moveit / moveit_task_constructor

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Forward properties to a SerialContainer

DaniGarciaLopez opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to pass properties declared in the task to a SerialContainer defined in another function:

Task& t = *task_;
t.setProperty("group", "panda_arm");
t.setProperty("eef", "hand");
std::unique_ptr<mtc::SerialContainer> Pick(const std::string& object_name) {
  auto serial_container = std::make_unique<mtc::SerialContainer>("pick");
  grasp->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, {"eef", "group"});

    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveRelative>("approach object", cartesian_planner);
    stage->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, {"group"});

When doing this, the stage MoveRelative reports that the property group is not declared. I think what is missing is a call to exposeTo as shown in the demo:>properties(), {"eef", "group"});

However, this requires passing a reference to the task within the Pick function, which I would like to avoid if possible. I tried the following approach, but it seems that the parent stage is empty:

serial_container->parent()->properties().exposeTo(serial_container->properties(), {"eef", "group"});

I found that there is a function named forwardProperties which might be what I need, but I couldn't find enough information on how to use it.


You just need to manually declare the properties in your SerialContainer. Have a look at the PickPlaceBase class for an example:

p.declare<std::string>("eef_parent_group", "JMG of eef's parent");"group").configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, "eef_parent_group");

Thanks @rhaschke. Adding the following lines I can correctly see the property in the SerialContainer:

serial_container->properties().property("group").configureInitFrom(mtc::Stage::PARENT, "group"); 

However, how to propagate the property to child stages of the SerialContainer? I tried to add the following but it has no effect:

stage->properties().configureInitFrom(mtc::Stage::PARENT, {"group"});

I can set the property declaring and configuring it from parent (as you pointed out) in each stage:

stage->properties().property("group").configureInitFrom(mtc::Stage::PARENT, "group"); 

But I think this is too much boilerplate if I have several properties that I want to be accessible to all children, right? Is there a simpler way to inherit all properties from the parent?

No, there is no simpler way. It was a deliberative design decision to require explicit declaration and forwarding of properties to each child.