moveit / geometric_shapes

Representation of geometric shapes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Release into Melodic

clalancette opened this issue · comments

All of the dependencies for geometric_shapes are available in Melodic, so it would be great to get this released there. Thanks in advance!

@clalancette I would do so. But I don't have permissions for the release repo.

TODOs for release(s)

I seem to have push access to the repo so I can do the release once the required merges are done.

@bmagyar I prepared the release 0.5.4, creating the changelog and tag 0.5.4. If you could bloom into Kinetic, that would be great, thanks.
I also suggest to release this version (0.5.4) into Melodic for now, so that releasing for ROS Melodic can continue. If #77 is merged, we should release the new version 0.6.0.

Thanks! I pushed 0.5.4 to Kinetic, already merged. Ran pre-release tests with dependants for Lunar (took a while!), released there too. Added 0.5.4 to Melodic as well.

Kinetic and Lunar use kinetic-devel while the Melodic release already uses melodic-devel for devel branch. We should be good to move on with merges and newer versions soon.

Closing this, as we've released.