molgenis / gdi-localportal

GDI implementation of Local portal: a Molgenis connected to REMS, with Keycloak and Postgres

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Proof of concept v0.1 - please help us improve!

Dockerized implementation of local portal for GDI

This is the docker compose environment that configures

  • Molgenis platform as a Localportal - a service to locally store and serve the GDI metadata, discoverable through various interfaces (FDP, Beacon, browsing, API calls ...)
  • REMS from scratch - providing the Data access requests, it is automatically synchronized from Molgenis > Dataset table
  • Keycloak - as a central AAI mockup service (holding the test realm and test users)
  • and a Postgres - holding three separate databases for the first three services

This few services should provide complete environment to showcase the Localportal usage.

System requirements depends on OS, but normaly docker host needs for compose at least

  • 2 core and 3 gb or free memory (on top of running OS) for build and spinup of instance
  • and approx. 2 GB of empty disk space for all the images with pre-populated data

Total image build time, spinup time, and the installation of services inside running instances is approx 5 minutes (depends on the system)

Cloning repository and starting the services

Clone the repository and navigate to proof-of-concept branch

$ git clone
$ cd gdi-localportal

The keycloak hostname should point to the localhost - by adding on the machine that is running docker compose in the /etc/hosts file   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 keycloak

After the docker service has been started, you can spin up the docker compose

$ docker compose up -d

(the build time is approx. 4 min on slower hosts - after that the instances still need to configure the services, which takes additional 2 minutes or so)

Ports exposed on the host machine are

  • 3000 for rems
  • 5432 for postgres
  • 8080 for molgenis
  • 9000 for keycloak

First use of the Localportal

First make sure that all of the services are running: use docker-compose ps -a and make sure all the instances are having status healthy.

Example 1: Data manager adding/editing dataset

Showing how to add and change the Datasets into Molgenis, and how that gets updated on REMS.


  • navigate to Localportal
  • use right to site Sign In > you will be redirected to keycloak
    • the use username is lportaluser and the password lportalpass
  • go to gdiportal - it is already pre-populated with example data
    • check the table Dataset
    • this table's content get replicated to REMS
      • the fields id and title are automatically synchronized with REMS
    • select one of the Dataset entry and delete it (for example "B1MG-RD-files-ped")
    • create a new entry (click plus sign at the top of the table left of the "id" field), you can fill the following data
      • id: "fastq_samplesX"
      • title: "Assembly of sample fastq file's from the dataset X"
      • tick the checkbox GDI
      • click "Save Ddataset"


  • navigate to REMS catalogue
  • click "Login" > your login will be automatically detected (since you just did it in the Localportal)
  • you should be able to see all the datasets except the "B1MG-RD-files-ped" that you deleted
  • the newly created "fastq_samplesX" is available, and it contains the link from REMS to the correct entry form at Localportal

Example 2: user finding and requesting data access

Localportal - gportal

  • there is web interface available at the Localportal > gportal
    • Find dataset shows all the datasets available and their description, it also provides data access request
    • Search with Beacon shows the web front end of creating Beacon v2 queries on top of available datasets

The files locations inside the instances

If you wish to check the additional logs inside the instances, you can use (example for Localportal)

$ docker compose exec localportal /bin/bash

The instances have stored their installation files and the output of those installations inside /opt/[instance name]/

users per service

global shared environment

services are in /opt/{servicename} folders

Instance notes

Molgenis / Localportal

localhost:8080 > signin lportaluser lportalpass

Logs for localportal docker compose exec localportal /bin/bash root# cat /opt/localportal/


Increase synchronization script verbosity: $ docker compose exec rems /bin/bash root# echo VERBOSE=2 >> /opt/rems/synchronization.config root# source /opt/rems/


Is avaialable on http://keycloak:9000 (or http://localhost:9000 )

You can modify the existing lportaluser or make a new one, by loging into Keycloak

  • go to Administration Console and use default keycloak admin username admin and password admin
  • switch realm from master to lportal
    • here you can modify lportalclient ( client > lportalclient )
    • or modify users ( Users > lportaluser


Service is created from the latest available postgres docker container. The initial installation creates the databases with help of the script initdb.sql.

postgres/psql_data folder on the host machine is exposed as a /var/lib/postgresql/data volume inside the postgres instance. This ensures that the database is safely stored across accidental instance reboots.

