take the first step. » You’re happy in your current field, but want to move to another company—or stay put but shift from a non-technical into a technical position. » You want to engage more deeply with your current job—or boost your earnings and broaden your experience with freelance work. » You have an entrepreneurial idea and need to acquire the skills to go “all in” on it and launch your business. » You’re a full-time student but hungry to learn more and expand your skill set.

HOW TO READ THIS DOCS: SKILLS in gray header - taken from a real job psoting for a full stack engineerany paragprah or is askill I have learned on the job or in a bootcamp. lnger than 2 sentences are bascailly my subjective expereince and thoughts. I only want to share exactly what has been to me as helpful or things i have learned and think can be learned fsater if shared in this format. Be a proficient developer quicker like having a cheat sheet. Also a holistic collection all in one place ehich can be dangerous since it contains so much but I am doing it anyways.Where I have been and help others get there quicker. I have learned a language and now several computer alnguesa =. determination is key. One thing I have never hear donce is that programming is easy. High paying jobs as it is. Basically this is more like a small book - VOCAB sections. PRO TIPS is just a lesson learned type ofthigins high level overview sometimes and stuff I think is crucial - I have read many books and contain relatively similar type of content but my goal is not use words when I don't have to and let others do the talking and you do the googling searching. that way you can find the ost current and select links you think lok good and in the process learn how to use google fu better and read docs - 2 sentences of what is key information as to why you would google more of it.

clean code first - ESLINT prettier - code snippets - emmet naming conventions - style guide first - like that boot camp that assembly something that said something about clean code.

Peanut butter jelly stuff Algorithms foundation first - make money ! Feasible Whiteboarding pseudo code - reading code making pieces on codepen to see it work and play in action. Disect like in medical school.. direct a big app. See the end from the beginning. Master the browser Skills only based off of job postings and feedback from senior and managers team leaders hirers.

Design section paralaxxing and those col dev tips videos

Is coding (programming we technologies and more) for you?

Creative problem solver. Logical. If you are curious about coding (programming) and especially about becoming a full stack web developer or software developer focused on web technologies and web apps then this section is especially for you. If you are experienced then use this section to assess your strength in the areas mentioned and seek to improve the attributes mentioned.

because you like to solve problems and build things Self taught CS DOJO Youtuber story how he got a job at Google without CS degree and I will reference later for coding problems help in terviews . Proves you are about to enter into a field where the community absolityley fantacitsc .

One basic question you could ask your self before you get into the tech industry and whether or not you fit is to go ahed and look at the giants of today’s tech industry. What are they looking for ? I doubt anyone would argue if I worked 5 years at Google 3 years at Apple and 2 years at Microsoft and then finished out my round with a cruel yers at Amazon do you think any other software./tech company ont he lanes would not want to hire that person ? What I am saying is obviously they set the bar so to speak although of course there are plenty of “better”developers that work else where for sure. Google. There’s no one kind of Googler, so we’re always looking for people who can bring new perspectives and life experiences to our teams. If you’re looking for a place that values your curiosity, passion, and desire to learn, if you’re seeking colleagues who are big thinkers eager to take on fresh challenges as a team, then you’re a future of tech help you be a better developer. Creator by knowing essentially the work products of other great developers Microsoft With technology evolving at a rapid pace, companies face increasing pressure to move faster. To create new capabilities. To deliver more innovative solutions. Microsoft Core Services Engineering is addressing Amazon. We're a company of pioneers. It's our job to make bold bets, and we get our energy from inventing on behalf of customers. Success is measured against the possible, not the probable. ach of these groups has different needs, and we always work to meet those needs, by innovating new solutions to make things easier, faster, better, and more cost-effective.

Earths most customer centric company

Want ot possibly write your own app that makes it big tech entreeanreu - or work remotely and be paid well while living in tahiht (whihc is actually popular )

2-3 years average - usually worth more after another notch of experience level if not getting seiner then someohwer Lee yom night be senrio why leaving REQUIREMENT: LVOE technology section and Start screen shot and quotes from 3 companies : Podium (Silicon Slopes Utah) We’re looking for smart, technologically-passionate individuals  Apple same passion for innovation that goes into our products also applies to our practices — strengthening our commitment to leave the world better than we found it. Red Bull wing finder Values in action inventory

Activity. What makes a great and I put specific question. Front end back end secretory. Kiley find someone with a master list

Shaq. Buys tons of apps. If you could write a blog. What would you do. I would have a business helping people like me get their ideas of f the ground Signs you love tech. It so much about programming and it is so you love tech and are you consider you’re self smart.

Creative problem solver. Logical. Senior makes sure it gets deployed

Mati x cable and it’s for the kids signs you love technology

Attributes needed Creative problem solver Innovative and love technology Smart and good with logic Love learning Like to create or be creative make things

First, understand that a CS degree is generally not vocational education. Many of the courses develop the logical thinking that is required to solve complex problems. These courses are heavily math and computer science focused. Love of technology . Here is one Podium screen shot. Cable. Tron matrix. If could plug you in that is what this is lie. But I am not gonna lie it’s still hard work.

Author hate reading ? I mean it’s possible to hate tech and still be a good coder this simple gut check not a catch all

Do the analogy. Would you be a salesperson. If you absolutely hate being sold something ? That’s what I did I love people too and tech now I get to do both. Cause really the end user are people. Making t hem happier more making heir lives better

Read book and articles of people you admire. See if you can find out how they came tod I what they did. It may dawn on yo as it did for me

Activity. What makes a great and I put specific question. Front end back end secretory. Kiley find someone with a master list

Shaq. Buys tons of apps. If you could write a blog. What would you do. I would have a business helping people like me get their ideas of f the ground Signs you love tech. It so much about programming and it is so you love tech and are you consider you’re self smart.

Bias: Skill all 3 OS - Google - I Started using Chrome because it became a better experience for me . - the only point is that I think it is important to note that while in your personal life you may be able o code on any os set up you want and that is fgreat. But being felixibel is willing to learn others is a job skill so my recommendation is that if you want to be a highly desired dev the kind that gets whatever job you want or the best job out there at the best company or even the type to get head hunted then I would make sure that is a skill you have.

What is a Full stack web developer?

##WHAT is a full stack javasciprt web developer ?

Begin with the end in mind. I have noticed many people either love the front end visual artsy designe or back end more logical, problem solving types. Either way knowing both There are lots of different paths you can take in your coding career. My goal is become a senior full stack developer. Not always but fulls tack developers are more like a Swiss army knife and since they can pretty much do it all they get paid more. Also in terms of just being able to launch your own app you need an understanding of all pieces of the puzzle here.

Senior Full Stack Developer - (average salayr about 120k (plus or minus about 40k I have seen anywhere from 85 to 160)

prove in startups to be a Full Stack Developer. Only a few are given freedom for what they do in the beginning stage. almost the only way unless you have a cs degree and expereinc

If you have gotten this far you have probably decided coding is for you or at least you want to give it a try. This section covers what the path of a full stack web developer looks like. Javascirpt in specific. Not all coders end up to be Full stack developers but to have a full understanding : JOB SKILL understand back end etc so
Senior makes sure it gets deployed A developer that does the front and and the back end .Together they make up the websites we all know and love. On the front-end (or client-side), you have everything a user sees and interacts with on a webpage. On the back-end (or server-side) you have the server and the database technology that houses the data of your website.

General full stack developers skills ? Design dev ops design and more It is always said that being a software developer is a lifelong learning affair. Since the trends and technologies get the expire ticket often in the software field, one should be ready to cope up with a sudden change. It is a continuous treadmill where relaxing is seldom a choice. Many software development & engineering jobs are flooding the current job market. Technically speaking it is not a standard set by the industry. It is an evolutionary facet of skills. A full stack developer always tries to learn open source technologies to apply them in his/her job. In my opinion, full stack development is a minimalistic(at least) combination of following things Front-end Development + Back-end Development + DevOps + Design Apart from building web applications comfortably, a full stack developer should know how to deploy, optimize, automate the application. SKIL working in a team and be able to finish tasks in the time.working with other teams busienss maagners product maganer CTO SKILL Choose the trivial good solution and improve it all the time SKILL Can automate release cycles with the knowledge of Chef or Ansible. Automate logging and failure retrieval. rollbar sonar etc Having basic to medium level knowledge on hybrid mobile app development with JS, Chrome extensions and progressive web apps. I applied to over 120 jobs availble in a 55 miles radious in utah Front-end Developer Web Developer Full Stack Developer Back-end Developer DevOps Engineer QA ENgieer slightly related skill set related althoghh not seb dev but stil well paid Software Developer Software Engineer “The term full-stack means developers who are comfortable working with both back-end and front-end technologies” Job Outlook, 2016-26 13% (Faster than average) Bearou of Labour Statistics.) Remote workers increasing - work on the beach in Tahiti -

some perspective Lawyers earned a median salary of $118,160 in 2016, according to the BLS (USNEWS WORLD REPoRT According to the BLS, dentists earned a median salary of $153,900 in 2016 MBA grads where. Consulting leads to the biggest paycheck. The average salary for 2016 graduates of full-time programs was $126,919.

  1. Software engineering manager Median base salary: $109,350 A software engineering manager heads a team of engineers that maintain and develop software. maangemin siills that is for another day but usualy involved - so this is mostly a foucs on techincal skiolls. \Data Science combined with AI is alos very hot and well paid mobile web app hence the bootcamps and others

Cloud technologies Big data AI AR serve less apps Of course in hot spots like LA SF and NY , Seattle, BOston and so forth the wages can much higher and so is the cost of living . Of course docotrs are highest paid and as well know have the most schooling.

Put in qa section a professional developer produces good quality code on a regular basis. FULL STACK define A Full-Stack Web Developer is someone who is able to work on both the front-end and back-end portions of an application. Front-end generally refers to the portion of an application the user will see or interact with, and the back-end is the part of the application that handles the logic, database interactions, user authentication, server configuration, etc. SO using the definitions above: Full Stack Web Development is writing the instructions for a web browser to interpret in order to render and make work a website on the internet. That includes what is known as back-end and front-end technologies as we learned above the client side and server side.

Yes I want to learn to code !

that gives you the knowledge and skills to build dynamic end-to-end web applications and become a full stack web developer. theory and application of web development. As you gain proficiency, you’ll use what you learn on real projects under the guidance of area employers. Plus, you’ll have an impressive Professional Portfolio and the confidence to succeed as a web development professional.BORNE IDENITY picture here no you don’t have to kill anyone its just a attempt to being the commtietn level.

One thing I have noticed about programmers is they are predilection about their tools. You need to accept one thing now. Hating Microsoft or Apple or Google or Facebook for example is still free to do but as I will show later you Amy have to use all of these tools in the workplace to put all technology prejudice aside and accept that you may end using tech just be open minded so that is not a problem. I thinks its super lame. I only use Mac or only use Windows is fine if you are really that picky and get lucky (i.e your employer buys you a new Apple MacBook Pro) but for the most part just forget it all and know that every tool as its pros and cons and you may have to use one you hate. I was forced to use a Linux setup at my job and have never even barely understood what Linux what before I started cody. Only that I lived with 1 dude in college that used Linus so one out of like 20 roommates but guess what I now have a Mac Linus and windows - and I will later prove that is a job skill to be proficient in all of them. This goes for Code editors and so forth. Just seek the best tool for the job and put prejudice bejind. There is a place for you but you millet yourself and eventually will miss out on smoothing soloed based on prejudice.
###### Resources for learning

Essentials - Before gong on you need to create accounts for the following services.
Codepen Github ( sign in and star this article is the first step) Google (they have useful tools for developers) and Facebook (also a much needed tool for devs and other things like groups)

Paid Codescool Treehouse

BOOT CAMP uncovered : Coding camps: Access to a mentor - more interactive lectures time for questions - access to networking with other students experience working in a group , career guidance and possible employer networks , job guarantee, ask other struggling to learn students for help , make friends, structure , prepared guided activities and explanations make a t chart showing alternative

goal is to get you portfolio pieces and the proficiency to make them : those that have a job guarantee just learn what they learn and do the required job search criteria and just assume that you will get a job. I know you can do it . But it does take hard work. video read me lnked in all the stuff I learned for free-not just the code I promise you can and will learn all I have after basically 3 boot camps and 1 year coding employed.

If you are going to be great at anything immersion is a great step. One way to connect with others is to join free meet ups on meet Really good ones offer free food a lecture on a coding topic relative to the purpose of the group and then coding time or networking. UtahJS Angular Utah, HackerNest Salt Lake City Tech Socials, ReactJS Utah, Utah Software Craftsmanship, Silicon Slopes Developer Chapter, SLC Tech Startups, Utah Node.js - Salt Lake City, Utah Elm Lunch, Bleeding Edge Web, Utah Internet of Things (IoT), JavaScript Lecture Series. Facebook groups can be great as well. There are great groups for React JS, React native community, javascirt, Angular, and more. There are some pages to like that will put stuff in your feed so you can read useful info not what your high school acquaintance or whoever ate for dinner. JS weekly is absolutely one of the best things I ever did on Facebook. When I go to scroll through my feed I see awesome posts about JS stuff many of which I have Rea and gained valuable knowledge from.
Slack is a great tool as well. If you have never used this tool its time to start for sure. Start by Medium is a great tool follow the authors that have great articles that you come across - All of this is like having pros that love to help other devs all around you. The development community is awesome you will see Facebook Slack is a newer very powerful way to communicate in real time with new video calling available. Mostly community users are able to get by with never paying a dime for any of it. The creators of each channel may be playing similar to meet up where the organizer pays but the group goes for free. Ask a pro pay tons are learn to use online resources. It takes a bit to transition to learning online just like it can feel weird for some to switch to a n ereader like kindle or iPad mini etc to read books but can be just as good. Watch a pro explain what he thinks and can be much more focused - when they are very good they even anticipate your questions so find those type of teachers and you can speed up pause rewind tis great HTML 5 wexnteions

Social Coding -playgournd sandbox CodePen JsBin, js bucket plink etc Replit (perfect for saving just plain JS snippets (and other languages) for reference and having a place to run and test js code. Git hub Gist - Simba and VS code and websotrm have live coding software like Google docs. Like google docs if you have loved google products ike collaborative google docs you would be wondering where is this tech bit for coding well its here but its not yet

APPS For free coding on the go. Coding on the GO ! Some free apps that can help you learn/ code on the go. Solo Learn ( @ APP store search solo learn - There are many apps to choose from Reference guides to peek at while riding the bus or walking or watching tv during commercials jQuery Aide AngularJSPro Exposure and immersion.

JS Air 48 great radio talk show style podcasts/youtube videos to watch and learn from - JS Anywhere _ a really cool tool to code on your phone and it then runs your code just as if on a browser - think lunch breaks at work for some of this stuff. That is what I did. I had 2 15 min breaks a day and lunch break where I would jump on these apps and it was super easy to just learn little tidbits especially Solo Learn Javascript one

JsTips 60 or so cool little hints with really nice UI for learning on the go. Learning all you can all the time. Just use some or all of these tools and every little bit helps.

Stack Overflow - browse topical posts about whatever topic you want on the go. Enki - like those brain games but for code Laserlike (apple store ) - select all web dev, software type topics to have in feed - there are many apps like this. Basically you find one you ike and add a feed to your news feed and then you open the app and it has a feed. Good for “on the pot”. Waiting in line I have found great articles from using this app. I constantly know things some of my coworkers don’t know. Knowledge is power it has been said.

Podcast Why you should listen to podcasts Podcasts are simply radio-style audio shows distributed over the internet, usually for free. They provide an excellent way to consume quality information while performing daily tasks such as commuting, cleaning, or working out. Syntax The question you should ask yourself is how good do you want to get and how fast? Taking advantage of situations as discussed you can learn more code. If you are the type that needs a break then do it but really just commit 1 year with all your might to learning everything you can and that will be a great foundation for your career. But really the learning will never stop. So one sign you are in the right place is if you actually like learning things. Then all this is not a burden

Ways to cultivate a love of technology Read tech blogs magazines and more than anything be a user of great tech small and wide. Do you ever wish an app existed. The adage there is an app for that.

Books cousera Jennifer Widom Stanford University on databases Databases systems : the complete Book seven databases in seven weeks

Social Coding

Google FU. - tool last month if you had a senior dev there. what woul.d y9ou ask them itsl iekly been asked before that is the key to find a smilar very simialr queston. they have all been asked before (99%) lol so if you don;t find one titled wiht a simialr title to your question try reoqrding the quetion just a biut. make sure to include the langauge and libariary and PRO tip on gogole you can filter the search rewstuls by time so as to not get too old of stuff altough stil can help you . I gogoel noral first if stuff look too old then do a narrow time search but other people start with most recent then go back which works too I guess. Paid mentors charge big bucks and they are out ther. Adding key words to an exact question you would ask a human mentor or teacher. Alos one approach is to just cut out filler words like how and the and a etc. Inputs with react to get a general answer and then sift out what you can form there Can add filter by date If there is one thing they tell you more than anything in a bootcamp is that Googling is basically the most important skill you can learn. WHY? Cause it is impossible to learn it all and memorize everything.
Enter sack overflow and many other QA sites like git hub help - I work as a TA at a bootcamp right now and many times I have sat down with a student and had an idea but no real answer to their inquiry for help. I mean after all they re playing for a guy like me or someone with experience to tell them how to solve their problem that is why they are paying but goes what I don’t have every thing memorized so after I help them solve their problems with I almost always do it s just cause Iknow how to google better not always but the other knowledge I have when I hasnwer there question is stuff Iwl will share in this document as well. So that should cover it. If for some reason you are not using Google as your search engine I pity you and refer back to my earlier challenge to you. Swallow your pride and use the best tool vavailbale you can still be a faithful Microsoft or yahoo fan even though you admit their search engine is not the bets. ( I know I Amy get some hate mail for this). Technically you may be fine but honestly if you are going to DEV (that is the nick name for what you do now. Just use Gogole. Moxxialla also has great features with a fast SJ anginen coming down the pipeline at Elat for searching for answers just use google and I wont tell on you I promise.

