morsingher / jbu_cuda

Joint Bilateral Upsampling with C++ and CUDA

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Joint Bilateral Upsampling (JBU) with CUDA

This is a simple implementation of Joint Bilateral Upsampling (JBU) with C++ and CUDA.


Building the code follows the usual CMake pipeline and it requires both OpenCV and CUDA. Running the code is as simple as:

./upsampling <low_res_input> <high_res_input> <output_folder>

Data Format

Since this is a typical module in modern Multi-View Stereo (MVS) algorithms (see for example:, I assume that you want to upsample a low resolution depth map produced by COLMAP (or at least in its format), guided with the corresponding high resolution image (which can be in any format). Therefore, the output is a binary matrix in the COLMAP format, along with a .jpg for visualization purposes. It is trivial to modify this requirement, if needed.

Software Style

I'm definitely not an expert with CUDA. If anyone wants to suggest coding improvements, you're welcome!


Joint Bilateral Upsampling with C++ and CUDA


Language:C++ 95.3%Language:Cuda 3.6%Language:CMake 1.1%