In case you wish to delete the postgress data and start with fresh instance, you can issue

    $ sudo rm -rf postgres/psql_data/ ; mkdir postgres/psql_data/

to delete the database folder and recrete an empty folder to store the future data.


Rebuild all the instances - complete w/ remove the database data

    $ docker compose down --rmi all -v                                  # shut down and remove all images and volumes
    $ sudo rm -rf postgres/psql_data/; mkdir postgres/psql_data/        # clean all the permanent postgres data
    $ docker compose up -d --force-recreate --build

Shutting down and cleaning up

    $ docker compose down --rmi all -v                                  # shut down and remove all images and volumes
    $ sudo rm -rf postgres/psql_data/; mkdir postgres/psql_data/        # clean all the permanent postgres data

Overview diagram

The service calls and scripts connected are shown here.

    direction LR

    up: docker-compose up -d

    pg_lib: /var/lib/postgresql/data
    pg_lib --> molgenisDB
    pg_lib --> remsDB
    pg_lib --> keycloakDB
    pg_entrypoint: postgres
    postgres: postgres instance @ localhost 5432
    state postgres {
        pg_entrypoint --> pg_lib
        initdb.sql --> pg_entrypoint
        pg_volume: volume from host ./postgres/psql_data/
        state pg_volume {

    kc_start: main service \n ./bin/ start-dev --http-port 9000
    kc_entrypoint: workdir /opt/keycloak/
    kc_realm_json: ./import/lportal-realm.json
    kc_user_json: ./import/lportal-users-0.json
    kc_import: import
    keycloak: keycloak instance @ localhost/keycloak 9000
    state keycloak {
        kc_entrypoint --> kc_import
        kc_entrypoint --> kc_start
        kc_import --> kc_start
        kc_realm_json --> kc_import
        kc_user_json --> kc_import

    ml_jar: main service \n java app.jar &
    ml_entrypoint: workdir /opt/localportal/ ./ ./
    ml_synchronization: Molgenis with REMS synchronization service \n ./
    ml_synchronization_log: ./
    molgenis: molgenis instance @ localhost 8080
    ml_sync_conf: synchronization.config
    ml_sync_conf_template: synchronization.config.template
    sample_data: "Catalog.csv\nDataset.csv\nDistribution.csv\nFiles.csv\nIndividuals.csv\nIndividualsDiseases.csv\nIndividualsPhenotypicFeatures.csv"
    state molgenis {
        ml_entrypoint -->
        ml_entrypoint --> ml_sync_conf_template --> -->
        sample_data -->

        ml_sync_conf_template --> ml_sync_conf
        ml_sync_conf --> ml_synchronization
        ml_entrypoint --> ml_synchronization
        ml_synchronization --> ml_synchronization_log
        ml_entrypoint --> ml_jar
        ml_jar --> ml_synchronization

    rm_jar: main service \n java ./rems.jar &
    rm_entrypoint: workdir /opt/rems/
    rm_config: config.edn ./
    rems: rems instance @ localhost 3000
    state rems {
        rm_entrypoint --> rm_jar
        rm_config --> rm_jar -->
        rm_entrypoint -->

    pg_entrypoint --> ml_jar
    pg_entrypoint --> rm_jar
    pg_entrypoint --> kc_start

    kc_start --> ml_jar
    kc_start --> rm_jar
    rm_jar --> ml_synchronization
    ml_synchronization --> rm_jar

    up --> rm_entrypoint
    up --> ml_entrypoint
    up --> pg_entrypoint
    up --> kc_entrypoint


GDI implementation of Local portal: a Molgenis connected to REMS, with Keycloak and Postgres

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 93.4%Language:Dockerfile 6.6%