hab's repositories
We created 🐥 Flappy Bird, a straightforward game based on flutter animation, from scratch using only Dart & Flutter and no third-party games components.
iconsax for flutter package
A simple note-taking app using Java and Room Database is an efficient and practical solution for organizing notes. It features a clean and intuitive user interface, scalable data storage, and customization options. This app is ideal for anyone who wants to stay organized and productive.
Unlock the potential of Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, and Firebase sign-ins seamlessly integrated with Bloc state management. Fortify security, streamline user experience, and empower your app with cutting-edge authentication. 🚀🔐
This project is an example to implement and practise on and is a component of the Udacity Nanodegree for Android programming. navigation, live data, viewModel, data binding, and layouts
weather app using TDD and clean architecture in action
التطبيق الأمثل لقراءة القرآن الكريم
Change App Package Name with single command. It makes the process very easy and fast.
This road presupposes a fundamental understanding of Unity and has no math requirements in order to earn an entry-level Unity position. You may show potential employers that you are prepared for the job market by becoming Unity Certified with Junior Programmer.
This repository is managed by LeetPush extension: https://github.com/husamahmud/LeetPush
A basic 2D game using `unity` 2D game creation education. the game contains a spaceship shooting lasers at the enemies and more funny stuff.
Simple app using react and redux
A Dart package that provides functionality to extract personal information from the Egyptian National ID number. such as date of birth, gender, and governorate based on the 14-digit national ID.