michalkoziara / IoT-RESTful-Webservice

RESTful Webservice for IoT devices management.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IoT RESTfuf web service

RESTful Webservice for managing IoT devices.

The goal of this project is to create a web service that stores data sent by hubs and serves as back-end for mobile and web application.

This project is part of IoT System. Other components in the system:

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Detailed information about installation and configurations are provided at developers' site.

Technology Stack

  • Python3
  • Flask
  • SQLAlchemy
  • pytest
  • JWT
  • SQLite
  • PostgreSQL


A step by step instruction [on Windows 10]:

  • Navigate to project directory in Command Prompt (cmd).
  • Create database with latest migration file python manage.py db upgrade
  • Run python manage.py run to start application's local development server.

The continuous delivery process is managed by Jenkins and the static analysis is performed by Codacy.

The default provider for the production environment is set to Heroku.

In order to distribute the application in a cloud environment, Jenkinsfile should be modified accordingly.

Continous Delivery Pipeline


CLI commands

Create database migration file
python manage.py db migrate

Update database with latest migration file
python manage.py db upgrade

Run application
python manage.py run

Print configured application routes
python manage.py get_routes

Run all tests
python manage.py test

Run unit tests
python manage.py test_unit

Run integration tests
python manage.py test_integration

Run all tests and generate coverage report in HTML format
pytest app/test/ --cov=. --cov-report=html --cov-branch --cov-config=.coveragerc --cache-clear

Run unit tests and generate coverage report in HTML format
pytest app/test/unittest --cov=. --cov-report=html --cov-branch --cov-config=.coveragerc

Run integration tests and generate coverage report in HTML format
pytest app/test/integrationtest --cov=. --cov-report=html --cov-branch --cov-config=.coveragerc --cache-clear


  • Michał Koziara
  • Piotr Kramek


RESTful Webservice for IoT devices management.



Language:Python 99.9%Language:Mako 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.0%