Icons others in color too Material Icons

Surge Githb pages Heroic jaws db or elephant sql Digital oceean $5 motnh for small projects Zeit

Internet/computer basics.

Internet/Computer/OS Basics

SKills Solid understanding of internet and IP communications protocols and formats such as TCP/IP, HTTP, XML, JSON, etc

The fist question is how does the internet work ? Be sure to note the resources section for further learning. if this post from a Stanford University class does not help just Google it for 30 mins on Youtube and infographcs if you prefer. Again everything in here is necesary knwoldeg for a ser=nior fullstack engineer if you want just the basics like preppring for a bootcamp maybe jsut spend 5 minutes on each of the more boring topics liek this one for aorugh overview or better yet spend horus and don't even go to a bootcamp. Save the money.

Biary 1 and 0 history of pragramming in gernal low level and high level langauges compilers etc

A Fascinating And Messy History Of The Web And JavaScript

COMPUTER knowledge : Some of this information can seem tedious to pick but it does come in handy and I have talked to many developers who don't fully get all this. I think hte really good ones know this but most don't. How many ports are there? 65000 - useful to know with server side tech Files types JSON form-data url encoded three I have sen the most

video on how these work HTTP in general

Low level and high level languages 40 12 minutes epidosed for the highly visual learner professionally done by PBS it looks like

It may not be a perfect way but one way to find out what are all the skills needed for a Full stack developer is to read job postings and see what skills are needed to get the job.
YES programmers spend most their time typing on a keyboard: 55 WPM or so but not going to kill you if its not you actually type a lot but not as much as I thoght. there is lots of mouse use and I really havent had tons of pain from tpyping too much. but its possible

mIT Beginner course intro to cs computer programming

Your First Code and Laying a Programming Foundation

Just a thought for the self-taught (i.e. not obtaining a university degree in CS):

Learning how to program outside of school is increasingly common. A 2015 Stack Overflow (an online community of programmers) survey found 48 percent of respondents did not have a degree in computer science. -Althoff, Cory. The Self-Taught Programmer: The Definitive Guide to Programming Professionally (p. 3). Triangle Connection LLC. Kindle Edition.

What is programming ?

Programming is writing instructions for a computer to execute. The instructions might tell the computer to print Hello, World!, scrape data from the Internet, or read the contents of a file and save them to a database. These instructions are called code.

For an example see this Harvard CS 50 video WATCH: 17:45 -25:55. Main take away: computers can only do exactly what you tell them to do, no more no less. So learn to be very detailed and specific.

Before writing any code even Harvard kids start out on Scratch DO: Make a game or spend a few hours on Hour of Code. The main concepts you need to pick up on are statements(commands to the computer), loops(repeat something), conditions(like a fork in the road, if/else), Boolean Expressions(something is either true or false) and more.

After having covered some basic coding concepts you are ready to write real code. You can now jump into learning for free on all of these sites: Google and YouTube have thousands of tutorials. Here are some pretty good ones:

Warning: Be committed - Not one person ever told me coding (also known as programming) was easy Be committed - Like leaning to speak a foriegn language coding requires study and practice and more practice Be committed - It takes time and diligence and consitency lots of struggle and stretching for most nd ALWAYS BE CODING - once you learn a few concepts try to use it and play around make a folder called /sandbox and jsut make use of new things there. SKILLS: Google Fu Skill in using search engines (especially Google) to quickly find useful information on the Internet stack overflow with g - dont need to memorize everythign at first

Start with Codecademy. You will need to register (it's free) then click into Web Development and bascially try to lick the top right to go to learn or catalog and start iwth HTML CSS and JavaScript or any language of choice. There are paid portions of the site but you can do a lot for free. The paid stuff includes quizzes and more activities.

Preparing for a Bootcamp or learning on the side in college

PAID - All(I think) have a free trail period. So hitting your free week or 10 days or month on each one can really get you going if you have a few hours per day. More popular way and a very good relatively cheap way tree house linked in learning or codeschool front end masters

READING CODE = if you know the vaculary and function is very useful so study for HTLM cool website jsut pull up google chrome and read the code. study it - if anything seems new google it and note it down copy and paste it in to a ongoing sandbox folder. READ ME TUROIALS - KEY IF the tutiral is well done it will work but iwth almost all cases code is exact so instaead of trying to make someting work form jsut reading it - alwasy clone the whole repo and get it working on your set up perfectly as intendded buyt he author then try to fit int into yoru project. I have seen this with auth alot its hard to get everypeice fit into your ongoing project but you need to confir it works as intended before you spend all the time tryin g ot use it. SKILL - getting other peopls code to work with yours. Stack overlfow titel seems to be helpful but you have to adapt the working code to your own sitiation . varibale names and so forth. if you can alwasy copy and paste exact code and get working then refactro (defien this ) DOCS readings- the first several times looking at DOCS you are very bored and have a hard time udnersating super easily what is going on . YOu will grow to love people who have good docs like react or express. Jquery. Some docs make you wan to cry copy pasting snipepts of code and making sense and use of it. code is exact if you don't tell it ecalty and get everyithgn it will break and does often.

SKILLS: writting celan mainaltabel sacaleb code.

Initial Setup Installing the Basics to Code on your local computer

Your ready to get coding you will need to set up yoru computer. I have used all three and found tutrials to have mixed results. So all iI can say is trial and error. Google one for your set up and good luck. So google HOW TO INSTALL ___ on LInux Mac OS Windows etc.

installs code editor git git bash for windows NOde Heroku account GIT HUB and or Bit bucket (private repositories i.e. cloubd based storage of code)

More tech specific tutorials egghead

Codewars. ... Where and how can I learn how to code. Short answer: Online almost entirely for free. Hopefully you already knew that and found this README in hope to find good ways to learn online for free. What advantage does a bootcamp really give over self taught ? Should I do a bootcamp or self teach ? If there were anyway to convince a person there is no need for a bootcamp I will find it. Imagine this: 1 year experience collecting everything and trying to tell someone everything they learned in bootcamp and full time emploemtn and many horus of googling and many courses and tutorials. All they tell you is to go on stakc overflow and for me - activites have some one or some other student to ask how to do it when sstuck . its the getting unstuck that is priceless with boootcamps. one aleterntiave is active pteachers and ta s on udemy and other sites treehouse tehese actually work pretty good but most do not have immediate feedback. Guided activites : ineractions with other studetns (netowrking etc) google code 360 and othr walkthrogh for coding challenges that boot camp prep calss i have hackreactor

  1. finsih bootcamp review of whole flow demtn and Uof
  2. reorganzie my whole sturcture
  3. being to fill in each section
  4. find somehow to get activites. maek sure to link interview questions and mayeb take resources form devmtn reosource page - Watch (and chat with) developers live as they code projects. Great for seeing the thought process of other developers. It's also fun to watch them struggle with bugs. TwitchTV - Programming - Similar concept as Li


A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running

AI BIG DATA Call back hell - .then promises

Do you really have to use opening closing tags - emmet code snippets CTRLL click on function - white dot means it not saved , italics - double click

By now you may be thinking man I wish

Best charts libreias. And fabric js Best js libaireis plug oin The definitive source of the best 
JavaScript libraries, frameworks, and plugins.

Cody’s stuff

Window. Document. Console.log stuff ( see wes bos for more on this logs) Like iron man build your way out of anything wordpress Pretend you are neo and about to get a full download of full stack web dev. No o wish it were that easy

Google search version. Skeleton outline of every topic Search google and master everything at your own discretion. Only advice is to copy paste a lot use read me and git Cline lots of open source projects. Get stuff working on your own local machine build 5 projects with each topic below. Then over time come back and learn something new on each and every item cause you it will take time to master. So over five years if you master all this content. You can be a full stack dev

PROCESS for each new tech: cheat sheet . Docs examples of very classic use cases and one or two tricky ones - Promises Try catch es6 stuff

Enter Mongoose. • Mongoose lets us define models for our Mongo data. No surprise data types for particular fields. • We can set required fields, too. • We can create custom functions to handle our data in ways that aren't already baked in Mongoose. • What's more, we can combine collections with "populate," a method that offers very similar functionality to a MySQL join. By default, mongoose uses callback functions to handle what happens after performing a query. By setting a mongoose.Promise to the promise library built into node, we're telling mongoose that we'd like to use promises instead. This cleaner, more powerful syntax will actually make our mongoose queries resemble queries we've made with sequelize.Be sure to tell students that if they need really advanced relations, MySQL may still be the better choice.


Top tech talent


Server side rendering - Hot reloading in react

Understand each tech enough o decide which tech fits the situation JS pro

SKILL of developers Cs stuff random ly here OOP and Algorithms CS101 -BIG O Front End

Passport ufficiently large values of length will cause heap size exceeded errors. If/when students run into this, have them run the benchmark with the following command:

node --max-old-space-size=4096 linearSearch.js

  • Explain that this increases the amount of space available for the Node process.

  • Alternatively, they can simply reduce length until the error disappears. They'll still get a big enough value to illustrate that this code takes longer. Point out that now the code starts to take longer, and now we're beginning to see the limitations of our "linear approach”.

nibble and binary numbs
obscure concepts for–of is not just for arrays. It also works on most array-like objects, like DOM NodeLists. just a teast that is why all these books exist' For career sections :

TESTING 100+ Free resources for learning Full Stack Web Development.

Make scotch io tutorial Some free bootcamp stuff

Pools seeding - seqilze example and other node seeds stuff in DB sections vocab SPeak like a programmer : use case edge case

[12:47 PM]

Robo 3T - (previuolusy Robo mongo I think) MOngo Booster GUI Mongo shell terminal (exit button)

PROCESS: tools then cod like hit postman swaghger then hit wiht codel. use 1 zipcode tehn mulitple DYNAMIC DATA FLOW

[1:43 PM] Learn the Terminology seeds exporting data and importing

PROCESS: tools then cod like hit postman swaghger then hit wiht codel. use 1 zipcode tehn mulitple DYNAMIC DATA FLOW

hit terminal with curl curl -X GET "http://localhost:3000/v1/truintelligence/keywords/get-new-results/84057/?limit=5" -H "accept: application/json”

princeiples of earning fostering enviroinmetn of trust aftety as it say son sturdu

Harvard class

ufficiently large values of length will cause heap size exceeded errors. If/when students run into this, have them run the benchmark with the following command:

node --max-old-space-size=4096 linearSearch.js

  • Explain that this increases the amount of space available for the Node process.

  • Alternatively, they can simply reduce length until the error disappears. They'll still get a big enough value to illustrate that this code takes longer. Point out that now the code starts to take longer, and now we're beginning to see the limitations of our "linear approach”.

nibble and binary numbs\

obscure concepts for–of is not just for arrays. It also works on most array-like objects, like DOM NodeLists. just a teast that is why all these books exist'

It is a violation of this policy to submit a problem Share Quote  solution that you cannot orally explain to a member of the course staff. You say oh, well, my write-up is similar to that other person's.

I didn't copy them. We may ask you to orally explain your solution. If you are unable, according to this policy, the presumption is that you cheated. So, do not write up stuff that you don't understand. You should be able to write up the stuff that you understand. Understand why you're putting down what you're putting down. If it isn't obvious, no collaboration whatsoever is permitted on exams.

Grider too After scratch or instead - pseudo code a website all its actions …? Early on - like I did with Hannah I break it down for them - YES

SKILLS : linters JSHINT HTML validotor and JSON hint CSSS hint all that togher in wuaity code section ES LINT Videos babel - Java sto Javascript and all about trasnpiling and converting You should teach quality code from DAY 1 - from my book I have and this stuff REST API and all oterh kinds of API that article i found What is "Linting"? Parsing syntax analysis or syntactic analysis is the process of analysing a string of symbols, either in natural language, computer languages or data structures, conforming to the rules of a formal grammar. The term parsing comes from Latin pars (orationis), meaning part (of speech).

Within computer science, the term is used in the analysis of computer languages, referring to the syntactic analysis of the input code into its component parts in order to facilitate the writing of compilers and interpreters. The term may also be used to describe a split or separation.

level up tus vs code turoitals !!!

Retro board process - look back what went well and what problems came up make action plan on items after voting on any potential problems. CSS positioning Top browers right now OPera, safari, IE, edge, Chrome, Mozllila. Cross browser competelity accessibility

Technology is changing briskly and sticking with same work for ages may deprecate your career options. You are more valuable HOW CAN I BE OF VALUE by knowing all this well learning everyday How the internet works Dev Mtn. Not sure if I can use CRUD rest

What the heck is an event loop anyways

Callbacks dev man

The Web App Landscape: A visual guide to the popular frameworks and technologies powering today's web.

Way of the Jedi.
How be a developer before actually being paid to be one. Learning on the fly

Take a link. Incorporate 5-10 things. Repeat until mastered all content

Strong Foundation in CS Interview Cracking The Coding Interview with Gayle Laakmann McDowell - tons of great tips on how to ace the interview and her book is highly rated and top on Amazon Having one on one help from this popular Youtuber who left Goolge to help us all out get the software engineering dream job of our life . So I would search his videos too.


Key concepts BIG O Time & BIG O Space Recursion Memorization/Dynamic programming

Algorithms Merge Sort Quick Sort. Breadth-First Search & Depth-first search Binary Search

Data Structures Array Lists Hash tables Trees (+ Tries) & Graphs , tries Linked Lists Stacks Queues Heaps

Bubble Sort (not mentioned as crucial but here it is anyways)

Algorithms: Bit Manipulation Go to Hacker Rank and find practice problems for all this JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts - The First 3.5 Hours

Point system
Dev mtn articles

Logic games. Math history class study lsat logic stuff for practice. Creative. Internet of things what do you wish you could bring connected digitally. My sister said parenting reminder. Sure enough apps but not what she wanted. You don't have sooo ever all the world problems but your perspective is needed

Bug. What is happening and how to replicate it.

Ratings after likes. Reviews similar to comments Ecommeree. Blogs. Categories of sites. Most popular sites in the world. Genius. Wordpress ?? Introduce Web Scraping and Cheerio and google extensions to scrape- legal warning stuff

Activity monitor and task manager to kill servers make a scraper to get all relevant skills

CODE - lines, syntax keywords , strings - errors tell you you code did not work Erros throw - try catch You wouldn't believe the FREEDOM I've had since I officially change careers and started making websites, professionally. I've lived in Ireland, helped build companies and travelled the world. And guess what? Everywhere I go I can work, because all I need is a laptop.  TO DO

Resources : Check all my google chrome links and finally go through Lynda udemy boot camps

GA:YE stuff first then offer more in depth look to go get all that . Maybe find another opinion The Internet of Things: Dr. John Barrett at TEDxCIT

We need ideas from you from ordinary people all walks of life perspective and working together Sql - practice [2:06 AM] Console my log HUGE benefits of going Facebooka and Sac groups - people that can hep you, being new trends and code that you can learn from, hearing about events and new stuff, seeing cool posts of interest links to awesome stuff discussions on highly debated web dev topics in fact much of the content link here are from these channels. Problem solving Good patterns for loving problems functions and tricks Algoritshms

Machine Learning AI link to Stanford as well

Auth stuff passport all that fire base email easy one too Stephen giver

React tools- rewire car without expecting

My badge

Operating Systems and Berkley The Summery of the List is as follows:

  1. Mastering the foundation. You have been through an introduction to CS course, like the ones from Coursera or Udacity.

  2. Learn at least one object-oriented programming language. Like Java, C++, or Python. Consult Udacity or MIT. 3. Learn other programming languages. Add CSS, Ruby, Java Script, and HTML to your skillset. CodeAcademy and W3school are places you might want to visit. 4. Test your code. Companies like Google wants you to be able to “Find bugs, create tests, and break your software.” Udacity, again.

  3. Get some background in abstract math. It is math like logical reasoning and discrete math, on which lots of computer science depends upon. MIT can help you with mathematics courses for computer science.

  4. Understand data structures and algorithms . Companies like Google wants you to learn about fundamental data types like queues, stacks, and bags, as well as grasp sorting algorithms like mergesort, quicksort, and heapsort. MIT provides the recommended online resources.

  5. Know operating systems. Because they are the places where you do most of your work at. The University of California, Berkeley,provides a primer in this course.

  6. Become familiar with Artificial Intelligence. Google loves AI and robots. Stanford provides the knowledge.

  7. Learn to build compilers. According to Stanford, by learning to build compilers,  “you will learn how a program written in a high-level language designed for humans is systematically translated into a program written in low-level assembly more suited to machines.” Head to Coursera for the learning.

