meharehsaan / intelx86_64

This is repo contans all assembly language codes written and analyzed while learning assembly language

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intel x86_64 assembly

is an unstructured programming language meaning it provides only extreme basic programming control structures.

  • Basic Expression.
  • R/W over memory.
  • Jump Operators.

Tells us

  • How hardware works
  • Optimize program speed and size.
    • For example, use mov al, 5 instead of mov eax, 5 if only the lower 8 bits of eax are needed.
  • Writing device drivers, OS kernals, Compilers and embedded systems.
  • Reverse Engineering.

In assembly

  • No procedure calls -> argument processing is done manually.
  • No loops -> need to jump instead.
  • No variable/functions scope -> everything is global.



In this Repository intelx86-64-asm

  1. first.nasm template
  2. Datatypes in assembly
  3. GDB debugger
  4. Moving data instructions
  5. Arithemtic instruction
  6. Bitshifting rotation instructions
  7. Logical instructions
  8. Control jumps
  9. Functions in assembly
  10. Function calling conventions
  11. Mixing C with assembly
  12. Getting input in assembly
  13. Some practice


I am using NASM compiler while others like GASM can also be used for assembly compilations and ld is the linker in assembly.

nasm -fefl64 filename.nasm     # Compiling file
ld filename.o -o filename      # Linking
./filename                     # Executing binary


General-Purpose Registers (x86)

  • EAX (Accumulator): Used for arithmetic and logic operations. It is also the primary register for function return values.
  • EBX (Base): Used as a base pointer for memory access and can be used for other general purposes.
  • ECX (Counter): Often used as a loop counter or for other specialized counting tasks.
  • EDX (Data): Used for arithmetic and logic operations. It is also used to hold the high 32-bits of 64-bit results.
  • ESI (Source Index): Used for source data in string and memory operations.
  • EDI (Destination Index): Used for destination data in string and memory operations.
  • ESP (Stack Pointer): Points to the top of the stack, used for managing the call stack.
  • EBP (Base Pointer): Points to the base of the current stack frame, used for accessing function parameters and local variables.

64-bit Extension of General-Purpose Registers (x86_64)

  • RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RSI, RDI: The 64-bit counterparts of their 32-bit equivalents.
  • R8 - R15: Additional general-purpose registers available in x86_64 mode, providing more options for data manipulation.

Segment Registers (x86)

  • CS (Code Segment): Holds the code segment address.
  • DS (Data Segment): Holds the data segment address.
  • SS (Stack Segment): Holds the stack segment address.
  • ES (Extra Segment): Holds an extra data segment address.
  • FS, GS: Additional segment registers available for specific purposes in some CPU architectures.

Flags Register (EFLAGS/RFLAGS)

  • Register used for status & CPU control information out of 64 bits mostly unsed and reserved for future use.
  • Status Flags
    • MSB
    • Overflow
    • Logic
  • Control Flags
    • String Operations
    • Direction
  • System Flags
    • Interrupts
    • Debugging
  • Contains various status and control flags, such as carry(CF), zero(ZF), sign(SF), overflow(OF), etc. The flags register is updated automatically by certain instructions.

Instruction Pointer (EIP/RIP):

  • Points to the next instruction to be executed in the program.

SSE Media Regisers

  • (XMM0 to XMM7) These are 128-bit registers, each capable of holding 16 bytes or 4 single-precision floating-point numbers or 2 double-precision floating-point numbers or 16 packed 8-bit integers or 8 packed 16-bit integers.
  • XMM8 to XMM15 (Available in x86_64 mode)Additional 128-bit registers that are available only in x86_64 mode, providing more media registers for SIMD operations.



x86_64 Assembly Instructions

  • mov, add, sub, syscall etc.

Pseudo Instructions


Assembler Directives



The data section is used to define static data variables that the program uses during its execution. It includes constants, initialized variables, and arrays.

    myvar db 42   ; Define a byte (8-bit) variable with value 42.
    myarr dw 10, 20, 30, 40  ; Define a word (16-bit) array with values.


The BSS (Block Started by Symbol) section is used to define uninitialized data variables. These variables are allocated memory, but their initial values are not specified. The BSS section is typically used for variables that will be initialized at runtime or dynamically during program execution.

    buffer resb 100   ; Reserve 100 bytes of memory for the buffer variable.


The code section is where the actual executable instructions of the program are placed. It contains the assembly code that performs various operations and calculations. This section typically starts with a label, followed by the code instructions.

    global _start   ; Entry point of the program


    mov eax, 1      ; System call number for exit
    mov rdi, 0      ; Exit code 0
    syscall         ; Invoke the system call

Additional Links

Best Regards - Mehar Ehsaan


This is repo contans all assembly language codes written and analyzed while learning assembly language


Language:Assembly 94.6%Language:C 5.4%