mkhuda / re-react-razzle

Reason React with Razzle SSR

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Razzle Reason React

How to use

Install Reason-CLI first

platform install command
macOS yarn global add reason-cli@latest-macos
Linux yarn global add reason-cli@latest-linux
Windows Please see reasonml/

Install it and run:

git clone
cd re-react-razzle
yarn install
yarn start

NOTE: This example takes a while to install. Stick with it.

Now you can go and edit src/ When you make changes, your browser and server will Hot Reload.

Idea behind the example

This is an example of how to use Reason React and Razzle together. Yes, you read that correctly. SSR, Reason, React, HMR.


Reason React with Razzle SSR


Language:OCaml 55.3%Language:JavaScript 37.9%Language:CSS 6.9%