mli0603 / VIMEE2

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This work direcoty contains individual test files for each sensor. The integrated code file is in folder VIMEE


Please run python script to process the raw data.

To view data graphically, run rqt or rqt_plot. For example, after typing in rqt, select plot, and then type in the topics you want to subscribe. You can add multiple topics at the same time to multiple plots. alt text alt text

To save data, run rqt or rosbag. For example, after typing in rqt, select bag, and then press save button to save selected topics. The best thign about ros bag is that it syncronizes data and you can play it back afterwards. alt text alt text

To start communication with Arduino, run command rosrun rosserial_python [/dev/ttyACM0], the [port] needs to be changed based on your current Arduino connection.

To start python script, run command python in the work directory.

To open and close servo, type in command rostopic pub servo std_msgs/Bool [True/False], where [True] opens servo and [False] closes servo.


Please DO NOT type "[" and "]" in your command, it is just for illustration.


Motor driver integration

Sensor data threshold

Robot state


Installation on your PC

Please follow the instruction on ROS website. For example, to install ROS Kinetics, the procedure can be found at

Install Arduino library

The Arduino library installation can be found at button

Set Up Wifi (esp8266)

First, you must install the esp8266 add-on into your arduino ide in order to enable esp8266 flashing. The tutorial for how to set-up flash an esp8266 in the arduino ide can be found in the following links.

or alternative link

The firmware to be flashed is under esproswifi directory. In order to flash, hold down the reset button on the arduino and both the reset and flash buttons on the shield. Click upload on the arduino IDE. When the arduino prompt changes from "Compiling" to "Uploading", immediately release the reset button, then the flash button in quick succession.

If upload process is done correctly, the blue LED will start flickering and the arduino IDE will start the firmware flashing process. Note that the reset button on the arduino must be pushed down (grounded) during the entirety of the flashing process and is only released once the arduino ide indicated that upload has been completed.

In the esproswifi.ino, the baud rate (current default at 57600) should be changed according to the arduino ros baud rate. In addition, the SSID and password must be set depending on the network. Furthermore, the IP address must be set to the computer running roscore server (current default at Then, the esp module must be reflashed.

Please note that during flashing, the TX pin of the esp module must be connecting to the TX of arduino, RX to RX. However, during normal operation with ROS, the TX pin of the esp must be connected to the RX of the arduino and the RX pin of the esp must be connected to the TX of the arduino.

In order to start the ros server, simply run in the linux terminal roscore

In a separate terminal, run...

rosrun rosserial_python _port:=tcp _baud:=<insert baud rate here>


rosrun rosserial_python _port:=tcp _baud:=57600

alternatively, if the default baud rate is being used you can run

rosrun rosserial_python tcp


When flashing either Arduino or the Wi-Fi module esp8266, the two switches on the green development board, shown in the figure below, both to programming position (to the right (or refer to label)). After flashing is completed, the two switches should both be put back to the operation position (to the left (or refer to label)). Flash switch



Language:C++ 89.3%Language:Python 7.8%Language:CMake 1.7%Language:Processing 0.7%Language:D 0.6%