  8. Learn cryptography. Because cybersecurity is a very crucial part.Udacity and Coursera provide courses.

  9. Learn parallel programming. Because being able to carry out tons of computations at the same time is super powerful. The University of Illinois can help you out. Here is the Link Google shared. link. Replace reg ex test match // --- Directions // Given a string, return the character that is most // commonly used in the string. // --- Examples // maxChar("abcccccccd") === "c" // maxChar("apple 1231111") === "1"

function maxChar(str) { const charMap = {}; let max = 0; let maxChar = '';

for (let char of str) { if (charMap[char]) { charMap[char]++; } else { charMap[char] = 1; } }

for (let char in charMap) { if (charMap[char] > max) { max = charMap[char]; maxChar = char; } }

return maxChar; }

module.exports = maxChar;

[2:08 AM] Community involvement contributions Free must have courses : UDEMY Javascript game development egghead Pluaralsight and many newcomers I am sure will gain in popularity as. Time goes on May be some overlap 50 Free eBooks for Web Designers & Developers

Packt Free Web Development & Performance Ebooks Free Essential eBooks for Web Designers & Web Developers

BEST MONEY SPENT| Udemy STEPHEN GRIDER 10-19 incognito total 80-90. 16 courses if you get them all at 10 that is only $160 and that is money well spent trust me having competed =several of his courses and purchased and started about 8 of them. React course and React native. And mongo esp. even one on coding technical interviews and go lang. The reason he is so good is that he anticipates your questions quite well and has a standing principle that he will never let you see him 1 single line of code that he does not thourglhly explain. I can safely say I would not be where I am without his course on Fulls tack react and Node. I am in fact a mere developer as taught in the video and I cant say for sure but it may be the few personal fullstack projects that I built after watching his videos that my current employer saw on my protilfio site. He also covers very up to date and relevant stuff and useful stuff that is commonly used and normally tough to do like auth and redux and so forth. ( 19.99 or 29.99 (with no activities but yes on quizzes see above link) - its a ton of content but after watching tons and being through all these bootcamps Ic an safely say it is pretty darn thorough and quite good . web dev path and list of courses - pretty thorough 30 days free trial and also likely another 30 days through linked in learning which is that same content difference platform So that is enough time to watch on 2x or 1.5, 1.75 speed

Treehouse ES6 course small video and quizzes Try it free for 7 days then $25/mo. thereafter quizzes and shorter videos

Front end masters - many courses on react due vscode (expensive but pretty good workshops styles ) ( $39 month the most expensive one I have sene BUT its that much for a reason these are pros and masters and teach in a cool workshop style with handling questions and all with the most up to date relevant stuff like VS code Vue React Redux and much more. So buy 2-3 months worth if you are taking your time or pound out a couple courses in a month would be well worth it on the topic of your choice.

UDMEY bootcamp clot Steele (very subjective and biased towards react developers but legit ) the of course after watching it I was able to feel proficient in react and it took lots of googling but was able to build a commercially used enterprise app for fortune 500 company from the foundations learned in these courses and bootcamp - this course is very near to the Stephen grider level. Agin the power of these course is that they walk through an entire project with you line by line with detailed exmapalitons and are both good about reasoning to their students in the QA and sections . I t may not be real time but they do get back to you and usually you can read others that had smiler issues too so be sure to read those first. He has 2 bootcamp courses I have only taken the older one not the so called “advaced one” but I would bet its even better. And all those I have mentioned have about a 4.7 overall with over 350000 students enrolled between he two of them. Where as Stephen is great for React and node and mongo this course is more like a typical bootcamp with jQuery HTML CSS and all the typical stuff in a bootcamp after all he was a past bootcamp instructor.

Another total all star is wes bos he does the javacsiptr in 30 days free content and more and his courses are popular as well I just happened to not need to go through them due to stpehn girder s Also has a free youtube channel and syntax podcast Andrew mead is also good for react Angular 5 (formerly Angular 2) - The Complete GuideMaximilian Schwarzmüller, Professional Web Developer and Instructor.

And although personally its tough for me with his thisker accent although seems good anyways for Anguslar is Computer Science and Electrical Engineering are deeply interrelated disciplines, and numerous faculty members are jointly appointed in the two departments at Stanford.

Why CS knowledge ? These days most important web pages have database access, active response, and other “programming” that take them a whole level beyond the static web pages of the past. but having a good solid base of computer science knowledge would seem to be a big edge for learning the new technologies. The awards of design, creativity and innovation on the internet Site of the day \ HONORING THE BEST OF THE INTERNET\ There are several more at least good sites out there These are pricey relatively compared to free but are pretty dang cool books I got lucky enough to obtain copies from my local library so check there first Also has mobiel version - when in doubt as they say when in Rome do as the Romans do in other words just take ideas from the best of the best of what is out there of course without copying or breaking the law.

Wordpress wix square space and google blogs etc - Then you can learn web development with out the Comilers and

One of the best things about JavaScript for you as a developer or a website owner is that this is one of the few programming languages that are accepted and supported by all the major browsers without the need of any compilers or plug-ins. It was developed by Netscape and borrows a lot of its syntax from C language. JavaScript is used very widely and effectively in creating desktop applications as well as for developing games. It has some 24 million users in 200 countries who are working in 337 different programming languages. Those users include employees from some of the biggest tech companies, including Apple, Google, and Facebook. They all rely on GitHub for spreading their open source software to the world.Web Development 101 Mobile without a web browser (and potentially without the need for Internet connectivity); these are typically written in Java (for Android devices) or Objective C or Swift (for iOS devices) now hybrid - ertain advantages of native apps (e.g. direct access to device hardware, offline operation, app store visibility). Micro services

You can get a degree in software dev or ms even if not cs degree

Front End

My goal is to learn how to program a website with Python/Django in the next year.  Can you learn web dev without HTMLL JAVSCRIPT CSS

Free admin UI I found and cloning projects Stephen grider full stack course

Love of technology . Here is one Podium screen shot. Cable. Tron matrix. If could plug you in that is what this is lie. But I am not gonna lie it’s still hard work.

Author hate reading ? I mean it’s possible to hate tech and still be a good coder this simple gut check not a catch all

Do the analogy. Would you be a salesperson. If you absolutely hate being sold something ? That’s what I did I love people too and tech now I get to do both. Cause really the end user are people. Making t hem happier more making heir lives better

Read book and articles of people you admire. See if you can find out how they came tod I what they did. It may dawn on yo as it did for me


HTLM is not a programming language - mark up language CS and Web dev vs computer programming

SKILLS: Be able to look at any code and explain exactly what is going on line for line - excatly including syntax you will wonder why the terminal is being used with no GUi - Almost exactly what I wanted to do. It even has check boxes for completing something. I noticed a lot of his links go to paid sites. BUT there are a bunch of good links with topics relevant to full stack dev be sure to explore all 3 menu items - Tracks, Topics, Links,

Perform code reviews.

So what was the most important factor contributing to a team's effectiveness?

It was psychological safety.

Simply put, psychological safety refers to an individual's perception of taking a risk, and the response his or her teammates will have to taking that risk.

SCRUM AGILE LEAN DEVLOPEMTN Google describes it this way:

In a team with high psychological safety, teammates feel safe to take risks around their team members. They feel confident that no one on the team will embarrass or punish anyone else for admitting a mistake, asking a question, or offering a new idea. In other words, great teams thrive on trust. put in team work section - repseoicint gotehr belifes and view san not saying things that coudl break the safeyt even if you fel like that is how you being you - I have heard really jerek employees that is just the way I am - it was the worst work expereince ever and dev i uniwue due to closely knot teams and dialy meetings. so yes soft skills needed - jsut gogoel how to achieve this. get things done and be positive refrain fro swearing and talinng drity and politics and religion out side of personal conversations at lunch or wherever

TDD Google optimize and wix detox karma NODE back end FS read package for node inquire check all assignments and maybe find a way to decor-be what tot do Link to my git hub for aces to all my repos and past assignments test etc. DO NOT copy or Distribute them put may view them I guess

 Front-end generally refers to the portion of an application the user will see or interact with, and the back-end is the part of the application that handles the logic, database interactions, user authentication, server configuration, etc Dev mtn. Paid housing and one of cheapest App academy claims to be best. Due to merit based acceptance and 101 k average salary Helio Profosional part time boot camp. Best one I’d say. Sponsored by great universities partners with trilogy edu Thinkful Online.

GIT HUB survey and this for learning about the development industry

Monday. Go through React Native and CS stuff from boot camp repo. Read some more of the algorithm book tie into knowing algorithms helps you solve problems faster. Airbnb thought some more Review all slack and phone notes for book

Career help. : went to a job fair that was okay but really hard to stand out My experience and investigate what the U is doing for career stuff.
Linked in Tips. Portfolio !!! 5-6 really polished pieces and maybe 15 other little ones showing mastery of skills here and there - video read me and linked in. And portfolio site git hub.

Excel spreadsheet Tips for applying cover letters etc. resume perfection.
10 common questions. On phone interviews that weed people out.

WHEN IN DOUBT trust that any from from all walks of life are needed to help mankind innovate to the nexts level

The Bourne ultimatum Making a checklist before employment At the very end of my book.

39$ for three months 29$ for 2 months 2 30 trials. 2 7 days trials or 1 10 /1 7 Udemy courses buy all at the same time so you get the 10$ cause that goes up later. Even if 15 50-80

Commitment. To all the principles in here and willingness to live or relocate to a tech hot spot for jobs. I can’t guarantee you a job but I can tell you it’s very likely that you will be hired at a wage of 45-80$ some may even make the coveted 100$k if in San Francisco or NY.

Even if you work full time of you make the commitment to code learn 3-5 hours per day 6 days a week or more the in 5-7 months you can be ready for full time employment. At least a junior level

Skill. Adapting other code to yours off stack overflow and js bin etc. make sure to book mark for later use. I have a silver mg problem folder. This habit can help you hone in and track what kinds of problems can be solved off stack overflow. Put down 5 code pen examples and 5 git hub boiler plate examples 5 stack overflow with how o got there or something. And make sure to read comments. Sections and with tutorials go tot he very bottom or check at top for git hub repo so you can clone. Clone all this stuff get it working on your machine. You will notice that can be tricky at times. So it takes practice to get through errors and you start to learn how to cope with the errors Sandbox. 3 website clones.

it alwasy bugged me when they talk about the top talent - what does that even mean in this area?

February 19th published date to the world nd to every highschool in cafifonria new york and utah maybe oregeon and evner - hot spots.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ odays notes for book git hiub is messng up my posts

ask for activites startere code for studetns learners to use SOVED and UNSOVLED folders and any applicale images sites giphy

back end design passing argumaetns around. that is where the magic happens. what does thi tell y9ou that een pros use stackoverlfow reqriting cod saving code snp0pets

\APK SDK what is all that - deployemnt keys stuff and expo go again thorugh all notes and bookmarks. maybe dev mtn links to css articles and such and go thorugh uof u bootcmap and onine udemy ones too

for ideas and links maybe also the LYNDA com one too.

are you fully committed jason bourne gifphy - if you have not seen the movei I am sorry it wont make too much senes. but the point is he commits his whole life fully and loses his old self. that is just kinda what i mean. Cause it takes a full commmtiemetn \

Career job getting skills

Mati x cable and it’s for the kids signs you love technology

Apk file

DESIGN UI UX take a site form start to finsih skill iSaw cloingn - extentions what I have leaqrned not to look ask fhelp - prictice for taking form bsiness my experince creating admin tool , chagned sfor m business side we diwwgn they pass of . sometimes tehy data demands alittel diffferen thcnagte.l not udnerstood byu business. picasso inspecitin gstorkes asking questoins abotu UI UX and be a user and ask questiosn. I can remeber them popluar sites when i n rome and maye photoshpp illustorr


Got an understanding on event processors and message queues like Celery and RabbitMQ. After that moved to Django. Acquainted with AWS, Nginx web servers. Developed code in CoffeeScript and Backbone JS. Played with Angular JS to create a chrome extension for my company. Currently writing a lot of JS code (client and server). Since I worked in few great startups, I got the freedom to work on all these things. I thank them from the depth of my heart.

GET THAT EMAIL I SENT O MYSELF it manly talk sbaout what ot do when i am done back edn small functions do jobs for unqie data as well like the front end principle.

Go through notes.

  1. 2 different courses or more you learn tons from different perspectives
  2. Hit job areas I posted in google docs at dev mtn
  3. Coffee script make mown. Bag the HR one and use the one Developing a love for technology. Look at how it helps our first of all. What problems does it solve. Magazines to read

Get immersed. - FB groups. Essential first step. Forbsull imemrison

Publish on medium. Take notes. Bookmarks. Chrome extension speed up video. Reference my video of Toyota com 2 things I have done. Then put his in my resume and list of things to write about and how to use trello. Or some other tool


Maybe have a list at bottom to copy and paste into trello Links to free bootstrap sites.

Skill using boiler plate and also reading documenting. Ctrl F to find key words

WHY whould I and is it fo rme? )Avitivy One: Pick your top 10 companies you would work for. Gettting expereince at a lower tier company will help you get there. Search those out on linked in for peoplpe that have those jobs in your 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree connections (go sign up now and add everuonen you know if you have not yet). Connect with them WITH a message for sure sayinig something easy going like whats it liek to work ther. INtorduce yourself aned say you'd love to connec ton linked in . Develop as many realtionship s as you can to widen you r network. Statistics for for getting a job due to netowrking "someone you know" is claimed to be the easiet or best way to get a job. I have had little success with this but it has worked once. After selecting your 10 cmpanes reaching out to as many of the emplyees there as possible Sneior, jr. reecurieter,, maanger CTO anyone closly related to the job ando could help out. I have found hiringn maangers names this way and then reached out to them on ilnkedd in etc. ANything helps in this regard. Even geteting interviews. The essentials include smart, passion for tech and a fierce creative porblem sover and team palyer. You cannot build great apps alone. like tech and computers. I would never count yourself out for age or past ecuation and experince. You now need to copy and paste all those job postings and see the common requiremetnes - the major ones. There is so much variety out ther you can NEVER know everything so accept that now. Mainly knowing the core langauges and libraires are the key along with good problems solving skils and some other key skills. But is revloved around a languge. You specialize in a certain lanague or langauge set or even kow a few and become a master at a few. In the case of a full stack developer there are tons of lanauge. Right now I am a Javasciprt engieer who specailized in React Redux. and Node. with Mern known as a mern stack developer. So picking a tech stack you wantot specialize in the the first step. Computer science knoweldge and technical challnege prowess and some sosft skills and culture fit assenstemten. This process is also known as "beginning with teh end in mind." Also Knowing why and what you want is key in goal setting and life success. education level required: | B.S. Computer Science or equivalent experience Major/Field of study: | Computer Science or related field | Years: Minimum 5 years If youo are a CS major or grad. I am jealous I never thought about it in college for soem reaosn but did dabble with some free classes on app developmetn but Standfor Univierty. This documetn may help you if yu plan on going into Full Stack Web developerment or Javascirpt Enginner. Those graduating in an realted filed Kudos to you you will have alsightly easier time finding a job on a relative scale form what I have seen. FOr the rest of us. we have to go off of Equivalent Experience. So ainly teh main purpose of this docs is to learn more about what I have foudn off of real job postings and and cpmapre contracst with teh 1 year exp and needs I haveseen there and 4 bootcamps My goal: APple, Google, Symantec, Adobe, LDS Church, -

SKILLS: netowrking (relationship building)
Give examples

langauges Elixir and Phoenix: The Future of Web APIs and Apps? go lang python Kotlin Programming languag

GURU make a list of all the job sites and so forth I gues mayebe alink to another page so as not to lcutter this one.

Computer Science and OOP OOD ALGORITMS BIG O DATA STRUCUTRES , RECURSION, SORITNG back to FUNCTINAL PROggramming HArvard CS 50 calss either year or latest one edx HTML class as well free Udemy courses The harvard sites look a bit old but still work fine make sure to click the drop downs on the right side and llok for the video link and drop it sown and click to paly in there took me 5-10 mintues to fureg this out.
also mobile class also be sure to read the over 200 commetns of other courses posted there and also at the very end of the post a link to another one BFS (Breadth First Search) algotithsm DFS (Depth First Search) BFS is a traversal algorithm which in the first turn visits all adjacent nodes to a root node and then starts digging deeper. DFS is a traversal algorithm which first touches the bottom of maximum depth of first child node and then returns backs and starts the process from a second child.

Browserify tool like gulp backend Can implement advanced queries and SQL Joins what can a person with this skill do find 5 examples.

Knows how to deploy his/her code on AWS EC2 with Apache2 or Nginx as a web server. Should have a working knowledge of Docker and Virtualization. Can design a web application end to end with many loosely coupled components. Should be brave enough to suggest the architectural changes if he has a valid reasoning to do so.

SKILLs: Proficient in Linux/Unix and comfortable with Mac/Windows - OS MAC Windows Linux Which one is best for a devleoper. Well I think that is dependent on langauge and is subjective really. The bust produccts are usually availble for all 3. Mac comes with a better built in terminal bash than Windows and LInux comes pre installed with Python - I have seen on job psoting - experience with LInux as an actual skill, Windows has its own things like microsfot dev suite and you can get what is known as a virtual machine of windows - we may come backk to virtual machines later. Just knwo the term. and know whatever your preference youo can still code. some LInux basics - windwos mac in dev Fe thinigs to know. the command key is usually interchagnelable with the CTRL key on Windows and linux keyboards LInux does not have a click install and is mostly run from the terminal - red hat stuff LInus is free and VOCAB: open source some basic commands run in the termial

sudo update sudo chown -R pmurff:pmurff Security.js sudo apt install Sudo chmod a+x filepath turns into execetuable Sudo ./filepath

aadvanced conpcets Bash rc file export ports etc

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. Static versus dynamic webpage advacned technologies


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

Say what the step will be

Give the example

And repeat

until finished

End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo

Running the tests

Explain how to run the automated tests for this system

Break down into end to end tests

Explain what these tests test and why

Give an example

And coding style tests

Explain what these tests test and why

Give an example


Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system

Built With

  • Dropwizard - The web framework used
  • Maven - Dependency Management
  • ROME - Used to generate RSS Feeds


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc

Javasciprt liek laerning alangea has subject and very and sytnax. IN jasavasript you have a bunhc of ojects talnig to each otehr. OOP - teh verbs are METHODS and the subjects are STRING ARRAY OBJECT and adjectives AMTH - reg ex W# schools is not perfect and most good devs will tell yout its crap BUT one thinig is for sure for a simple basic reference it sis excelleent: technique for solivng problesm - i google sthis and all they said was do spuedo code really so I have added a couple of tehcniques. for loop , type of , console.log, if statemetn - combingn arrays looping over them comparing values inside two arrays, adding and eleteing items from arrays turnign stings into array and aarays into stirngs to use the emthdos availel there on them usng reg ex to replae and amtch and undertaing how to use BOOLEAN values in all of those scenarieso. that is pretyy much almsot 90% of toy pronlesms.

state of Javascirpt here then go into librqires -

Learn OR Typescript my comments content useful links and books: challange or activtiy like writing the same app in 2-3 langauges Make something new. It doesn’t have to be innovative. You’re not starting a business, so clone, copy, repeat, show your dev skills not your product brainstorming skills. make a toy problems repo with your own comments and notes conists of copy paste your acnswer and problems form popular sites with psuedo code or comments

STUFF to DO - ongoing form a group for a group project practice working in teams

JS timers, JS contructors DS Firebase SQL - sequelize MOngo Mongoose tip TAB word completion in vs code and terminal or start typing and select from list - hover over something vs code

“The art of readable code” (Boswell, Foucher). The fundamental theorem of readability : code should be written to minimize the time it would take for someone else to understand it ! Things you can do to imporve your code: picking good names,(semantic meaningful names)
writing good comments formatting your code neatly (clean use of whitespace)

Linting — prevent bugs by not writing wrong code In development, this is linting. Linters are software that analyses your code while you write it. It executes the partial code in the background and tells you when something is wrong. In the past you needed to install and configure linters yourself. These days, many come as extensions to editors with preconfigured rules. Rules that are the result of years of experts arguing and finding a consensus what makes sense. Google’s developer tools in Chrome give you similar insights. Reading through the results of linters is a good learning exercise. They not only tell you that something is wrong, but also why, what the effects are and how to fix it.

