michaelkolesidis / emoji-alphabet

The Emoji Alphabet is an effort to create a standardized system where each letter of the Latin alphabet is represented by a distinct emoji.

Home Page:https://emojialphabet.vercel.app/

Repository from Github https://github.commichaelkolesidis/emoji-alphabetRepository from Github https://github.commichaelkolesidis/emoji-alphabet

Emoji Alphabet

Emoji Alphabet logo

Welcome to the Emoji Alphabet!

The Emoji Alphabet is an effort to create a standardized system where each letter of the Latin alphabet is represented by a unique emoji. An important aspect of this approach is the inclusion of a character for the space, which makes reading easier. The project also extends to include punctuation, numbers, and mathematical symbols, providing a complete emoji-based representation system.

To make things easier, we offer a tool that allows you to transliterate your texts into this Emoji Alphabet, transforming your words into a fun, emoji-filled version!

We provide downloads of the Emoji Alphabet in various formats, including JSON, JavaScript, and plain text, as well as access to the all the files and the source code on GitHub. For inspiration, we've also prepared samples from literature and poetry that showcase the creative possibilities of the alphabet.

This is an ongoing, open project and we aim to establish an inclusive community, where all input is welcome. You can share suggestions, engage in discussions, and contribute to the project in any way possible.

The alphabet

The Alphabet

Letter Emoji Explanation
A 🅰️ The blood type A emoji includes an A
B 🅱️ The blood type B emoji includes a B
C ©️ Copyright symbol resembles the letter C
D ▶️ Play button emoji resembles a D
E 📧 Email emoji represents E
F 🎏 Fish flag resembles the upright bar and crossbar of F
G 🌀 Swirl emoji visually resembles a G
H Pisces symbol resembles an H
I ℹ️ Information symbol is a lowercase I
J 🎷 Saxophone has a curved J shape
K 🔑 Key starts with K
L 🛴 Scooter emoji resembles the letter L
M Ⓜ️ The circled M emoji contains an M
N Capricorn symbol resembles an N
O 🅾️ The blood type 0 emoji directly represents the letter O
P 🅿️ The parking emoji contains a P
Q 🔍 Magnifying glass resembles a Q
R ®️ Registered trademark symbol contains an R
S 💲 Dollar sign resembles an S
T ✝️ Cross symbol resembles a T
U Ophiuchus symbol contains a U
V ✔️ Checkmark resembles a V
W 〰️ Wavy line resembles a W
X Cross mark directly resembles an X
Y 🦞 The lobster emoji resembles the letter Y
Z 💤 Zzz symbol for sleeping resembles the letter Z
Space Empty white box for space
Symbol Emoji Explanation
. ▪️ Small, black, and distinct, resemples a full stop
, 🔻 Small, and distinct, resembles a comma
! ❗️ Exclamation mark emoji
? Question mark emoji
# #️⃣ Hash/hashtag emoji
* *️⃣ Asterisk emoji
Number Emoji Explanation
0 0️⃣ Zero emoji
1 1️⃣ One emoji
2 2️⃣ Two emoji
3 3️⃣ Three emoji
4 4️⃣ Four emoji
5 5️⃣ Five emoji
6 6️⃣ Six emoji
7 7️⃣ Seven emoji
8 8️⃣ Eight emoji
9 9️⃣ Nine emoji
Symbol Emoji Explanation
+ Plus sign emoji
- Minus sign emoji
÷ Division sign emoji
= 🟰 Equals sign emoji
♾️ Infinity emoji

Selection and Design Principles

The selection of emoji for the Emoji Alphabet was guided by several key principles. First, if a letter was already included in an emoji, it was chosen. Then, if an emoji represented the letter directly or clearly resembled the letter’s shape, it was chosen. If more than one emoji resembled a letter, the emoji with the most distinct and recognizable shapes were prioritized to ensure clarity and ease of identification. The main goal was to pick emoji that had clear lines and a simple design, making them easy to distinguish, even at smaller sizes.

In cases where no emoji directly represented the letter or its shape, the next step was to find an object or symbol that could be associated with the letter. For example, for the letter "K," a key emoji was chosen due to the phonetic similarity between "key" and "K." This approach helps maintain a strong, logical connection between the letter and its corresponding emoji, making the alphabet intuitive.

Color also played a role in the selection process. A key goal was to have most of the emoji feature similar colors (primarily red, blue, and purple) to maintain a sense of consistency across the alphabet and create a visually cohesive system. We aimed for a design that feels unified while still allowing each emoji to stand out clearly from the others.

Another consideration was ensuring that the emoji selected were similar across all major vendors. Given that emoji can appear differently across platforms, it was important to choose symbols that were similarly designed by all major vendors. In this way, the alphabet will look consistent in most devices.

It’s important to note that the choices made for the Emoji Alphabet are not final. Contributors are encouraged to suggest changes or improvements, allowing the system to evolve and become even more refined. The Emoji Alphabet remains is always open to new ideas and insights!



"Call me Ishmael."

From Moby-Dick by Herman Melville


"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength."

From 1984 by George Orwell


"The world soon to be, is the world of death."

From The Road by Cormac McCarthy


"Tell me, O Muse, of that ingenious hero who traveled far and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy."

From The Odyssey by Homer (translated)


"To be, or not to be, that is the question."

From Hamlet by William Shakespeare


Copyright (c) Michael Kolesidis
Lincensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0).


The Emoji Alphabet is an effort to create a standardized system where each letter of the Latin alphabet is represented by a distinct emoji.


License:Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International


Language:HTML 75.7%Language:CSS 15.8%Language:JavaScript 8.5%