moveit / geometric_shapes

Representation of geometric shapes

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Release into ROS Jade

mikeferguson opened this issue · comments

Before release, want to:

  • test and pull other changes from #25 into indigo-devel

Blocking upstream dependencies:

  • eigen_stl_containers
  • octomap
  • random_numbers
  • resource_retriever
  • shape_tools

@isucan, stop getting married and release that ! :)

I was taking a look at releasing the robot_model stack (of which resource_retriever is a part) and collada_urdf (also in robot_model) depends on geometric_shapes. How should I proceed? Just release resource_retriever?

Wow -- circular depends between geometric_shapes and robot_model -- I totally did not see that. Checking git-blame on the rosdistro, resource_retriever has apparently been released separately from everything else in the robot_model repo.

The GBP for resource_retriever is here: Then (Presumably after geometric_shapes was released), the other packages of robot_model got released here:

Presumably you should release resource_retriever the same way? @wjwwood It looks like you might have been involved in the robot model releasing for indigo -- any comments on the above?

Looks like I just did a version bump, @isucan did the original release. It looks like he released resource_retriever only in the first gbp you linked using an ignore file, then released the rest of robot_model using an ignore file to skip resource_retriever. The right thing to do here is to move resource_retriever to its own repository, but failing that a similar maneuver could be used to release it as is into jade.

@wjwwood is correct - sorry for being late to this and being lazy about the split. But yes, the repo should ideally be split.

Is there an easy tool for splitting the repo? (i.e. not just command lines, I can do that)

I presume it would remain in the ros organization as well.

Is there an easy tool for splitting the repo? (i.e. not just command lines, I can do that)

Not to my knowledge, it's mostly a git (or VCS specific) set of operations. A guide would be good, but unfortunately I think that having a tool that "just does it" would probably be dangerous if used incorrectly.

+1, this is blocking gazebo_ros_pkgs among other things

Ok, I've moved resource_retriever to it's own repository:

and fixed up the indigo release repositories as needed. It was pretty easy since @isucan had already made two release repositories. Here is the pr for the updated release of resource_retriever into indigo:


I'll release the Jade versions next.

I poked random_numbers:

moveit/random_numbers#9 (comment)

and octomap:

OctoMap/octomap#80 (comment)

Hopefully we can get the ball rolling on this package and all of robot_model tomorrow.

@mikeferguson I've poked @davetcoleman about either releasing random_numbers or giving me the go ahead to do it myself. After that the only thing blocking a Jade release is your mention of #25. Is it important to get that in the first release for Jade?

@wjwwood if we release from the indigo-devel branch, it is not important -- basically I didn't want to fork until after that PR was merged.

I'll watch for random_numbers on the rosdistro and then release this as soon as that comes through


I was getting a build failure on utopic without the following:

diff --git a/package.xml b/package.xml
index d9b2c0b..ee8191d 100644
--- a/package.xml
+++ b/package.xml
@@ -36,5 +36,6 @@
+  <run_depend>visualization_msgs</run_depend>


This is addressed by #32. Will #32 be merged before the release?

I just made #33 to fix the build if #32 won't be merged before release.

Ok, random_numbers is out: ros/rosdistro#8079 📦 :shipit:

Great, thanks guys!

on the note of releasing MoveIt! - I'm buried in preparing for the Amazon Picking Challenge so I'm not sure how much help I can provide