This editor is open source and comes with hundreds of extensions to help you with your tasks. It has linting built-in and allows for setting breakpoints in the editor itself. It contains a command line interface to do more hard-core tasks and has Git version control built in. There is something great about not having to jump from editor to browser to terminal.

CDID lighthouse nibber Paul Murff [7:21 PM] (edited) paste url and get analysis

[7:21] (edited)

[7:21] (edited)


OS Linux ubutu Apple Unix1970 windows

Codecademy. Chances are if you have looked into learning to code before, you've encountered Codecademy. ...

nginix open pathway for accesing thorugh a portal or -


SPECAIL FILES .env .config .gitignore docker yaml linte rc

**This is just a resource I do not claim ownership of anything on here.

watching keynotes and alks fro tedex and tech conferences like 1.2.3. learning from the pros and gaining entrapnaurla skilsl

JAVSCFIPT PRO They have really good articles like this one

leetcode TAB autocomplete in terinal and code enter select

Making cool README Open up Issues and drg a photo from the Harddrive or whever into the box and copy the link that auto generates that will display a real photo

Skill: Workflow
  1. Text Editor VS CODE GUI for git Branching version control error reading Top 5 hot keys to know Terminal shell command line SIDE NOTE : EMACS VIM for remote server access to file and edit etc ENANO?
  2. Git I made a super cool list of git commands but dont know where ...basics

This is intended to be the first most basic steps> If something is unfamilar ebleive me you will not want to skip over it. I have sat next to a 7 year veteran Senior dev and he did not know some of these keys Text Editor (IDE integrated development environment) - VS code is winning the fight according to some sources to be honest my personal opinoin is that overall its the easiet to use and is free. Webstorm is cool but cost moneya and has differnt hot keys and bascially is hard to learn from my epxerience people still using Sublime are jsut "don't want to change old shocoolers" which has its place for peopel that are really good and don't need more or new. If you want to use Sublime, Atom whatever then jsut google how to do all these things in that editor and you will be fine. But they all are great so that would be a worthwhile exericse. pro tip: Goal skill: be able to quickly move through all your files (code) find functions variables and their instances CTRL is the same as using the command key on Mac CTRL + A Selects all CTRL + G Go To a line number CTRL + C ULTIMATE KEY OF ALL copy surprisingly high nuer of previous non coders dont reallu use this unless really good on a computer right lcik copy is super slow ) CTRL + V Paste SHIFT UP ARROW move the line up or down not sure what this key is yet look it up CTRL + D (esp useful remember to use Home and End keys to dynamically scroll to end or beginning of the lines text dynamically) CTRL + ?/ (after selecting a block of code this will comment or uncomment if commented out the whole block or line) Save all key bidnings etc config for es lint and js options etc CTRL + P file name search CTRl + SHIFT + F find all occurences in all files in workspace CTRL + Z CTRL + SHIFT + Z ALT + UP or ALT + DOWN moves the current line up or down on the page double click on file at top or left and it will have its own window if you don't dot his and click another file without editing it will disappear and the tab be overwrittn. also the text goes italic whne not clicked twice Code snippets ! tab boilerplate for example <li* turns into <li 3x etc drag the file from the top open status to the terminal and it puts the exact path there useful for ruhnning node etc. Warning with the git version control GUI and also code shortcut snippets. You should actually be able to do it all on your own first. That is the risk of starting with the goodies you can miss out on the basics. Interviewers can stump you if you depend fully on that stuff. So be versatile. Try other code editors to just see etc.

BOttm right click file type GO and has al ot of these keys but its ont usuauolyll my first thoguht to go to each tab and go thorugh each one and knowing whtat it does and when to use it.

GUI for git - bottom left branches and start and plus sign conflicts in purpole. CTTL + "~" open bottom tray with 4 optiosn . - mulitple terminals
problems with file on bottom bar

Debugger for Node vs code breakpoints conitional breakpoint - freeze at certain number in loop for example hit count then expression .
launch.json attach smart step blackboxing not into dependencies my code only restart stackframe column breakpoints on cahined on eline functions chrome and node in vs code seemlessly debug back end node and front end two runtimes

AUTH passport-with-sequelize-and-mysql karma.js nightmare.js

% key extentions for VS CODE Prettier - use a config as such open in browser - allows you to right click on an html file and load it in the browser Prettier- Codeformatter esbenp.prettier-vscode ES lint Beautify (says it works for React JSX but NOT that good ) Snippets of any language so for example when I type ccc tab it creates the whle component boiler plate in React. Jshint Emmet - code completion and snipppets Can turn off temporarily config : file for workspace


Terminal (for linus users use Terminator for teh ideal experience APple has similar) Unix Commands - The termminal is where programmers live GUI are cool and great but you will need to get used to useing this great tool. Growing up all I rmember was run.exe such and such . So Windows or other OS is jsut a GUI for doing this command Description pwd
ls ls -a see hidden files like git ls -ll see who owns the file (if it ever errors messages give you that you don't have that permission it may be wise to check what user owns it for example) cd [dir] mkdir [dir] rm touch cat cd ~ home root fg killall node killall -9 npm ipaddress stuff up key goes to last item and !! also repeats last command (this is very handy) down goes back down the line- Caution CTRL C stops the prcess from working so you have to use the mouse to copy and paste code

Git HUb or bitbucket

vim - sometimes your temrianl will jump to some weird looking screen it could mean you entered into VIM its like a text editor inside the terminal - good for making quick changes and adding commands/code to computer config files etc esc : wq

nano ctrl x

HTML - code validation W3 Semantic HTML list of tags markup browser interprets to render the page

live-server icons brady stuff cubernetes

Getting oriented with Chrome Google Dev tools (Also Mozilla ) Copy the entire things by clicking copy outer html also can copy the enitre css document in a snese by useing CSS Steal extension and indivually by viewing each itme and its CSS also you can find some of the JS

click the arrow to inpect an element see the CSS associated and the classes break down - mobile responsive and tablet view Network . XHR all the images scarpers source box model up and down arrow keys - can manipulate and chage the page how ever you like inclding repalcing images and chanign text

breakpoints console. (front end code only) remember the clear conosle siymbooll and persist logs so you get the logs even when chanign pages which can be useful

10 Words you need to know well MVC IDE DOM way of representing objects that can be defined via HTML and then later to be able to possibly interact with through a scripting lanague like JavaScript. HTML tags are known as nodes on the DOM. It can be ordered like a family tree chart. Parents, children, siblings and so forth in a hierarchal order. So a ul would be the parent of the li and if it has 2 li then those are siblings. Descendants is a common word. Link to quizlet for fish cards

Git or version control 99% of the commands I actually use in dev on the job ( not implying this is what should be or is done by others or even is the best set at all just plainly what I happen to use and sure it will evolve) git init (creates a folder for git version control .git) git add . git commit -m "my message here" git push git stash git stash apply git merge git reset HEad git log git status git checkout git checkout -b creates new branch fro one currently on - so use a development branch and each time start a new branch for each fauter then merge it back to dev. and rebase before pushing some others and linek to books and huge git hub repo of them git bisect git remote -v git pull git log . see commit number you can reset to a commit and checkout a commit so do it often git push --set-upstream origin nss-react-edit-billing GIT PRO book git reset head rest url - git bisecct

PREtiter ES LINT WARNING PERSONAL SOAP BOX feel free to skip or not : if you ever heard the joke ... I did from my CTO and Senior and other Junior Devs 2 or 4 spaces so I did some reaserch and top repos use 2 and 4 there are pros and cons to each. My philosophy is that I could careless jsut let the comoaony decide and if you are that person to decide then literally flip a coin casue I really dont't think it matters. But I amy be shot for sayinga s such annd have been yelled at for real. The most important thing is to make sure you use technolgyo or software to do it for you or in my book y0ou are not a real programmer in fact aht is what wwe do is make things besiter autoemated sreamlined by telling computers to do work for us. I promised myself when I learned about this debate I would never really get in the habit of hitting tab or spaces but when I hit CTRL S (save in your respective IDE ) the work would be done for you.

JavaScript - turnign arrays into strings and strings into arrays , sort , code wars specialty lesson check list loop pusedo code

PRE MADE THEMES FREE portfolio sites bootstrap (my cpmsny buuy a theme and we se it so styling has become this way for m any companies ) working with these themes teh n is a skills

that store i found materilaize demos and opensource stuff

TOp - reduce, map- used a ton, isArray typeof isNan, itHasOqn Propety , for in , for of interval stuff index of module.exports in orms manipulation of DOM document.getELememtnBY Jquery lead in on the declilne but stil very useful JShint code editor , js - validator - usually done by some extension in vs code or IDe but still can be useful to isolate the expereince. JSON pretty print - commhnicating with jSOn objects between computers maybe by http stuff -

go daddy google sites getting a domian name - git hub pages , surge free options ZEIT

JAVASCRIPT V8 engine mozilla servo js runtime rust paralellism chakra js core safari Interactiviy - dynamic websites manipulating the DOM, listeners for event handling - after grabbing a DOM element, adding deleting elements hiding from the DOM Jquery - some unique powerful selectors , abstracts some of the difficulties in maniputalitng the DOM callback allow for sequenceing asynchoromnous events examples: an app that allows a user to input comments - , clearing the input box, making the enter key do something - fading in new comment JS objects : collection of mulitiple variables that are usually related in some way truthy falsy null etc url encoded json stinrgify etc json parser - consume - that link about data types and my link to prts and so forth from wiki

fabric.js- canvas library

programmable web


hints VSCODE OR NPM sections or soemthing package JSON - dev dependencies

EMAIL Service nodemailer monkey something aws ses

FULL server stack redis mongo db

git hib and git tutotil part SSH keys and commands config

dev envriroment - DOCKER - help us bootstrap teh development processs - create a clear separation between the client and the server APIS

resources reference htis books packt

Vagrant Virtual BOx virtual machine putty

compuer basics with port stuff and ip address internet basics localhost : port

server - serves up to clients FTP - browser interprets HTML CSS JS http creata server stuff node mouuels what are they - import access no path environments varibles : node process.env .env files

secrutiy sessentials .gitignore node moduels dS stroe config files

server or soemting

handling events - like click debugging tips: variables defined as expected - data being transferred properly replit , googel chorm console , this site give you an idea of how jQuery can help you and maybe even not use it Arrays ,variables, objects, if else, loops PLugins liek colorbox

Styles and code clean maintainble - meaninglful varibel names and funciton names - ORM patters OOP comments : CSS HTML JS quotes single or double , escapes and mixing quotes using small functions for testable pieces of code , modualrize 2-4 spaces

REFACTOR : Dry code - Don't repeat yourself - maps for example loops CSS hovers and oterh css greatness block inline box model SCSS SASS - atrucre varibleas mxin etc - link to 30 to know study some cool sites and see what they use 30 selectors to restrict stlistic rulesets to certain elements in the DOm inheritence rulesets apply to decendents in the DOm unless overridden . cascading rukes, whihc rule takes precednce, 1, 0,1,1, point sysytme for classes ids etc float- set wwidth for grid, css grid bootstrap and other custom premde librairy grids and flex box Check each source google Flex box MDN or FLex box W3 Schools with google fu stuff fonts and sizes ypes em , px etc % CSS lint reset , normalize responsive css - grid bootstrap etc media query and min max width stuff - even have certs GOtcha - collapse border for counting total css length width

how to clone a site tinder clone site

Top paid learning sites and authors and recap Treehouse (check your local library if they offer a free subscription mine does) Udmey ( you should google coupons and most the time 10-12-15-19 dollar offers ) Front End Masters - Cron

  • *     *   *    *        command to be executed

| | | | | | | | | +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0) | | | +------- month (1 - 12) | | +--------- day of month (1 - 31) | +----------- hour (0 - 23) +------------- min (0 - 59)

Back End

dialects of sql keyword

hoisting command space bar on mac acitivty monitor mac and system montior on ubuntu and task maagner on windows for non techy people they need to know about this for killing all servers like serach for node under processes and kill delete end or force quit.


Dev Tools 1. 2. BE READY : Interview prep(which is a masterty of sorts) and general CS knowledge Algorithms Big O Galye lots of them../? some okay better than oters Put the slide from Galye here

Principles of Debugging Error messages finding out where the code stopped - this is easy most the time - its the bugs wehre you don't know this is the worst once you find out where it stopped you can then debug for real. 10 most common erros. knowing all variables in play checking syntax and spelling (this I have learned is an error mostly made with beginners) good code editors can prevent most of this disodence


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With so many resources how to focus and master - feel like its way too much - feel overwhelmed

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Most of all having fun while coidng is key. Any career guru would tell you taht and hapness specialist. If you hate code obviosly move on if not thoguht try thinking of 10 things you wish you could make or wished existed in tech and it can exicte you. Laser like. Or something similar

Google FU Ctrl D in webstorm select multiple cursors. Force semi colon. Type checking Force spacing Key argument here is what some call writing legible code.

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Mini style guides. Dear aspiring programmer I am someone who loves to share and help others learn what I have learned in college my favorite professor made dvd of all his lectures. Then when I labeled react I fell in love with Stephen Grider who is would say is like that odorless in college. Ia m making my own boxes some day of topics I love until then I have this to share.

Free tests from plural sight.

They say if you really want to learn something teach it. Coders manifest. Draw your ideas out and share them with close associates/friends.

Electron. React native. - alll the ones on job resumes. Maybe I can build that bot as the last part of this.

Include my trello all on here Shift F12 and CTRL click on a function call to follow it.

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Simple basic. Like with carousel.

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Front-end frameworks and Single Page Web Applications (SPA)

Each javascript library or frameowrk would have its own verson of this so google your : REACT

HOSTING Trends and Latest Tech (good for ideas and knowing what is out there currently on the cutting edge) Fast Company Troll the app store montlhy or weekly to see newest apps. donwload feaztured ones that look likke your thing or very helpful to see latest incorporations of tech. Soend 1-2 hours going over all the best rated websites in the world to see what is possible.

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Codility ( Click on lessons they score for BIG O so very useful compared to Codewars where any code wins BUT takes longer to solve each one and does not have the fun factor of Codewars

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Ps aux | grep node sudo kill port sudo p kill

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INtgeresting tech I cam across in real use Buffers -something to do with strings binary and so forth

OOP Design

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logs and status on your apps , updating and redeploying

I thin i bookmarked some cool infograpohcs cour my bookmarks one last time - and Udmey bootcamps 2 of them for topics handling erros ajazz requests etc. try catch async await regional stuff

MVC - orm framwork separating concerns( maintainable code - made up of many small parts that do one thing and do one thing well.) applications architexture- explain how this finaly cicked MODEL like Mongoose file controller files - dictates the design of database driven applications MODEL abstracts the database VIEW generated JSON of view CONTROLLER interacts with the model, generates and send to the view router routes an http request to a controller action - server or index.js, app.get(route, action in cotroller) RESTFUL straightforward URLS with http verbs

REPEAT sections templating EJS Jade handlebars , mutsache etc

SKILLS list as mentioned in boo skill: HTML structure style interactivity bridge to data AJAX JSON APIS SERVER REDisS DATA STORE Client Side - Server side

client server with AJAX JS objects and JSON clean maintainable code TDD error handling CRUD REST HTTP response codes local storage redux persist TDD RUby on rails - and tdd python C# Java most jobs (indeed) JADE EJS PHP server side templating handlebars SQL sequelize massive ORM and contorller Model file structure and cookies sessions data persistence data flow data management - updating the view interactive stuff that is it

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SKILLS: Work as part of a team developing applications and services using Agile development methods aglie Scrum - points poker cards voting sprints - standups TRELLO maybe in Agile sections ASANA cross functional -

What do you need to know about design and so forth - balsamiq moqups

API rate limits to keep in mind backend is all about passing arguaments around for the dynamic also using orms to keep code dry and re use models MVC OOP - objects talkinng to each other

CAREER STUFF Define what you want to be in life. So you know how to tackle opportunity when it comes without hesitation . Know who you are. It’s work to really know and know that you know

Jobs excel sheet and basically all the career help from ERS. Maybe even link it to free work shop. Also gayle and list of jobs sites and espoacsily zip recruiter. 1 click apply. Pre written cover letter snippets to combine. Learning. Smart love tech. Numbers oriented. Do I have quantifiable pice if data or something to compare or set me apart in some way. Less is more 2-3 bullet points. Action words like built api. Portfolio site with projects and articles and. If you can Ta or Thor cause it’s abaically paid to learn all over again.

