morsingher / kitti_deep_vo

A C++ implementation of Visual Odometry (VO) for the KITTI dataset, with features extracted and matched by deep learning

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Visual Odometry (VO) with Deep Feature Matching

This project contains a simple C++ implementation of stereo 3D-3D and 3D-2D visual odometry algorithms for the KITTI dataset. Features for VO are extracted and matched by deep learning: the SuperPoint and SuperGlue networks from Magic Leap have been used.

Basic Usage

Building the C++ code requires to follow the usual CMake pipeline. The only dependencies are Eigen for linear algebra, Ceres for 3D-2D nonlinear optimization and RapidJson for parsing the configuration file. Running the code is as simple as:

./vo_3d3d <config_file>
./vo_3d2d <config_file>

The required input format is a set of four files for each frame in the sequence:

  • kp_0_%06d.txt contains the list of keypoints for the left image as a pair of coordinates (u,v) for each line.
  • kp_1_%06d.txt contains the list of keypoints for the right image as a pair of coordinates (u,v) for each line.
  • flow_%06d.txt contains the monocular matches between frame i and frame i+1 for the left image. The special value 65535 means that the keypoint is unmatched.
  • stereo_%06d.txt contains the stereo matches between left and right image of the same frame. The special value 65535 means that the keypoint is unmatched.

Feature Extraction and Matching

You can generate the required files with any method you want and run the code. However, I provide some Python scripts that generate them with deep learning. After having downloaded the dataset from the KITTI website (, the workflow is the following:

  • Since the official codebase from Magic Leap allows to match a list of pairs of images, generate all the relevant (left -> right, prev -> cur) matches with:
python3 scripts/ --path <path_to_data> --sequence <num>
  • Compute monocular matches between all the (prev -> cur) pairs for the left image with:
python3 scripts/ --resize -1 --superglue outdoor --max_keypoints 2048 --nms_radius 3  --resize_float --input_dir <path> --input_pairs <path>/prev_cur_pairs.txt --output_dir <path>/dump_prev_cur_matches --viz
  • Computing stereo matches between left and right images for all pairs with:
python3 scripts/ --resize -1 --superglue outdoor --max_keypoints 2048 --nms_radius 3  --resize_float --input_dir <path> --input_pairs <path>/left_right_pairs.txt --output_dir <path>/dump_left_right_matches --viz
  • Generate all the required files with:
python3 scripts/ --path <path_to_data> --sequence <num>

You can inspect .npz matching files by simply loading them with NumPy.

Visualizing Results

The C++ code will print the rotation and translation error after the execution. For visualizing the difference between the ground truth and the predicted trajectory, I provide a simple Python script:

python3 scripts/ --pred <predicted_path> --gt <ground_truth_path>


I give all the credits to the authors from Magic Leap ( for both the pretrained networks and the Python code for running inference. Also, some C++ evaluation files are heavily based on the official ones provided by the KITTI codebase.


A C++ implementation of Visual Odometry (VO) for the KITTI dataset, with features extracted and matched by deep learning


Language:Python 51.4%Language:C++ 47.9%Language:CMake 0.7%