mfkenson / MAEG5755-2021-Team-PARK

Team Pretty Alice Rui Kenson

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Team PARK Repo for MAEG5755 Robotics Project Pretty, Alice, Rui, Kenson

Video (Click to Play on YouTube)



  1. Dexnet 4.0 bin picking demo with Baxter
  2. Refresh Baxter! (ROS Noetic, baxter_interface, realsense2, Moveit)
  3. Documenting how to run a baxter in 2021


Wiki is more comprehensive and up-to-date for various topics.

Especically the FAQ

First time setup

mkdir -p $HOME/5755_ws/src
cd $HOME/5755_ws/src
git clone --recursive
git clone --recursive
git clone --recursive team-park

cd $HOME/5755_ws/
cp src/learning_ros_external_pkgs_noetic/baxter/ .
cd $HOME/5755_ws/src/team-park/dependencies/ && bash
cat $HOME/5755_ws/src/team-park/dependencies/shortcuts_alias.txt >> ~/.bashrc

Real environment you need to also install librealsense.

Pulling latest from upstream repo

cd $HOME/5755_ws/src/team-park
git pull
git submodule update

Build the workspace

cd $HOME/5755_ws/

Successful compile gives 100% built messages.. Example:

[100%] Built target command_bundler

If there there is an error you can't escape, delete the devel folder and build folder then catkin_make again.

rm -rf $HOME/5755_ws/devel
rm -rf $HOME/5755_ws/build
cd $HOME/5755_ws && catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="" -j1

Make it run

Gazebo Simulation

  • Not recommend to use anymore. We should manually handle the environment variables.
  • In simulation mode, make sure your ~/.bashrc DO export ROS_IP and export ROS_MASTER_URI (pointing to localhost, i.e.
export ROS_IP=
  • You can verify your environment variable by echo $ROS_IP and echo $ROS_MASTER_URI in terminal

Terminal 1: Just an empty world

sw && roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch

Terminal 2: Spawn baxter with realsense

sw && roslaunch park_gazebo baxter_on_pedestal_w_realsense.launch

Terminal 3: Moveit planning

roslaunch baxter_moveit_tutorial moveit_init.launch

Terminal 4: Rviz

baxter_home && sw && rviz -d src/team-park/park_simulation/park_gazebo/park.rviz

Terminal 5: Enable and unstuck the robot

rosrun baxter_tools -e
rosrun baxter_tools -u

Alt text

Real environment in CUHK Robotics Lab

  • Not recommend to use anymore. We should manually handle the environment variables.
  • In real environment mode, make sure your ~/.bashrc DO export ROS_IP and export ROS_MASTER_URI
  • In this case IP address is and the baxter hostname is 011508P0007.local. Check out the wiki for hostname resolving
export ROS_IP=
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://011508P0007.local:11311
  • You can verify your environment variable by echo $ROS_IP and echo $ROS_MASTER_URI in terminal

Terminal 1: Realsense node

sw && roslaunch park_demo camera.launch

Terminal 2: Moveit planning

sw && roslaunch baxter_moveit_tutorial moveit_init.launch

Terminal 3: Rviz

baxter_home && sw && rviz -d src/team-park/park_demo/park_demo/park.rviz

Terminal 4: Enable the robot

rosrun baxter_tools -e

Terminal 5: Publishing transform for realsense camera and world frame (No need for simulation, and after hand eye calibration only)

baxter_home && sw roslaunch park_demo tf_handeye.launch

here simply launch a generated launch file obtained from hand-eye calibration process. See wiki

Terminal 6: Add a table and spawn some blocks

baxter_home && sw 
roslaunch park_gazebo add_table.launch
roslaunch park_gazebo add_wood_blocks.launch

Terminal 7: Execute

baxter_home && sw
python3.6 src/team_park/park_demo/park_demo/scripts/


In rviz you can plan your path under motion planning tab even with scene planner. Be aware of surroundings when executing trajectory.

Tips for pycharm users

  • Get pycharm IDE here
  • community version is more than sufficient
  • There is a collection of python launcher scripts managing the roslaunch process.
  • See park_demo/park_demo/scripts/launcher
  • Make sure you source the workspace before opening pycharm in terminal and having the roscore running somewhere else


Team Pretty Alice Rui Kenson


Language:Python 56.3%Language:C++ 38.8%Language:CMake 4.2%Language:Dylan 0.5%Language:HCL 0.2%