[1:16] Never turn down a job close or above your target income and tech stack

two points of view. one dont get a job you hate then wiat for the next job - but really if you dont have a cs degre or anyexpereince hoenlty I would totally base the decision on MONEY if its makes sense fo ryou finacially for you dont leave before 18 mopnths is up and then your workd is opend up FDM gorup paiys to learn JAVA and tell baout them. get foot in door. and not be loogin for a job for 6-9 nmonths. 30-90 days if you do it right.

JOB SEARCH Search 15 jobs that you want and research learn all the technical skills desried for the postion but rember you can never know everything - mainly its the langauge


PRO TIP : recruiters - until you have at least 3 years solid successful exp do not bother with them they get paid on ac ommision bassi . so liek k10 =k for getting you hired which is a percetage of our first yeras slaaray usualy . They have incegitve to chery pick ou and gete ou hrired.. but espically on lined in they never look at your resume or skill set they jsut spanm put based on soem key word algorithm. I could be wrong but don tworry about them unless verywell eduacaated or lots of desirble stack expiece. follow up on interviews is very key . tell them ou loved the compnay and people esp and feel very confiend tin being able to get the code down ec and be aof value fast.


Command Description
git status List all new or modified files
git diff Show file differences that haven't been staged

In the words of Abraham Lincoln:

Pardon my French

\Deep dive coding basics and General all purpose Fullstack skills Browser Based Technologies — cookies local storage Quality Assurance » Writing Tests Internet Marketing » SEO » Semantic HTML Computer Science applied to JavaScript » Design Patterns » Algorithms

different roles » Full Stack Developer » Frontend Web Developer » Backend Web Developer » Product Manager » Technical Project Manager » QA and Test Engineer » Software Developer » Application Development Manager » Computer Programmer » Web Designer » Email Developer » Technical SEO Specialist » Web Producer » Technical Business Analyst

Apply “social coding” accepted and best practices (including source control, issue tracking, functional feedback, etc.) » Build a frontend website either from scratch or by utilizing a frontend framework (such as Bootstrap) » Deploy static and dynamic websites to the cloud » Implement complex logical conditions to meet an objective » Write SQL commands to perform Create, Read, Update and Delete commands » Create a full stack Single Page Application with AJAX communication » Develop your vision for a website—and then build it! » Expertly navigate the file system and terminal basics » Work independently or in a group on complex projects throughout the entire development lifecycle » Understand the basics of troubleshooting and enhancing legacy code » Communicate the basics of serving a web page and how the browser renders code » Create RESTful APIs utilizing JSON as a data format » Consume RESTful APIs properly utilizing REST verbs » Create robust PHP-based websites utilizing Laravel, a MVC framework » Create session-based applications utilizing user authentication schemes that are well-known and widely used Source version control Internet Marketing »Code Organization Students will utilize both SQL and NoSQL databases and be able to identify the appropriate use cases for each. Mobiel Cordova framework 7 and native DOm manipulation # 1 skill interacting with the DOM,

COPY AND PASTE sandboxing =. W# schools bootstrap matiealrzie reusing components get working on your local machine in a sandbox test all by itself then integrate it into your code - may not always be nececeasary but for larger snippets like auth and so forth - boiler plate repos. Since things are common tasks people create boiler plates CRA example - may others exist even fulls tack ones.

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Ultimate Fullstack Resources


SKILLS from my Dreams jobs:

APPLE Description Design and develop software architecture for large scale, multi-tier Apple Product Operations. Design and develop tools and dashboards used for Apple’s Operations organization. Design and develop large scale databases. Gather requirements from business users. Support production activities requiring database updates and release of new features for existing tools and dashboards. Perform code reviews. Redesign existing applications for better user experience involving performance and usability. Review hardware infrastructure planning and provide support when required for software upgrades. Education Details Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, or related field and 10 years of progressive post-baccalaureate experience in the job offered or related occupation. Key Qualifications 5+ years of hands-on experience with NoSQL database management systems: Splunk, ElasticSearch, Solr or similar as a developer or administrator. Solid understanding of modern Big Data principles, esp. in NoSQL domain as well as relational databases (e.g. MySQL, Oracle) Efficient programming capabilities in any of the following: Perl, Python, TCL or Makefile Web development with any of the following: PHP, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, XML, HTML, CSS Experience with data reporting and data visualization. Excellent communications skills and customer interfacing. Skill Desired Are Strong Java skills core java, jUnit and object oriented design and development. Spring core, spring boot, spring data and spring cloud. At minimum Spring core and Spring boot NoSQL and SQL DBs like MongoDB, HBase, Kafka and Big Data platform like Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Impala etc. Front end technologies. Preferred Skills: React JS, HTML4/5, CSS3, AJAX & JQuery (Nice to have) Exposure to Docker, Mesos, Marathon etc. (Nice to have)

ADOBE FULL STACK You love writing software You want to be responsible for the full lifecycle of a project: from user story breakdown, design, and git init, to implementation, testing, documentation, and maintenance You have an insatiable desire to simplify complex problems, and create an even simpler interface to the solution You enjoy building robust, scalable, fault-tolerant systems

Must-haves Professional software development experience with any of the following languages: Go, Scala, Ruby, Python, C++, C, Erlang, Haskell, C#, Clojure, D, Elixir, F#, Java, Perl, Rust Excellent communication skills (we’re a geographically distributed team) Good API design skills Have written a HTTP API *nix and git experience Basic understanding of CAP theorem Really-nice-to-haves Open source contributions or projects Distributed systems experience Low-level systems or network programming experience AWS experience (“I've used the console” doesn’t count) Misc: Docker, CI/CD setup/operation, multithreaded programming, stability patterns

We craft tools,processes, and workflows for teams; enabling Containerization, Clusterization, and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). developing cloud-hosted (AWS), responsive, single page web applications using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 5+ years of experience in developing cloud-hosted (AWS), responsive, single page web applications using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 Experience architecting large-scale web applications in Vue, React, Angular or another comparable JavaScript frameworks Able to integrate with and manage APIs exposing micro services (REST, SOAP) including development and support of Java/JavaScript services. Experience with build tools (including Webpack, Gulp, Grunt), as well as transpiling, minification, concatenation and other build-time optimizations Knowledge of security concerns in web technology Knowledge of optimizing client side performance Strong testing discipline and experience using Jest, Jasmine, Karma, Selenium or another comparable testing framework Up-to-date knowledge of JavaScript design patterns as well as object oriented and functional design Familiarity with test-and-learn approaches using web and customer analytics data, and understanding how it drives development Exceptional front-end debugging skills Strong organizational and communication skills, both verbal and written BS degrees in computer science or equivalent experience

Preferred Skills

Test Driven Development (TDD), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD) Experience with Docker and other containerization technologies Java experience Experience with source code control, especially Git Experience with online commerce concepts and terminology Experience working with Agile methodologies (Scrum, Lean Startup, XP) and cross-functional teams (Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Developers, Designers) OTHER ADOBE Design and develop microservice solutions at scale in a big data cloud platform. Solve complex business and technical problems involving large-scale data aggregation, workflow and reporting. Research and exercise proficiency with new technologies. Gain a solid understanding of the Adobe Analytics platform workflows and be willing to drive solutions that span across one or more cross-functional Engineering teams. Develop product enhancements and features with a strong focus on effective customer engagement and satisfaction. What you need to succeed M.S. or B.S. in Computer Science or equivalent field, and at least 3 years experience developing software. Solid object-oriented programming background in Java. Database programming knowledge including SQL and MongoDB. Experience building and scaling RESTful web services. Experience working in a Linux environment. Must be detail-oriented, self-motivated, responsive, professional and dedicated to customer success. Experience with building and deploying back end services platforms. Demonstrated ability to contribute to projects of varying complexity, including integration with other products and systems to identify areas of new feature development. Excellent interpersonal skills.

lds church The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is seeking a Web Software Engineer for the team. We are a large organization with many different teams. Our team delivers web apps across the world to over 130 languages and many cultures. The apps that we build support many of the key content products such as General Conference, the Scriptures, the History of the Church, and Youth websites. The Web Development team for uses leading edge technologies such as ES6, React/Redux, Babel, Post-css, Webpack, and are forward thinking to CSS-Grid, custom elements, ES6 modules, and other layout techniques. We train and support and build one another. This individual works with divine guidance to provide or support technology that furthers the mission of the Church and reflects the eternal impact of the gospel. Responsibilities As Web Software Engineer you focus on front-end delivery of the products for your team. Your team will be responsible for utilizing and maintaining a templating framework using ReactJs / Redux. You will also be responsible to work in legacy codebase using HandlebarsJs and native JavaScript. Under the direction of the team lead you will help direct the agile development process and will have ownership of the quality of the front-end code.

To do this, you will need to: Develop with the React/Redux stack. Be comfortable using the latest tools and frameworks. Be active in knowing and understanding what is coming up in the front-end space. Build a positive work atmosphere by building coworkers and never tearing them down. This is an important one to us. We want everyone to have a voice and feel valued. Qualifications 3 to 4 years of experience in developing on the web. Understand Nodejs and be able to own the front-end server. The ability to break down high level requirements documents and designs and direct the front-end work of your team. Understand component driven development and build highly reusable component patterns. Good understanding of JavaScript. Build performant web apps and know how performance effects worldwide distribution of content. Understand Git and GitFlow. Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience.

lds software engineer 4 Skills Solid understanding of basic computer science concepts of data structures, operating systems principles, computer languages, algorithms, and data storage You have the ability to follow the design and implement simple features of a system, including appropriate tests; able to design proper interactions between components to implement features Have strong analytical, problem solving, organizational, and detail oriented skills You need to be able to work on a team as well as individually in an adaptable, agile environment Solid experience using a database, including data creation and retrieval Demonstrated experience building production web applications and supporting APIs using the following technologies: JavaScript Git RESTful APIs JSON XML Server side technologies Bonus technical skills ReactJS HTML CSS XQuery Node.js MarkLogic or other NoSQL experience Localization and internationalization

ANCESTRY .com software engineer Job Description Ancestry is looking for a talented Software Developer to help with the development of the website and our migration to Amazon Web Services. You will be a key member of a team designing and developing the Ancestry home page, pedigree viewer, and more. We are an agile and close-knit team and the ideal candidate will be open to shifts in frameworks and development tasks, willing to assertively and collaboratively get things done, and most of all willing to learn new technologies. You will Convert webpages from C#/.Net to microservices using node.js. Analyze code for bottlenecks and performance issues, then design and implement solutions. Write excellent unit and integration tests Creating/managing REST API endpoints Qualifications 2+ years of website development with Javascript Experience with Angular/React Experience with Node.js Bachelor's degree in related field required Understanding of an agile software development process, including object oriented analysis, design, and implementation Preferred Skills Experience developing and deploying cloud-based solutions AWS integrations including ECS, RDS, DynamoBD, and Lambda Creating and managing Docker-deployed applications Understanding of high-availability/fault-tolerance and caching techniques Understanding of design patterns Experience with Microsoft Visual Studio Understanding of Git source control

Job description

We are looking for a JavaScript Frontend Developer passionate about creating polished web applications with beautiful, well-designed UIs using the React library. Your primary responsibility will be the implementation of visual elements and their behaviors with user interactions. You will work with both Front-end and Back-end web developers to build all client-side logic. You will also be bridging the gap between the visual elements and the server-side infrastructure, taking an active role on both sides, and defining how the application looks and functions.


Develop new user-facing features using the React library. Build reusable, clean code with performance and simplicity in mind. Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs. Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability. Requirements:

B.S. degree in Computer Science Extensive experience with JavaScript. Experience with managing mobile responsive, complex Single Page Applications (SPA) and Progressive Web Applications (PWA). Strong understanding of React library best practices and conventions. Good understanding of web markup, including HTML5 and CSS3. Excellent understanding of browser rendering behavior and performance.

Contribute : BE

How to Use How to Ask Great Questions

Html Most used elements w3 schools or mdn. Lists inputs buttons forms 10 example on codepen of each Tables iframes , p tag header Inline block block elements Attributes Line breaks Text formatting Box model Div Head Doctype ! Tab The hierarchy of your web page. This is called the Document Object Model. New elements and spellcheck and editable areas - validation forms audio video Target blank Geolocations Drag drop use later in JS Local session cookies(this is for the chrome browser part HXR network stuff too and source etc) create my own video for this.

CSS Spacing layout borders box model Cursor mouse element css events pseudo classes top 4 try to maybe find the little cards I made from Lynda summarize all I have learned about css Overflowing content - containers Max min Positioning Layers z index Float clear Alignment Sprites: the most efficient way to load images Make elements translucent: opacity Style elements based on their attributes  Browser prefixes  !important cascading in line weight Shadows- text shadows Google fonts icons Brady link go to a cool website knowing the basics and see a asters work and reverse engineer break down Resizing text areas 

JS Events Grabbers Escaping content  Programming fundamentals: Skipping A Loop Cycle, breaking out of loops Array varibel funcitons Loops , if else Console log document.write();  Alert confirm prompt String Manipulation Substr Try catch Async await Es6 Date time moment js moment js business days - prime example of just googling to see if its been done - exampleof shipping meed MATH Get user information from their navigator. STUDY THIS Timers Objects

AJAX Responses console log JSON parse JSON stringify When Ajax is ready: readyState and status 

jQuery Event listeners Changing animating css manipulating the DOM jQuery's take on .innerHTML. changing text Firing a button We can very easily access and change HTML attributes with jQuery. Executing code when a function is complete: callbacks 

Upgrading to OOP Members only admin or site registration data flow Boiler plates Walk through study code

Google chrome tutorial : COPY PASTE a whole website Scraper clone Delete and play with then refresh Getting colors : copy elements Using the console. Persisting logs Break points Local cookies delete etc Extensions Incognito Screen shot extension I forgot what I was about to do

COMMON tasks: Form data Hide show elements Toggle classes - use my query stuff I made for js part of this


[3:45] What exactly does a mentor do ? In my meager experience my senior dev mentor have taught me pro tips. Things to always do. Help me get unstuck. How to make the layout on css behave . Solve theses issues. How to produce a nice portfolio piece without. A bootcamp or group. ??

Ratings after likes. Reviews similar to comments Ecommeree. Blogs. Categories of sites. Most popular sites in thewolrd. Genius. Wordpress ?? Meteor knockout. What about off shore labor. And many of you reading this may be off shore talent. MAYEB JSUT NOTES NOT HERE IN BOOK My hobby. Analyze successful things of McDonald’s Walmart - topal. Start own business - freelance rates put rates and sites there to break it up. Indeed zipreuciter dice overlap but monster

Lynda path 2x speed 1 month member ship or trial Gives you a resource to ask questions from. Upgrade from OOP. Angular 1 2 etc. large scalable apps - production code I like working. But small companies have less benefits 10$k less. Networking key to larger companies. Or stand out. Things to do to stand out. Resume stuff coding challenges videos tutorials.
VS code tutorial. Murffcode. Input mastery. Video I guess Likes. Comments sections. Stephen Grider. Knew what to do

Dyncmailly creating destroying items. And lists. Based on templates and data. Data persisitnace.

Customer interaction. Feedback . Notifications. Just look boot strap and kidna show how it proves what are the most common elements.

Some may just code and be really. Good. But it makes sense to me to have a process down for study and be proactive about learning not just stay in th same rut of doing your daily job. Curiosity Elon musk learning article genius

Double check all my personal dm to myself tomorrow and make sure it’s all in the pages document and form now on keep it very localized to that. No more work at work only on laptop Apple

Skills : Upgrading code from legacy. Porting code from php to React.

Drag. 5 topics per month in to a list and somehow have an automotic topic material generated. Top 8 google hits just start reading or something. Finish each excsiiece by coding in code pen what you learned if has code possible if not. Create a flash cards on quizlet. Review cards score 85% before moving on

Give a certificate when done. Lol.

