mbjoseph / mtbs-data

R script to fetch MTBS fire data, EPA ecoregion boundaries, and some MACA climate data

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Downloading and cleaning Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) fire data


Downloading and processing the data requires that you have R installed, and the following R packages:

  • dplyr
  • rgdal
  • rgeos
  • tidyr

If you do not have these packages, you can try to install them with install.packages(), e.g.,


The script get-mtbs-data.R pulls data from the internet, so you'll need an internet connection.

Running the script

To run the R script, you can use Rscript from the terminal:

Rscript get-mtbs-data.R

Or, if you prefer, you can open the file in R or Rstudio and run it interactively.

What it produces

The script will produce a directory with the following structure:

  - processed/
    - fire-events.csv
    - fire-summary.csv
  - raw/
    - mtbs_fod_pts_data/
      - ...
    - us_eco_l3/
      - ...

Event data

The file fire-events.csv has the raw data from MTBS where each row is a fire event:

fire_id year month day lat long acres_burned na_l3name na_l2name na_l1name yearmonth mean_potential_et total_precip max_air_temp mean_wind_speed
AL3038308812219980404 1998 4 4 30.383 -88.122 705 Southern Coastal Plain MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL AND SOUTHEAST USA COASTAL PLAINS EASTERN TEMPERATE FORESTS 1998-04 4.757972 50.62457 299.6400 4.281175
AL3041008830120050916 2005 9 16 30.410 -88.301 2914 Southern Coastal Plain MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL AND SOUTHEAST USA COASTAL PLAINS EASTERN TEMPERATE FORESTS 2005-09 4.952767 90.42460 305.1668 3.975596
AL3067208833720050207 2005 2 7 30.672 -88.337 696 Southeastern Plains SOUTHEASTERN USA PLAINS EASTERN TEMPERATE FORESTS 2005-02 2.275852 110.09175 289.2758 4.016748
AL3105208777220050211 2005 2 11 31.052 -87.772 7334 Southeastern Plains SOUTHEASTERN USA PLAINS EASTERN TEMPERATE FORESTS 2005-02 2.275852 110.09175 289.2758 4.016748
AL3110108837320050218 2005 2 18 31.101 -88.373 757 Southeastern Plains SOUTHEASTERN USA PLAINS EASTERN TEMPERATE FORESTS 2005-02 2.275852 110.09175 289.2758 4.016748

The columns are as follows:

  • fire_id: unique event identifier
  • year, month, day: year, month, day of ignition
  • lat, long: lat and long of ignition
  • acres_burned: number of acres burned
  • na_l3name, na_l2name, na_l1name: level 3, 2, and 1 ecoregion names
  • yearmonth: year and month concatenated (e.g., '2010-01')

Both of these files have preprocessed MACA climate data summarized at the level of month and ecoregion, with four variables: mean daily potential evapotranspiration (mean_potential_et), total precipitation (total_precip), mean daily maximum air temperature (max_air_temp), and mean daily wind speed (mean_wind_speed).

Summary data

The file fire-summary.csv has the number of fires and total burn area summarized for each of the 85 EPA level 3 ecoregions and 382 months over the range of dates in the MTBS data (for a total of 382 X 85 = 32470 rows), where each row is an ecoregion by month combination.

yearmonth na_l3name n_fire total_acres_burned year month mean_potential_et total_precip max_air_temp mean_wind_speed
1984-02 Acadian Plains and Hills 0 0 1984 2 1.1805210 116.813903 275.4773 4.962357
1984-02 Arizona/New Mexico Mountains 0 0 1984 2 2.7397637 3.008436 285.1002 3.876059
1984-02 Arizona/New Mexico Plateau 0 0 1984 2 2.2535006 3.420493 283.5001 3.200126
1984-02 Arkansas Valley 0 0 1984 2 2.5848122 94.998374 288.3537 4.530387
1984-02 Aspen Parkland/Northern Glaciated Plains 0 0 1984 2 0.8037277 15.325724 274.3547 3.577555

Computing polygon centroids and distance matrices


# load ecoregion shapefile
ecoregion_file <- list.files(pattern = 'us_eco_l3.shp$',
                             recursive = TRUE,
                             full.names = TRUE)
ecoregions <- readOGR(ecoregion_file)

Computing centroids

Next, we'll use the gCentroid function from the rgeos package to compute centroids for each polygon in the ecoregion shapefile:

centroids <- gCentroid(ecoregions, byid = TRUE)

Last, because some ecoregions are discontinuous, a subset of our ecoregions now have multiple centroids. To get just one centroid per ecoregion, we can average across all of the centroids for those ecoregions with multiple centroids:


ecoregion_centroids <- as.data.frame(centroids) %>%
  tbl_df %>%
  mutate(na_l3name = ecoregions$NA_L3NAME) %>%
  group_by(na_l3name) %>%
  summarize(x = mean(x), 
            y = mean(y))

This will return a data frame with the centroids for each ecoregion. As a final step, you may need to compute a distance matrix, which provides pairwise distances among all centroids.

Computing a distance matrix

D <- ecoregion_centroids %>%
  select(x, y) %>%
  dist %>%

# associate ecoregions with rows and columns
rownames(D) <- ecoregion_centroids$na_l3name
colnames(D) <- ecoregion_centroids$na_l3name

# preview part of D
D[1:3, 1:3]
Acadian Plains and Hills Arizona/New Mexico Mountains Arizona/New Mexico Plateau
Acadian Plains and Hills 0 3443179.1 3514975.6
Arizona/New Mexico Mountains 3443179 0.0 200954.1
Arizona/New Mexico Plateau 3514976 200954.1 0.0


R script to fetch MTBS fire data, EPA ecoregion boundaries, and some MACA climate data

License:MIT License


Language:R 100.0%