moha-b / Authentication

Unlock the potential of Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, and Firebase sign-ins seamlessly integrated with Bloc state management. Fortify security, streamline user experience, and empower your app with cutting-edge authentication. 🚀🔐

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Unlock the potential of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Firebase sign-ins seamlessly integrated with Bloc state management. Fortify security, streamline user experience, and empower your app with cutting-edge authentication. 🚀🔐



Google Sign-In Implementation without Firebase


This guide provides step-by-step instructions on implementing Google Sign-In in your application without relying on Firebase. By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate Google authentication into your app


  1. Add Dependencies Make sure to include the required dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file:
  google_sign_in: ^6.2.1

Run flutter pub get to fetch the new dependencies. 2. Configure OAuth2.0

  • Visit the Google Cloud Console.
  • Create a new project or select an existing one.
  • Navigate to the "Credentials" page.
  • Click on "Create Credentials" and choose "OAuth client ID"
  • Select "IOS application" as the application type.

Note we will make 2 Credentials IOS and Android

IOS Setup

  • Select “iOS” under the Application Type dropdown.
  • We have to enter a Name. You write whatever you want but I suggest to you write “iOS Oauth”.
  • Also we have to enter a “Bundle ID” which is located in “ios/Runner/Info.plist” under the “CFBundleIdentifier” tag.
  • Click the “Create” button!
  • Info.plist, add these lines of code

Android Setup

We need to have more than one OAuth Client ID because we require a different ‘SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint’ for each device on the Android side. This is necessary for both debug mode (for running on emulators and testing code) and release mode (for generating apk/aab files).

  • Select “Android” under the Application Type dropdown.
  • We have to enter a Name. You write whatever you want but I suggest to you write for debugging environment “Android OAuth Debug” and for release environment “Android OAuth Release”
  • Get debug SHA-1 and release SHA-1
    • Go to project terminal and open android folder (cd android)
    • Write “./gradlew signInReport”. (This gives us the SHA1 keys in our project)
    • We come across a lot of information that includes SHA-1 and SHA-256. We search for the SHA-1 keys with the “Variant” and “Config” values set to “debug”
  • Now, go to your project and find build.gradle in android folder and find dependencies. Then, add this line of code.
   dependencies {
    classpath ''
  • Then go to build.gradle in android/app and find dependencies again. Then, add this line of code.
dependencies {
    implementation ''
  • Finally, you are ready to go!
  1. Implementation
  final GoogleSignIn _googleSignIn = GoogleSignIn(scopes: ['email']);

  Future<User> signInWithGoogle() async {
    try {
      final GoogleSignInAccount? googleAccount = await _googleSignIn.signIn();
      if (googleAccount != null) {
        final GoogleSignInAuthentication googleAuthentication =
            await googleAccount.authentication;

        return User(
          name: googleAccount.displayName,
          picture: googleAccount.photoUrl,
    } catch (error) {
      print("Error during Google Sign-In: $error");
    return User.empty();

for better understanding head to Google Sign-in File

Facebook Sign-In Implementation without Firebase


This guide offers a detailed walkthrough on implementing Facebook Sign-In in your Flutter application without relying on Firebase. By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate Facebook authentication into your app.


  1. Add Dependencies Make sure to include the required dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file:
  flutter_facebook_auth: ^6.0.4

Run flutter pub get to fetch the new dependencies.

  1. Configure Facebook App
  2. Implementation
Future<User> signInWithFacebook() async {
    try {
      final LoginResult result = await FacebookAuth.instance.login();
      if (result.status == LoginStatus.success) {
        final AccessToken accessToken = result.accessToken!;
        final userData = await FacebookAuth.instance.getUserData();

        return User(
          name: userData["name"],
          email: userData["email"],
          picture: userData["picture"]["data"]["url"],
      } else {
        print("Facebook Sign-In failed. Status: ${result.status}");
        print("Message: ${result.message}");
    } catch (error) {
      print("Error during Facebook Sign-In: $error");
    return User.empty();

for better understanding head to Facebook Sign-in File


Unlock the potential of Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, and Firebase sign-ins seamlessly integrated with Bloc state management. Fortify security, streamline user experience, and empower your app with cutting-edge authentication. 🚀🔐

License:MIT License


Language:Dart 95.0%Language:Swift 4.0%Language:Kotlin 0.8%Language:Objective-C 0.2%