If reading a book. Make flash cards on quizlet. Writing them on paper may be better

Clone a website. Build in all big 3 an jquery Master css. Jquery html vanilla reusable component s on code pen or similar to jot rewrite code your whole career

Common tasks. Look at any favorite website now generalize what’s happening Messaging app. Edit Dave deal with customer data

Guaranteed job

Why Javacsript look at this - look at jobs your market an google most popular language I your area and build pieces with that tech in it FYI I read yesterday - 27% of the listings for U.S. tech jobs are accounted for in 8 cities. Seattle, San Francisco, San Jose, Austin, Raleigh, Washington, Baltimore, Boston. The following cities qualify for the job  guarantee from other bootcamps :Atlanta, GA  Austin, TX  Boston, MA  Boulder, CO  Chicago, IL  Dallas, TX  Denver, CO  Detroit, MI  Houston, TX  Las Vegas, NV  Los Angeles, CA  Miami, FL  Minneapolis-Saint Paul, MN  New York, NY  Oakland, CA  Orlando, FL  Philadelphia, PA  Phoenix, AZ  Portland, OR  Raleigh, NC  Salt Lake City, UTSan Diego, CASan Francisco, CA  Seattle, WA  Tampa, FL  Toronto, Canada  Vancouver, Canada  Washington DC Software Engineer (full stack node.js) our mission at Pluralsight is to democratize professional technology learning. As a global leader in our space, we are improving people’s lives every day and helping businesses build their futures by giving them access to our platform. We are eternal optimists, entrepreneurs and truth seekers. Every decision we make is guided by our values, and every decision is made to drive business performance. We’re looking for positive, passionate, goal-driven people who thrive in a fast-paced environment. We offer a vibrant culture, competitive pay and loads of other perks. Our core values as a company: • Truth seeking: we are a meritocracy • Entrepreneurship: innovation and continual improvement • Eternal Optimism: we believe we can solve even the hardest problems in a positive way

Job Summary Pluralsight proudly creates the creators of tomorrow: the people who develop the technology that lifts the human condition. We do this through the tech industry's leading learning platform for serious Developer, IT and Creative professionals. Our team of 700+ innovators and disruptors are serving over 1M users in 150+ countries to conquer the tech skills gap. Job Description Ways we work: • Software Craftsmanship - we want to be proud of our work. come to • Test-Driven Development - we take responsibility for our code without QA engineers • Pair programming - we value collaborative development • Continuous Delivery - teams independently ship code to prod every day • Kanban & Lean - no more backlog grooming, no more T-shirt size estimating • Continual improvement - we take time to sharpen the saw and adjust how we work • Autonomous & responsible teams - making their own product & dev choices • Cross-functional teams - collaborating through all phases of the product dev process • Customer research - we build what our customers actually want • Trusting leaders - who trust us to create and don’t impose deadlines or features • Solid technology - of the team’s choice, for the right job What we create with: • Node.js backend • Declarative UI - react, angular@2 • Functional state management - redux • TDD - mocha, jasmine, ava • JS modules - es6, cjs • CSS modules - < 3 • Single-page apps - stateful clients, client routing, rest/graphql • Data visualization - d3, svg • Accessibility - semantic markup, aria, a11y audits • Optimized assets - webpack, cdn • Github - src control and PRs • Databases - PostgreSQL, Cassandra, Reddis • Messaging – pub/sub architecture Working At Pluralsight We're committed to a values-driven culture here at Pluralsight and our mission inspires everything we do: Creating Progress Through Technology That Lifts The Human Condition. This is our North Star — it's the why and how behind all of our decisions. Since our start in 2004, we’ve chosen to grow in a way that will make our Mission a reality. We’ve raised over $190 million in funding and acquired five awesome startups (PeepCode, TrainSignal, Tekpub, Digital Tutors, & Code School) that have grown our platform in immense ways. We're growing quickly and we're looking for people who are passionate about making a serious impact on technology -- and the world. We invite you to help us create the future while doing the best work of your life. Need more inspiration? Take a look at what others are saying on Glassdoor and on social media at #WeArePluralsight. Check out our awards as well, or find who you know on LinkedIn that works at Pluralsight and learn what drives their desire to make the world a better place. And it’s okay to be curious about ourbenefits- they’re one great example of our purpose-driven people programs that enable our teams to do amazing work. Additional Information Be Yourself. Pluralsight is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. I'm interestedI'm interestedRefer a friend Job Type: Full-time

 Improve your javascript skills

Javascript and problem solving are how you pass whiteboard questions on the board and are essential for understanding more complex applications and libraries.   • Be able to complete all of the level 8,and 7, and 6  kata on
 • Learn OR
 • Learn Typescript  - This will also help you a LOT with C# (Both made by Microsoft) (1-3 hours of study on Typescript)
 • Learn some design patterns! (At least 3)

 -Clone 3-5 pages

Interview Prep

Talking about the Dom sibling etc Node Photo jpg I have of the skills in that class I was taking on from tend master

TIE JS functions to times I have used them REAL examples FILTER = remove something Website builders and blogs services Sass 25 free way to urn how to code man what happened to this post

Contibute blog

Learning code the smarter way books

Make rq me of your precut and idea if posable host it on heroic

•	One way data flow

◦	Dan Abramov’s Redux/Immutable

◦	Immutable data :

◦	Immutable.js

◦	This goes with React

▪	OmniscientJS

C# shares a lot of syntax with javascript and even more with Java
 • Java is a close second, but I haven’t found good intro courses.  It tends to be a more academically debated language in my experience.
 • RX JS :
 ◦ Do this tutorial
 • Elm
 Learn how start us work

Free sites

Podcasts: Javascript Jabber Javascript Air Does not Compute Softskills Engineering Road map

#Learn a functional programming language Functional programming is another approach to solving problems.  It doesn’t have the market share that object oriented does but it is quickly on the rise: • Scala: 

Top extra skills to learn :

•	C# - 4 Pillars of Object Oriented Programming - Web API 2.0

•	PHP 

•	jQuery

Code splitting Gnome those auto update when libraries hang function How is the new keyword working see my screen shot. under the hood, rebuild the new keyword , senior dev interviewer questions

Harvard 10k certified Indiana grad frone end etc This is likely duplicate


VOCAB Cast, pointer

Flow react prop types etc Statically typed languages A language is statically typed if the type of a variable is known at compile time. For some languages this means that you as the programmer must specify what type each variable is (e.g.: Java, C, C++); other languages offer some form of type inference, the capability of the type system to deduce the type of a variable (e.g.: OCaml, Haskell, Scala, Kotlin) The main advantage here is that all kinds of checking can be done by the compiler, and therefore a lot of trivial bugs are caught at a very early stage. Dynamically typed languages A language is dynamically typed if the type is associated with run-time values, and not named variables/fields/etc. This means that you as a programmer can write a little quicker because you do not have to specify types every time (unless using a statically-typed language with type inference). Example: Perl, Ruby, Python Most scripting languages have this feature as there is no compiler to do static type-checking anyway, but you may find yourself searching for a bug that is due to the interpreter misinterpreting the type of a variable. Luckily, scripts tend to be small so bugs have not so many places to hide. Most dynamically typed languages do allow you to provide type information, but do not require it. One language that is currently being developed, Rascal, takes a hybrid approach allowing dynamic typing within functions but enforcing static typing for the function signature.

I want to build a project to make all of this at the simple- complex levels - what if I had 10 examples of each - the admin tool I just found has all the basics too Make the whole bootcamp based on being able to build all of these pieces. Only learn a concept with real thing like Uof U has really good stuff but there are different ways to do it need to show that. Invent new one too. - what new functionality is needed Example trello new trend Top 25 Elements and functionality in web development Buttons : delete, update Comments reply
Nav bars Basically all of bootstrap Input Multiple inputs and selects

Removing adding elements

Pretty much could use part of the query list I made as well and use that here too in the query sections. Lynda .com

Mostly crap below

Resume : classes - Business Calc - Statistics , public speaking

CS 103:  Mathematical Foundations of Computing CS 106B/ENGR 70B: Programming Abstractions CS 106X/ENGR 70X: Programming Abstractions (Accelerated) CS 107: Computer Organization and Systems CS 107E: Computer Systems from the Ground Up CS 108: Object-Oriented Systems Design CS 109: Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists CS 110: Principles of Computer Systems CS 131: Computer Vision: Foundations and Applications CS 140: Operating Systems and Systems Programming CS 143: Compilers CS 144: Introduction to Computer Networking CS 145: Introduction to Databases CS 148: Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging CS 149: Parallel Computing CS 155: Computer and Network Security CS 194: Software Project CS 194W: Software Project (WIM) CS 223A: Introduction to Robotics CS 225A: Experimental Robotics CS 229: Machine Learning CS 231A: Computer Vision: From 3D Reconstruction to Recognition CS 244: Advanced Topics in Networking

The minimum major in computer science consists of 96 units, including 26 units of math, 11 units of science, 13 units of engineering fundamentals, one course in TIS (Technology in Society), and 43 units of core depth. After learning essential programming techniques in CS106 (via the CS106A/B/X courses) and the mathematical foundations of computer science in CS103, the computer science major offers coursework in areas such as artificial intelligence, biocomputation, computer engineering, graphics, human-computer interaction, information, systems, and theory.

I bet with google you can learn all you need to form any of these courses maybe friends you know that are cs grad have repos on one for you to check out copy Notes

Software design is a branch of CS

What can cs knowledge do for me as a full stack developer ? Summary by a pro of what knowledge to know GALYE slide I copied and pasted here ….. OOP solid :

Observables 5tips for senior dev Its all about clean code and code that can be easily understood and as Kyle Simpson has said “any fool can write code a computer can understand ; good programmers write code that humans can understand”

  1. Be Simple It’s one of our core values at BT! We try our best to deliver a Personal, Simple and Brilliant experience to all. We have made great efforts in doing this with all the services we provide and we continue to work towards being as simple as possible! Aristos says “As a Senior Developer, I write code that is easy for other developers to understand, creating code that is modular and is easy to be maintained and improved.”  
  2. Be Flexible As one of the biggest Tech companies, we have to be flexible to ensure we can adapt to new systems! Aristos says “I use agile techniques to be able to adapt to the emerging Web Technology”  
  3. Be Curious We are always looking for ways that can help us improve and value feedback from our customers and employees, we take this on board and put it into action! Aristos says “Always look for solutions that could help us improve.”  
  4. Invest in your skills Here at BT, we invest in our people and there are many brilliant stories of people who have joined the company as an Apprentice or Graduate and worked their way up the ranks to senior position with the company. Aristos says “Use your time wisely, attend meetups, conferences, be one with the tech community”  
  5. Be Active We have onsite gym facilities in some of our offices and this can be a great way to refresh your thinking. Take advantage of these opportunities to perform better. - Look after yourself and make sure you use the time you spend in front of your computer wisely. Make sure you keep your body fit as you do the same with your body. react design Best practices at conference and authors docs key!!

DEV TIPS Sandbox folder Bookmarks SOVLED - JS React etc

Geeks nerds - nerd dress funny shirts games etc and most of al be a nerd and code all day everyday dress like a nerd joke post ..? JS Q Give an example of a time that you used Prototypal OO in JavaScript. A Prototypal OO is the other major programming paradigm that really lets JavaScript shine—objects linked to other objects (OLOO). You’re looking for knowledge of when and where to use prototypes, liberal use of “Object.assign()” or mixins, and a solid grasp of concepts like delegation and concatenative inheritance.

MORE RESOURCES Duplicate Free programming stuff Facebook page have group too DO STUFF find contests - build cutsom stuff sectino Issues on git hub

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EACH skill is like a note and when you learn all the notes you can play a song. You can build a cute song or site with just a few notes. There are a few notes that are key to each site like layout positioning

CODE MOD YES every wondered about upgradeng code skill migrate I found out about a really cool thing. When Learning Angular 1.5 then ugh to 2.0 I thought WHY oh WHy do they not just write a program to update all my code to the new stuff ...? YES I found that it does exist for React at least I am super happy ! npm install -g create-react-app create-react-app my-app cd my-app git init heroku create -b git add . git commit -m "react-create-app on Heroku" git push heroku master heroku open

Ok, but how do I get the code to tell a story, exactly? • Assemble your solution from small, single-purpose functions that have no side effects. • Aim for a simple, clear flow of data from small function to small function. • Think in terms of inputs and outputs at every level of your system. Each small function transforms its input into an output. • Use precise, self-describing names for your functions and variables. • Functions in particular should be named "verbObject", like renderList or calculateAverage. This emphasizes the transformation of input into output.

Troubleshooting install uninstall node modules like restart

Seleniium Goals. Post in my email. From insurance days. Maybe some free online college career stuff but not lame tests. Put in goal for getting a web dev job and find the average income and decide if that is what you want STEM classes - resume : langauge learnng , ciritacal thinjking - statisics, Math 119 clac

test runner or assertion library -- attribute attention to detail - less bugs and some devs are robots I prefer to have a process Protractor (specialized for Angluar.js apps)


In this course, we'll first set up all the tools we need, we'll explore testing with Jess, and we'll run some example tests, create a snapshot, and do coverage reports. Next, we'll go over the Chrome and React DevTools and how we can find the source of our bugs and resolve them. Finally, we'll improve code syntax, bug prevention, and performance, by using type checking, ESLint, and our DevTools. So, if you're ready to exterminate these annoying bugs, open your favorite text editor and let's get started.

End to end (e2e) testing is the process of executing a tests scenario against a real browser to test the entire stack of a multi-tier application what is a favicon

What is a repl read …node

topic of good computer advaned PATH stuff bash rc really good stuff here

Static types why typesciprt flow quality code

Bash / Terminal Commands These are the basic commands for navigating directories in a Terminal or Git Bash window

Moving in directories

Change Directory cd

Change to Root Directory cd ~

Move to One Directory Up cd ..

View Folders and Files in the Directory ls

Show the current Directory pwd

Autocomplete a File Name in the Current Directory Press tab key once to autocomplete once you have typed a unique portion of a file name.

File Manipulations

Make New File touch [name of file to create]

Make New Folder mkdir [name of directory to create]

Delete file rm [name of file to remove]

Delete folder rm -r [name of directory to remove]

Copying File cp [filename1] [filename2]

Move/Rename File mv [filename1] [filename2]

Mac Only

Open file or folder (Mac only) open [name of file]

Open all files and folder in current directory (Mac only) open .

PC Only

Open file or folder (PC only) explorer [name of file]

Open all files and folder in current directory (PC Only) explorer .


ES6 Compatibility

ES6 Compatibility Table:

  • See which environments support which ES6 features! Node, browser, ewtc.


Babel REPL:

  • Allows you to see the conversion of ES6 -> ES5 real-time

VS Code Babel REPL Extension:

  • Plugin for Babel REPL in VS Code

Using the Babel CLI

`npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-env babel-preset-stage-2` 
`alias bnode='babel-node --presets env,stage-2` Links to 2 paths and free courses

What are the principles ? Compare to employ in web dev SEO

Security Semantic html find pdf I have First HTLM practice even with target=“_blank” Bunch of practices H1 Doctype img etc Create a bio page box-sizing: border-box and inline block stuff still a mystery fo rme !! New activity Add some css style to a page • Use relative linking to make it work! Float clear float, padding, margin, display, overflow, clear and text-align. ASSIGNMENT Build a wire frame with borders background floats text align etc Build portfolio Footer Cascading rules weight id class selectors stuff multiple files order etc Resets -always first lol

Publish to git hub pages - practice push to git etc Hack some sites with chrome tools -have an activity do this lots lol Practice modyifng stuff on own sites then copy into code

CSS Typography- incorporate 2-3 Custom Google Fonts • font-family
 • font-size
 • font-weight
 • line-height Good time to cover sizing - em percent all that and its relation to reset etc Pseudo class Bootstrap demo with no css only classes and reference file Bootstrap grid , components , classes, responsive media query Create a bootstrap layout like a newspaper - see snap shots jan 29 Css grid above maybe - materialize foundation zorb

Activity 1. Using Bootstrap, make a sticky footer and use sub-rows and sub-columns on your portfolio site (Hint: Check out the Bootstrap documentation)
 2. Your Bootstrap solution should minimize use of media queries.
 So use xm and sm then another one with media query portfolio site redo 980px, 768px, 640px

Chrome tools for window resizer

Bonus find that

JS - Data Types, User Input, Conditional Logic All objects Data types Document (write) when it used console. Replit V8 engine s all the engines Window Alert prompt - confirm if else parse int do stuff to show all this

The first part of the course is focused on analysis. Share Quote

The second part of the course is focused on design. Before you can do design, you have to master a bunch of techniques for analyzing algorithms. And then you'll be in a position to design algorithms that you can analyze and that which are efficient. The analysis of algorithm is the theoretical study -- -- of computer program performance -- -- and resource usage. And a particular focus on performance. We're studying how to make things fast. In particular, computer programs. We also will discover and talk about other resources such as communication, such as memory, whether RAM memory or disk memory. There are other resources that we may care about, but predominantly we focus on performance. Because this is a course about performance, I like to put things in perspective a little bit by starting out and asking, in programming, what is more important than performance?

Truth false JS stuff Operatiors gotch Loose equality using == Loose equality compares two values for equality, after converting both values to a common type.  After conversions (one or both sides may undergo conversions), the final equality comparison is performed exactly as === performs it.  Loose equality is symmetric: A == B always has identical semantics to B == A for any values of A and B (except for the order of applied conversions). Node lists

juqery and react data grid stuff under jspro

mix in s react and css etc

? how to approve new Js

Build Chrome exntneion Aslant rules etc DO after know to code

drag file in vscode to terminal - and -v for whatever to install stuff

Team flow close branch after merge stuff

pull first

middleware Great site

JS tricks hoisting

(function(){console.log("hi")})() IFFY

immutable code breaking instead of logging undefined...? see ryan links

vscode has language ones lick python Strings (literals es6) objects Boolans arrays activites like react lesson today

iterating over objects !!!! activites

use at work a lot doing logic on them SYntax erros are "fatal" code cannot run

stack trace verbose - soruce codde discussion of who wrote erros

yeoman stuff boiiler plate Books section

those steps I found about - checking if the code has been done before I forget where tha twas

Paul Murff [8:50 PM] React Native Developers Discuss and connect with React Native developers EXPO slack and REACT NATIVE Slack GitHub ReactNativeNews/React-Native-Apps React-Native-Apps - Curated List of Open Source React Native Apps GitHub jondot/awesome-react-native awesome-react-native - Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material! GitHub hsavit1/Awesome-React-Native-Education Awesome-React-Native-Education - Use this to learn React Native Medium Awesome Components for your Next React Native Project React Native has already taken the Cross Platform App Community by storm. We have curated a list of awesome React Native Components for… Reading time 3 min read just a bunch of links to check out

slackbot [8:58 PM] OK, I won’t import this Google Drive file, but I will remember to ask you again next time.

Paul Murff [8:59 PM] Facebook | Expo latest documentation Provides Facebook integration for Expo apps. Expo exposes a minimal native API since you can access Facebook’s Graph API directly through... Let me know when you all have got into those 2 facebook groups and 2 expo channels please so I know you have help (edited) GitHub react-native-training/react-native-elements react-native-elements - Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit GitHub naoufal/react-native-resources react-native-resources - A list of React Native components, libraries, examples and videos.

Paul Murff [10:00 PM] THIS IS it - just use your own API Rational App Development API Backend with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB for React Native Apps Learn how to build an API backend with Node.js, Express and MongoDB for a React Native apps.

slackbot [10:00 PM] zz0115 has snoozed notifications. Send one anyway? Send notification

Paul Murff [10:00 PM]

Javascript php that supports scripts: programs written for a special run-time environment that automate the execution of tasks that could alternatively be executed one-by-one by a human operator. Scripting languages are often interpreted (rather than compiled). 

Top rated Utah company Senior front end web engineer Cotopaxi - Salt Lake City, UT × Apply Now What you'll do: Drive concept, architecture and development for web, mobile and backend for tech enabled product and large scale events company. We were recently ranked Utah's #1 place to work . We believe in leveraging technology to create superior experiences and profound, long term relationships with our customers. For example, our Questival events app has seen over 15 million app engagements during our events. 

