async, non-blocking memcached client using akka
inspired by, but much simpler than, this project:
info on akka io / iteratee library:
This client is has not seen extensive production testing and should be used with care.
- Supports set, get, and delete memcached instructions
- All instructions are non-blocking.
- The set and delete methods are fire-and-forget, the get method returns an
- Uses consistent hashing to distribute data across multiple memcached servers
- Deduplicates keys: If multiple clients make a request for the same key, only a single get request will be made for that key, and results will be forwarded to each requesting client
- Will reconnect to memcached if the connection is lost, and will complete any pending futures if the connection is re-established
- Requires sbt
- cd into the akka-memcached directory and run
sbt package
- The jar will be located in target/scala-2.9.1
- Include this jar in your project
- Create a new instance of RealMemcachedClient
- It is necessary to have an implicit serializer when calling the get or set client methods
import akka.util.duration._
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.dispatch.Await
import com.klout.akkamemcached.RealMemcachedClient
import com.klout.akkamemcached.Serialization.JBoss
object Test {
// Create a client that connects to localhost on a single connection
val client = new RealMemcachedClient(List(("localhost", 11211)), 1)
// Store a value
client.set("key", "value", 1 hour)
// Retrieve a value
val valueFuture = client.get("key")
val result = Await.result(valueFuture, 5 seconds)
// Delete a value