milot-mirdita / biowasm

WebAssembly modules for common genomics utilities

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A repository of genomics tools, compiled from C/C++ to WebAssembly so they can run in a web browser:

How it works

  • biowasm: a collection of recipes for compiling C/C++ genomics tools to WebAssembly — this repo
  • biowasm CDN: a server where we host the pre-compiled tools for use in your apps —
  • Aioli: a tool for running these modules in a browser, inside WebWorkers (i.e. background threads) — repo

Tools using biowasm

Tool URL Repo
Ribbon MariaNattestad/Ribbon
Alignment Sandbox RobertAboukhalil/alignment-sandbox
tSNE Sandbox RobertAboukhalil/tsne-sandbox RobertAboukhalil/ RobertAboukhalil/

Get Started

Simple usage

To get started, here is some HTML code that runs the command samtools view -q 20 on a sample SAM file and outputs the contents to screen:

<script src=""></script>
let samtools = new Aioli("samtools/1.10");

    // Initialize samtools
    // Run "samtools view" command with "-q 20" filter
    .then(() => samtools.exec("view -q 20 /samtools/examples/toy.sam"))
    // Output result
    .then(d => document.write(`<pre>${d.stdout}\n${d.stderr}</pre>`));

The list of all modules available on the CDN are listed at See the Aioli repo for more information on getting started.

Usage without Aioli

It is not recommended, but is possible, to use biowasm modules without Aioli, but it requires using Emscripten's Module variable. For example, you can navigate to /samtools/1.10/samtools.html, open the Developer Console and type Module.callMain(["view"]) to see the help menu for the samtools view command.

Here is the equivalent example from above, but without Aioli:

var Module = {
    onRuntimeInitialized: () => {
        Module.callMain(["view", "-q", "20", "/samtools/examples/toy.sam"]);
<script src=""></script>

Note that here we define the Module variable before loading the samtools.js file from the CDN, and that we use callMain() where the parameter is an array of values.

See the Emscripten documentation for details.


Ignore the rest of this README if you are not contributing changes to the biowasm repo.


Tools listed in biowasm were compiled to WebAssembly using Emscripten 2.0.0.

# Fetch Emscripten docker image
docker pull emscripten/emsdk:2.0.0

# Create the container and mount ~/wasm to /src in the container
docker run \
    -it -d \
    -p 80:80 \
    --name wasm \
    --volume ~/wasm:/src \

# Go into the container
docker exec -u root -it wasm bash
# While inside the container, install dependencies
apt-get update
apt-get install -y autoconf liblzma-dev less vim
# Create small web server for testing
cat << EOF >
import http.server
import socketserver

handler = http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
handler.extensions_map['.wasm'] = 'application/wasm'
httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('', 80), handler)
chmod +x
# Launch the web server
python3.7 /src/ &

Compile a tool

# Go into your container
docker exec -it wasm bash

# Compile seqtk
cd biowasm/
make init  # only need to do this once
make seqtk

# This will create tools/<tool name>/build with .js/.wasm files
ls tools/seqtk/build

Add a new tool

First, add the tool as a git module:

# Fetch codebase
mkdir -p tools/seqtk
git submodule add tools/seqtk/src

# Get specific version of the tool
cd tools/seqtk/src
git checkout v1.3
cd -

# Stage changes for git
git add tools/seqtk/src .gitmodules

You should also create the following files:

tools/<tool>/   Details about the tool and dependencies  Script that will run to compile the tool to WebAssembly (can use `$EM_FLAGS` for common flags)
        <tag>   Patch applied to the code to compile it to WebAssembly; branch- or tag-specific (optional)

Deploy changes

  • Changes merged are auto-deployed via GitHub Actions to

To do

  • Deploy one tool without re-compiling all others: download data from the CDN onto the GitHub Actions VM first?
  • Run each tool's tests: use Selenium? Can't use node.js when have .data files
  • Generate HTML file for each tool: CLI for testing, predefined queries, etc
  • Support for Rust bioinformatics tools such as sourmash and rust-bio


WebAssembly modules for common genomics utilities

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 40.5%Language:Roff 18.0%Language:HTML 14.8%Language:Svelte 14.2%Language:Shell 12.1%Language:Makefile 0.4%