Who you are: 3+ years of experience in full stack web development with a focus/passion on front end & UX 

Exceptional and efficienct problem solver 

Must have experience in agile software development 

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Must have experience in Javascript, Python, Ruby 

Experience in SCSS and HTML5 is ideal 

Experience with ecommerce optimization on Shopify Plus is ideal 

Detail-oriented and organized 

Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit 

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Humanitarian at heart 

Growth opportunities: You will be joining in the early days of a rapidly growing, solidly venture funded outdoor gear and events company. Our engineering team is small but exceptionally talented and we place a lot of emphasis on mutual coaching and growth for all our engineers. 

Some benefits and perks of working at Cotopaxi 

Commensurate compensation 

Full health, dental, vision coverage paid by the company 

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Quarterly team offsite adventure trips 

Free gym membership


4 year study plan

Software Engineer Goal master all the skills needed to be a senior software engineer or more Have a solid demonstrated foundation of CS knowledge needed to compete at big companies or CS students Have a structured way to master small pieces and knowledge at a time.

CS knowledge Internet/WW/computer general knowledge

Problem Solving and Analytical Skils

Library/Framework Mastery/Knowledge

Linux/MocOS/Windows knowledge

CSE 591 Software Engineering Principles and Concepts (3)

CSE 543 Information Assurance and Security (3) CSE 565 Software Verification and Validation, and Testing (3) CSE 566 Software Project, Process and Quality Management (3)

Programming languages JavaScript Function Definitions

The function declaration defines a function with the specified parameters. Anyone want to be an expert with JS functions lol read all 3 of these above Finally next week we are talking about RECURSION so try this


Learn and Understand Recursion in JavaScript – codeburst I’ll walk you through two popular JS recursion examples in 10 minutes so you can finally understand how recursion works in JavaScript. Reading time 6 min read Jul 6th, 2017

Help I am Stuck: A quick guide to help beginner programmers get unstuck?

Purpose: This document is intended to be an aid to you in the first 6 - 12 mon. of your coding career to help develop some habits that will make you an independent problem sovling developer.

KEY attitude 1

  • Learning takes humility.

A humble learner is the readiest learner. Naturally if you are stuck you will be getting feedback. Understand and accept that you will make mistakes. The point is to find them early, before they make it into production. Fortunately, except for the few of us developing rocket guidance software at a place like DragonX or NASA, mistakes are rarely fatal in our industry, so we can, and should, learn, laugh, and move on. You are not your code. Also remember to treat others as you would be treated with feedback. Critique code instead of people-be kind to the coder, not to the code. It was hard for me at first to take critical feedback - I felt defensive - don't do that. It's just code it's not you.

KEY attitude 2

  • Learning to code is very hard thus learning to code/program [web dev] takes patience and determination.

You can never learn everything at once, NEO in the Matrix could do stuff like that BUT we have not left the MATRIX ... Just kidding. Sometimes you will stare at code for hours and that is not necessarily okay but is reality. Like learning any new language fluency is not usually easy or super fast.

"Put in the Hard Hours, at Least 20 Hours, outside of class. According to author Malcolm Gladwell, successful people put in a minimum of 10,000 hours of deliberate effort to master their craft. As newcomers to the field of web development, be ready to put in your share of hours. While the bare minimum to survive this program is 10 hours of outside class time, we've consistently found that those most successful put in closer to 20 hours of outside effort per week. At times, this number might even need to go upwards of 30 or 40 hours per week during more challenging topics. Simply said, there is no substitute for long, hard hours." (see pre work)

SKILLS/HABITS to develop for getting UNSTUCK and just being a good programmer!

  1. Debugging
  2. Google-FU aka Googling
  3. Thinking Like a Programmer
  4. Getting Outside Help
  5. Mastering Workflow Tools Better & General Tips
  6. Learning How to Learn [for Mastery]

Skill 1: Debugging (Fullstack JS Web Dev Style)

At times, it might even feel like fixing an issue is taking 3–4 times as long as conceiving the original solution. Know in advance that this is completely normal. For novices and experts alike, fixing code is often the most time-consuming task of all. Instead of seeing these spent hours as a distraction, learn to see them as a critical part of the learning process. Each bug you pursue is a lengthy lesson that adds to your arsenal of understanding. Also it is an employable skill I have seen many times on job postings and know many interviewers use broken code to test your skills on.

Debugging Overview

A. Write CLEAN code aka just don't write bugs B. Ahhh BUG! Where? What? When? Why? How[to fix]? - Error knowledge C. HTML - Common issues for NOOBS D. CSS - Common issues for NOOBS E. JavaScript - Common Errors Checklist for NOOBS F. General Libraries and Frameworks Troubleshooting Tips

####### A. Write CLEAN code aka just don't write bugs

  • "Precursor to a BUG" Yeah I said it : Writing Cleaner More Efficient Maintainable Code It has been said this is the key to squashing bugs in our code just don't' write bugs in the first place. Much has been said about this as a precursor to debugging so that in the future you will have less bugs. It should be your goal to CARE about your code. Furthermore, many a job posting has the required skill of Write Cleaner Code and avoid bugs. It was said in a recent retrospective of a group of university bootcamp students that they wished they wished they had focused more on things like code style/conventions which would have led to less confusion which in this case is from a group working on the same project. To fully support this we read in "The Art of Readable Code” by Boswell&Foucher, "The fundamental theorem of readability : code should be written to minimize the time it would take for someone else to understand it !" I paraphrase further advice from the book: Things you can do to improve your code: picking good names,(semantic meaningful names for variables, functions etc) writing good comments, formatting your code neatly (clean use of whitespace).

Clean maintainable code - Coming from a non technical background where I thought everything should be automated and why are we using terminal not GUI etc for me especially writing well spaced code was so annoying and I was by habit a sloppy writer. 2 spaces or 4 naming conventions for variables and functions. feed back from other cohorts is hat they wish they knew this stuff before Just start good habits early and be very CLEan in all your code I promise it will pay off. " write code for OTHERS to come then read it" DRY - if you ever fin yourself repeating code even twice you may need to refactor and generalize and do something better after you have exhausted the checklist you are ready to Google it - trust me that list helps Google ain’t going to solve your typos BUT it might tell you someone else had a typo and then fixed their typos to fix said error. so either way it gets done. So onto Google. Continued below...

Handy tools for helping with syntax and so forth JS hint JSON pretty print - pasting huge JSON objects like when console logging a response obj from an API call or what have you and being able to actually see it. also console.table is good too. CSS lint HTML validator NOTE: Linting code is a topic for later discussion once you have good habits for writing clean code. ESLint/Prettier/Beautify tools for JS can check and fix syntax errors but if you don't learn on your own first it will always be a crutch and you may get caught in a pickle someday do use linters like ES lint later after like 4 months or so. Preventing BUGS is also related to testing code but will not be covered in this DOCS. VS code has tons of extensions :I fyou soley rely on these they will be a crutch so jst decidde now to install them in about 4 mo after you have good clean habits without them as with many tools like with hitting tab for a for loop - I asked a student to write a for loop and he could not do it after about 7 weeks because he only used the auto complete snippets. True story - and plus your future employer may not allow those tools or force you to use a different code editor. NO bueno. As with HTML and CSS, you can ensure better quality, less error-prone JavaScript code using a linter, which points out errors and can also flag up warnings about bad practices, etc., and be customized to be stricter or more relaxed in their error/warning reporting. The JavaScript/ECMAScript linters we'd recommend are JSHint and ESLint; these can be used in a variety of ways, some of which we'll detail below. It is not very convenient to have to copy and paste your code over to a web page to check its validity several times. What you really want is a linter that will fit into your standard workflow with the minimum of hassle. Many code editors have linter plugins, for example Github's Atom code editor has a JSHint plugin available.Or in the command line itself

Using the JavaScript debugger maybe chrome tools link here too

B. Ahhh BUG! Where? What? When? Why? How[to fix]? - Plan of Attack

Ask these questions when you have tried you best to write clean code and you still have broken code - everyday :

Where? By where we mean Where in the code stopped on? A specific line of code and file name. Code reader computer reads the code from top to bottom. Code will not even run if there is what is known as a fatal error meaning there is a syntax error . So the code compiles first then runs. Languages are different but in javascript this is how it works.Some times its nestes in the error message Where is the origin of said running code. function etc. Find out the last function that worked what variables are being used and then you can find what stopped the code. Stack Trace yellow red clicking on browser it takes you to the line of code if you you two screens if not it will go there if you click back to the code editor it wil be there. Not sure if its jsut Chrome or React or what.

What? What caused the code to stop? More specifically what is the error(message hopefully)? A bug duh. But what is that bug now that we have found it? most the time you will know but not always

Error reading - Understanding how Javascript is run this cannot be fully covered here so all can say is the computer (node js/bash terminal, or chrome V8 engine - the code runner/executor) is going to compile the code. The first goals is to find the point in the code at which the Error was instantiated. Node Bash console may tell you or Chrome/Mozilla tools in the console.

  • Syntax errors: These are spelling errors in your code that actually cause the program not to run at all, or stop working part way through — you will usually be provided with some error messages too. These are usually okay to fix, as long as you are familiar with the right tools and know what the error messages mean!
  • Logic errors: These are errors where the syntax is actually correct but the code is not what you intended it to be, meaning that program runs successfully but gives incorrect results. These are often harder to fix than syntax errors, as there usually isn't a resulting error message to direct you to the source of the error. What line of code did it stop on.? console log and variables in the vicinity - check for loops and if statements ReferenceError: Syntax error fatal errors read debug code error

When? Does it happen before running the code Did it happen after a certain event like a click - if it is event based you can track those down.

Why? undefined, imporperly used object or reference to an object or function

How to fix it?

Check for typos its a common mistake for beginners just make sure to spell check each and every word and especially quotes multiple times before giving up especially if you think you did everything right use the tools mentioned above like JShint to fix syntax errors , missing curly brace. missing a period ro bad nesting on object reference, missing one [], missing (),

run code after each function to make sure that piece works - hard to pinpoint if you wrote 10 functions and so forth you could Google how to fix and paste the error message this leads to our next sections so jump ther if neede.d variable is undefined or of the wrong type - type of console.log console.log(the exact code inside a conditional ) Click on the error in the yellow or red big error message in Chrome and it will jump you right to the error in the code in at least VS Code and I think Sublime . I t can also show a list of functions that were fired that were all tied together and where it finally broke. comment out as much code as you can to pinpoint that area of code and make sure it is running okay expecially with callbacks and anything nested

Making sure all your divs are in order proper indenting helps with this.

When you cannot answer all theese questions that is a problem> Do this. Shotf=gun spray console logs all over With number comments or line disiticntion somehow. before and after ainside each and every funcitno till you find t. OCnsole log all vairbales being used beofre and after the funcitnn.


With HTML what elements have what attribute like select inputs and input validation as properties how they work , how to Iframe work and

use the Chrome debugger tools after validating it . check closing tags like in React IMG and BR HR tags all have to be closed. For our purposes VS code will catch almost all HTML errors and Chrome inspector tools are awesome hitting f12 to view source code to see HTML in action. elements and selector tool click into the DOM tree and click drop downs to dig deeper into the page . take a free youtube Chrome tools tutorials which could be my answer to anything . If not answered her google more. Honesty just go to a cool site and click around yes click everything and everywhere to see what happens hover over stuff click it hover it and back and forth. its very intuitive for most.


CSS just play with the Chrome tools - up and down arrows on keyboard to play with pixels and percents . you can delete elements add stuff in change stuff. just get it right then copy paste styles into your code editor and refresh the page. click one div and it highlights the closing div or whatever tag google cool buttons css or cool background css layouts containers wrappers and planning those out on paper

how to move this element space it right, how to do animations or what not and how to fix my image to make it look right. Toggles display none and display block issues and that is mostly based on having the right javascript in place how to center stuff and have nice layouts and knowing your selectors. Xpath for advanced stuff CSS grid Flexbox. use bootstrap or Materialize or a host of other like Foundation Zorb etc. UI kit what is Cascading and when using bootstrap hw to override and all of that. Learn SASS to be more powerful and specificity issues not to have !important or inline styles everywhere. layout issues float issues. only answer study good sites and see how they do it and take another tutorial then Practice practice practice is the best answer for that. X path advanced stuff. Responsiveness media queries and dealing with image sizing in general - learning deeply about background attributes can h=be very helpful like position and images and repeating al that.

honestly Lynda com has some essentials classes that are free if you are a SLC city library member


Finally knowing more about Javascript (or your language) in depth will understanding how it works behind the sense under the hood will greatly help you prevent bugs as well in helping you write code a certain way based on that . JavsSctipr the hard parts, doing toy problems and building stuff with Javscript and reading tons of Javascript books Learn more will get you unstyck see Skill 6***

wrap Code blocks in these then usually just console.log(err) try { Block of code to try } catch(err) { Block of code to handle errors //Example: console.log("Error:", err) } NOde

Rollbar is a much used super cool and one of many many tools that try to catch bugs in production code and they have compiled a list of common errors . I can say with certainty the very first answer brought a big smile b/c YUP that is an error I have had hundreds of times 1. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property read more here. 1, 6,7, and 8 are very applicable to javascript full stack devs and guaranteed you will see them in the future unless you are that rocket science guy or use super powerful linting tools. You won't need to learn rollbar that is more for Dev Ops people but jsut knowing of tools like it is helpful. - these won't make sense to you know _ so I am going to hope you come back and back to this till its a mastered skill. Error reading

HOW to fix it ? My 10 most common errors done by me and fellow boot campers and beginners

Debugging Checklist - just do all these steps several times to be sure before giving up and then never give up This mainly pertains to JavaScript or other code - HTML and CSS is a little different

  1. Check for spelling typos everything HAS to be exact - even file names etc. most common one for beginners I would say including me. many frustrating hours spent till you finally learn spell everything exact already. Most the time someone else has to look at it to be honest cause you cant see your won spelling errors. then someone else takes one look and says hey that is spelled wrong countless times this has happened .

  2. Check for undefined variables, log all closely related variables

  3. Check to see if loops are correctly used logically i.e. (let i = 0 ; i< arr.length; i++) operator is in the right direction. are you starting at a logical starting point, is the middle piece condition really a number many times you will be looping over an object or something that is not a number. hence no workey.

  4. check conditionals to see if they are true or false or what they are and/or log immediately inside the loop or conditional and if the log logs to the console lat least you know the loop or conditional is true and loop works at least once. if you don't know what line the code is broke on you have to use the VS Code/Node/JS debugger tools or Chrome dev tools under SOURCES for break points OR you can just console log my favorite ( hello 1 ) (hello 2 ) or more descriptive phrase like (inside for loop:)

  5. Reference Working Code even pull up side by side of a working example

  6. Take a quick break come back with fresh eyes or even better get some other eyes on it especially with typos. The reason that is needing to be said is that the very first hurdle to jump over is that code must be essentially perfect to work or run so typos will kill ya.

  7. Check file paths to linked css and JS files KEY trust me and exact spelling of said paths

  8. check to make sure the file is even linked if nothing is happening at all. JS particularly again countless times student have no idea why the code is not working - its not linked up - this is so key it was actually an interview question two times to why is this code not working

  9. For HXR requests the network tabs in Chrome tools is very useful . Also console logging any responses immediately is key to know how deeply nested your data is. before using it. Objects in general Making sure asynchronous operations have returned before trying to use the values they return. For example, this Ajax example checks to make sure the request is complete and the response has been returned before trying to use the response for anything. This kind of operation has been made easier to handle by the introduction to Promises to the JavaScript language.

  10. Error: Cannot find module 'C:\c\Users\Duran's coding comp\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\babel\lib\cli.js' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:547:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:474:25) at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:693:10) at startup (bootstrap_node.js:188:16) at bootstrap_node.js:609:3 npm install or its somehow lost so jsut re install it and make sure file sturcture is such that the node modules exist in the folder. Node modules are literally plisttle pacakges of code someone wrote to do stuff and you call them into action into your code to do that stuff they proclaim to do so you don't have to write the code yourself - rememebr to go look at the node modules for a particualr CHeck the pacakge.json and see if it is listed in dependece (or dev deveopedices) also note the version.

Runnign the right file? drag file into command linke in vs code. and kill all other insatnces of node if you can - use task manager on windows a nd activity moniter on mac

To top it off here is one more respecable top 10 resource. See if you can spot any you have made.

If none of this helps YUP read elsewhere. Here are articles you may have read but may need to review AND/OR Google and read more just like them.

console. back end front end dev tools in Chrome or Firefox whatever and backend in the node or bash terminal

F. General Libraries and Frameworks Troubleshooting Tips express - full stack how to send data to back end and back to front etc. each libariy ahs its own error messags so all these princiels can appy there. any framework library debugging its about finding code that it every similar in purpose and is working on stack-overflow , codepen js bin and the like then just going over the DOCS and really understanding how stuff works PRO TIP: Better you learn real "vanilla JS the better off you will be" PRO TIP - DOM manipulation is a skill is called grabbing elements on the page to do stuff with that is the starting - jQuery or React /Angular all have different ways but learn vanilla first well .

Skill 2: Google-FU

Programming is also one of the most frustrating things you will ever do.working through that frustrating feeling.there is almost certainly a solution out there. after hours of digging I have found help for very tough complex problems 3.You will hear often from TAs and Teachers just Google it but this doc is for expounding on that a bit. google can be intimidating.

stack overflow why waste time looking at the question the bad code just jump to the green check marks - etc Now copy and paste the error message and google it looking for stack overflow type articles - then share or bookmark it to never have to google it again and save others the same frustration be sure to stripe out your local info and just google the generic error. with like our file name etc. cause no one on Google has the exact file name or at least less people. Your answer could be in a video it could be in a git hub issues post, it could be on reddit. 80% for me are on Stack overflow and 15 percent in the git hub issues threads. this is more common with packages cause that is where people complain about the package and the authors respond and address them and 7% just out there. 8% in cool tutorials in medium or similar articles.

how to scan stack overflow fast look for how many votes ALWASY read the comments below I have solved many problems with those EVEN if they have lots of upvotes green check mark and title of the post

If following someones read me tutorial try to clone the repo and get it working all by itself exactly as intended by the author but on your machine then once that is done you can try to move pieces of it or all of it into your project.

CAUTION and TIPS from the HOT SHOT PROs - Stephen Grider tips 25000 students (good for MERN stack so please check all his courses out well worth it in my opinion and I don't get paid to say that). Don't ever take any code snippets you find online if you don't understand how they work. Remember once As a result, any problem you've already solved will get a lot easier to solve next time.

You have already read this article in the prework but here it is again just so you can re read or Google another one like it to learn even more. Googling better google fu also google more articles like this one how to google fu or how to google for developers or many others

Hint 1 - first and foremost Google the entire "thought" or "question" you have exactly as you thought it - and add words like examples of, how to, why ? and then the language like javascript on the end of it all - You can click over the right side in Google for last month or years results to weed out old results. If you are a google hater I would stop it now. There is evidence it has more relevant results for coders but that is highly debated so do what you want But when it comes to spelling things wrong Google is WAY better like WAY better at guessing what you meant so just I suggest using it.

How to Read Docs is a real job skill - learning new tech will likely forever be a part of your job as a developer. Read the docs once then code some more then come back to the docs I promise they make more sense over time. HOW TO INSTALL quick basic examples of how to use the BASICS. most complicated stuff is not in the docs. so getting it to work with your code FOLLOW exactly what is said and if it does not work double check then google your dev environment issues then maybe try to change it up a bit if needed - Being a pro developer is KNOWING the docs for a particular library or framework.

go to the docs - try to get the code for the package or what not working independent of any other code IF you can " if that makes sense. then once working bring into your own code. sometimes the docs are not good enough for you use case. Then there are sites like JSBIN, Code Sandbox, REPLIT, where snippets of code are saved in a working order fashion to see in action. Codepen NOW the risk of using this is you become the copy and paste guy and that will not get you a job 98 % of the time. SO do what you can to be the problem

Medium, Stack overflow, Youtube, google with specifialy looking for a video cause it has links to other relatd videos on the side or click video on the saerch results

Skill 3:"Thinking Like a Programmer" Be a Problem Solver:

& Pseudocode If you find yourself in a project and don't know where to start. Read on. Details- Attention to detail like follwing a README step by step exactly. IF something is nor workign restart at step 1 and double check each step. Computers are exact so be like them. If you want be better at algorithm problems and handling nasty complicated code /data manipulation in your projects or even refactor and better your code . Trade offs CS algorithm class - more efficient, cost etc. it is said that is about trade offs start to see that 8 years off stuff CEO stuff

There is a common saying in programming "Rubber Duck It."

Walk through your code out loud to an inanimate object (like a rubber duck!) and pose your question. As you’re asking the question, the answer might come to you. so many times I have just asked my senior or co worker devs a question and just asking it the answer came to me but I had to ask it out loud (or at least in a Slack message) verbalize or vocalize it

write your program on paper. In a real world technical interview we call it white boarding but paper or whiteboard writing the code helps take you out of the help from a code editor or syntax errors etc and just focus on the solving the problem. Toy Problems technical Challenges thinking like programmer Look up all the possible array or string methods on W3 schools or MDN and find out if any of them can help do something like sort, or whatever. break things down into tiny functions that do one thing and do it well. Immediately handle edge cases - empty array zero negative numbers weird stuff Once solved a problem look at or google all the other answers to the problem this will teach you much. be able to go back and forth between data types like Number and string, working with indexOf and splice and slice and replace , join, split making a map over an object as taught by Grider push pop shift unshift - really Grider says its usually just have you seen that one before so do toons of them read coding challenge books and Code wars leet code and code fighters , Codility and so forth - timed eventually for interviews so you need to be good EVEN if you are one to think these problems have nothing to do with how I can build a site trust me it does help and employers do it anyways in most cases expect for start ups but still you eventually benefit by mastering these

break down pseudo code and know the language more and more of what it can do understanding for in for of and map Number and toString - again playing around with nested objects doing stuff to the data inside them and so forth will come up in real coding i promise and reg ex manipulating, checking, tool box: conditional, loops, methods on that data type -

Never write a line of code you never FULLY understand - at first this is obviously too much to ask but as time goes on make sure you know and can explain out loud every single detail of every character or line of cod.e I have asked many students what is that or what does this mean exactly and they say they know but can't explain it. CEO code smith says world class engineers master the skill of technical communication and you will be asked by employers to explain code so get to it.Try pair programming for a bit with someone so you can see how others think and you will grow a lot.
Take some MIT Stanford Harvard free real CS classes online Introduction to Programming Logic

Pseudo Coding - A real story - It happens all the time Breaking things down into small steps: Story student comes after projects were planned and started and says I am supposed to make this button click and do this and that and all this and have no idea where to start. I then showed the student how she knew exactly how to do each and every thing she was assigned but was not breaking it down to see that. At first this will seem annoying but it will help you break down tough problems into manageable bite size pieces. Just ask yourself what is the exact thing I am trying to accomplish right now and write it down in pseudo code - now Google that exact phrase in a general way - CEO code smith research research research and no coding then you have the copy and paste from stack overflow all your answers. You want to be in the middle in the "independent problem solver" zone.

After your second language, you'll get much faster at picking up new languages. You will see patterns emrge and things like React handlebars all build on previous patterns. according to the MIT course algorithm that class shaves off about 8 years of experience. trade offs efficiency etc. algorithms course from a pro I respect says just having had that problem is the almost only way to solve it hardly anyone very very rarely someone come up with some answer to a really tough algorithm like Recursive Fibonacci but those having studied it before hand will be able to pass the interview. that is why books like cracking the coding interview are popular.

MIT algorithms class lots of JS free books etc. algorithms helping you be better code faster

OOP - understanding basically that all of coding is mostly Function do do one thing and do it well Functional
Declarative OOP and just in general understanding how compilers work and what programming is in general patterns MVC , React Container/Presentational Clean maintainable code - maintainable lots of time has to do with learning these types of things. the =overall style and architecture of yoru code MVC and organization. General functions resuable Get smart - Microsoft Podium - if learning is always there and problems solving requires elegant creative solutions then analytical thinking critical thinking skills are key Steve jobs Law school skills quote.

Skill 4 : Getting Outside Help Use Slack chat groups, Facebook Groups, Meet-ups, Office Hours, Tutors, these are real people not Google, Videos, Tutorials, ReadMe etc. Slack is by far the best but for some things Facebook group comments and other message boards like Git Hub or Reddit can be huge help as well.

I was helping someone at the UofU bootcamp when they asked a quesiton abotu React native Tab navigaotr. I did not know the answer off hand and our first google saerches led to nothing. I told him to slack it out in a specific channel for that tech and he got the exact spot on answer in less than minutes. he promptly joined the Slack channel I recommened and also told him to post it in Facebook Group for React native at the same time. WIhtin 2 miniutes the exact anser came to him by some awesome fellow coder. It was a link to the full explanation we had never found.

I have also been helped by Slack messages many times. There are a few things I have learned in doing so. Basically the rule is jsut respect the community common sense type of stuff. If you care to have it spelled out here are a few tips.

    • Slack the question out to multiple places at once if it is super urgent - when is it not urgent to get help..? ;P. You won't always need to do this but it can help you see where and how fast helps come and what quality of help from each source. If no one answers the question within like 40 min. it won't help you that much get unstuck anywasy so delete the message off the board so people don't waster their time. LIke if you solve it before them, it happens, rememebr just asking the question outloud usually helps a ton, then post the answer it might help out someone else.
    • Make it easy for others to help you without asking a lot of time consuming questions or really any quesitons. be exlicit and clear enough in the first post the best you can, many times clarification will be needed.

    For example - "I want to do .... with ...." x " tech...Here is what I have tried ....(code snippet) here is my error - please help ...this post (use a link of something related but not totally all there to show you tried to solve it on your own to no avail etc)- that allows gracious people to jump right in and help and not have to ask back and forth and spam the threads so much and spend too much valuable time. Be specific. paste code snippets using code here basically it takes practice. how can you ask in a way that someone else not looking at your entire code base be able to help. Less is definitely better cause its other people's time so JUST enought to get the exact issue across. Hopefully so that don't have to ask any clarifying quesitons but its okay if they do cause it means they want ot help.

if the question is asked right more will be happy to answer. So if you get little help its very likely just the way you are asking I say this b/c I have asked questions and only got crickets till I delted the post and totally re wrote it so it actually made sense to someone not looking at your entire code base. I eventually learned how to write in a way people would be happy to help. Quick answer usually come in the form of oh yeah do this, jsut add this line of code, change that line to this, or here is the link that helped me solve it.

    • ALWAYS give great thanks to someone who gave you FREE help. More likley they will help again and others will see it too. It creats the feel good vibes that make it all work. Give credit where credit is due type of thing.
    • Pair coding in class or after class or going to freecode camp or other local coding meet-ups have many of them have group coding time to help each other out

SLACK CHAT - "Where work is done" Here is a list of totally free public Slack groups: CodeNewbie, Code Buddies, and Career Change, Coders. There are literally lists complied that have over 1000 groups

UoU bootcamp channel - all channels

FACEBOOK - There are Facebook "Pages" and "Groups" - both can lead to some help. These are just some of them.

Web Design and Development

freeCodeCampEarth ( also most states and/or cities have more local groups) ,

JavaScript , ,

FreeProgrammingBooksAndCourses ,

JSWeekly ,

The React and React Native groups are helpful jsut look for the groups with the most people in them and ask to join.

Finally you have Office hours and optional Tutor (ask Corrine and instructors about this ) If you are willing to put in the time it will come to you. You have a support network. Never take the easy way out at least come to office hours and get a C level HW with their help is better than incomplete since there is no GPA based final grade.

Do you want to challenge your self and get help to learn new tech not taught in the curriculum?

Office hours at any point if you would like to learn outside topics not covered in the course request that it be taught in office hours mini lecture format by TA or instructor IT YOUR TIME> - use it Redux, Flexbox, CSS GRID, Selenium,React native, Docker etc. OR want to have a group review of the class content we can and would love to do that ,

Also check out :

FreeCodeCamp Message Boards, MDN Learner Area boards and tons more.

I promise eventually you will be the one helping out and you will not really be the one asking the questions but use these resources as much as you need as a NOOBIE.

5. Master Your Workflow Tools Better & General Tips These are basically time saving, gray hair stopping tips stress and frustration. Not going to techically make or break the code but can save time effort.

Workflow and Tools VS Code GIT/Terminal - master your tools the proverbial tricks of the trade - swing the hammer a certain way even work smarter not harder. Things like being able to create new branhces and merge stuff in so you dont break working code with experimentation new features Time Saving Frustrations saving skills Master your tools hot keys like up arrow and VS code tricks can save lots of time and frustration. like dragging the file down to terminal to run it and knowing how to save all files with save key and on and on - using things like Replit to run JS and Chrome dev tools to fix UI issues CSS and HTML problems of any sort. using the debugger tools in VS code and Chrome. Tons of courses on your code editor of choice. VS code in partifualr is gaining speed and has more powerful extensions and new tools coming out each month. Keyboard shortcuts VS code debugger tools (the no bug symbol of hte left) You can run a node debugger instance and chrome tools from VS code all for a front end back end debugging "line by line" experience. All the bars (bottom tip left right ) all have veyr pwoerul stuff play around with them. VS code hot keys Prettier Snippets (React and HTML etc *EMMET) Terminal TAB UpArrow cd ~ if you don't know those you should. ESLint - This tool was mentioned above in writing Clean code point. Beatuify OPen in Browser New SQL tools being built right in for connecting and viewing data PLAN with detail Use project management tool like Trello ! break stuff down all that is applicable here .This was stated during a retorspective of uof tudnets they wished they ahs planned orgainzed better with Trello. Organization is said to have cause less repeat work and planning is well everything. or Google version to plan apps out Save the best for last. Commit and push often - I repeat commit and push often - YOU Will face a day when that will save you so much headache Back up, back up, back up.

Learning your tools will help you get unstuck. dev tools

SKILL 6 Learn How to Learn for Mastery Really this section is about knowing something - taking the learning to a level of proficiency or mastery - so can you do it on your own develop a skill.

  1. Learning aka Master New Content Fast learning how to learn - its on countless job postings as real skill. so do it.

As a benchmark, consider spending 70–80% of your outside class time writing and reviewing code. Only the remaining 20% is for other passive activities. If you are watching a tutorial or long course you are either coidng line for line with the instructor or you are pausing the video periodlically to go put into practice what you are learning.

build stuff build stuff anything just build little sandbox stuff watching tutorials is like listening to how to speak Spanish cds all day and never saying a work in Spanish or never going to a Spanish restaurant for example and practice the phrase learn by doing Get it working then refactor Learning Mastery and Pro Tips: Always be coding! Language Center whether it be programming language or human spoken language is only learned by speaking and in this case coding.

Apply what you learn - one of th msot skilled proffesors I ever saw used a quiz one quesions about an [irnciel oin the coues e we had to dfine it for the ansere and the other part of the quiz was to go and find that principle working in a real world current news aritcle of some sort and imemedlaeyt show with graphs and what not how the princpele was applicable to the aritcel. I still remmeber some of those aritlces pop quizzes and the stories. APplication fast . KEy.

] HW and Sandbox Even better make your own folder called Sandbox for trying new stuff you could even have one for each language. react-sandbox , js-sandbox , etc. HW should build on class activities. So make a sandbox and try to rebuild every single thing done in class Watch the Videos in the for each week and code along.

write an article just like this one and the many you find and read and it helps you master the content even make a Youtube video you could even put on your portfolio "your tutorials" I once spent 3 hours a a problems then found a 5 minute fix so I made a video and got 78 50 views. Employers like that you contribute to open source and also in my opinion to the coding community in general helo out on stack overflwo and slack.

Make sure to Proof read the other README for lots of euros and maybe cut it all out and check the prework for all that debugging advice I found somewhere . check my full stack mastery github repo and then ship this to medium and the repo

Falshcards - jsut phsycally going thorugh teh motions tons of reaserch on that .

Mastering all technologies taught in the course. You'll learn so much in this bootcamp, it'll make your head spin. The skill you're really trying to pick up: learning how to teach yourself new technologies using online resources.we have countless resources for you so just ask if you are not finding what you want on Google

Hwo to do more: how can I use for loops conditionals and OBjects strings ,arrays(and their methods) and fucntions to make stuff happen - how to tell a computer to bring my idea to life. Callbacks, objects communicating with other objects by methods and using theri values to track stuff "how to use Javascript to .....?" or just "... Javacirpt"

Learning How to Learn - One of the most important skills you will learn in this program is how to independently learn. This course grounds you in a methodology. Learn from others: HAs a great list of resouces anythine awesome must watch free JS books - Watch (and chat with) developers live as they code projects. Great for seeing the thought process of other developers. It's also fun to watch them struggle with bugs. TwitchTV - Programming - Similar concept as YouTube:

LevelUpTuts - Great (free) resources for taking your web development skills to the next level. Both novices and advanced developers will find plenty to learn from here. - Another great resource, particularly for advanced topics on JavaScript, jQuery and Angular.js. open source, volunteer work family friends on facebook ask around to offer free work as way to build portfolio. or accept money too sandbox have fun make cool stuff that interests you . i am a single guy and made a cool dating app and that is how I learned React.

take a tutorial but then code

If you are stuck Revisit What You’ve Already Learned its really hard to learn all the first time through go back and see if you missed something in the lesson materials. Only after months of developing and a revisit to the DOCS was I able to grasp them. Reading and learning from the DOCS is tough at first. So don't give up.

CONCLUSION: These all should be skills[the ability to do something well; expertise] which come from habits[an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary].

Little checklist to reference CHEAT SHEET -

  1. Debugging [Error Knowledge, Checklists, CLEAN]
  2. Google-FU aka Googling [Exact full thought, Date Filter, By Language, Skimming, DOCS, "Examples of" && || addding Codepen or Video]
  3. Thinking Like a Programmer [Patterns, Generalize to Reuse, DRY, Psuedo-Code, Toy Problems aka Algorithms Practice]
  4. Getting Outside Help [Slack, Facebook, Others]
  5. Master Your Workflow Tools Better & General Tips [Code editor, Git, Terminal, Dev Tools]
  6. Learning to Learn(for Mastery) [Review, Practice in Sandbox, Share, 75/25 rule]

Code Always. In sales it goes "alwasy be closing," at the languge center I taught at for 3 years it was "Always Speak Your Langage." Learning that sticks (so knowing and gaining skills) requires "Action" my friends.

3 Things About the Author - Paul Murff

Goal Achieved. I successfully landed a well paying full stack MERN developer job just 8 months after writing "Hello world" (everyone's first line of code duh). I bascially more than doubled my income with about a $15k investment combined with hard work that equaled lots and lots of 13 hour coding days.

Knows how it is - no, for real I do. I have close to 2 years programming experience at present time of this post. As a side note I taught beginner Spanish for about 3 years before coding and was a trainer for 1 year before that. I like to think I understand what a NOOB thinks and feels like then as a teacher what it means to guide them, including myslef, to proficiency.

3rd time is the charm - Mastery can take time. Education wise I have essentially been through 3 full web developer boot camps.

  1. Online through Udemy, A "Complete Web Developer Bootcamp" Course and lots of other full stack MERN courses combined with's "Become a Web Developer Learning Path" courses.
  2. DevMountain 13 week immersive course, certified graduate.
  3. By proxy/observer/grader/tutor etc. working as a TA with the University of Utah Web Developer Bootcamp Flex 6 month Course now on my second cohort.