matthewp / lit-labs-ssr-bundle

A bundle of @lit-labs/ssr

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This a bundle containing the contents of @lit-labs/ssr. This bundle is made to work in non-Node environments such as Web Workers, Service Workers, and Deno.


Rendering Lit elements outside the browser needs a DOM shim. We'll use dom-shim in these examples.

import '';

This bundle exports LitElementRenderer which can be used to render elements created with LitElement. This is relatively low-level code and gives you complete control over serialization.

A full example is below:

import '';
import { LitElementRenderer } from '';
import { LitElement, html } from '';

class MyElement extends LitElement {
  render() {
    return html`
      <div id="testing">Hello world</div>
customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);

function * render(el) {
  const instance = new LitElementRenderer(el.localName);
  yield `<${el.localName}`;
  yield `>`;
  yield* instance.renderAttributes();
  const shadowContents = instance.renderShadow({});
  if (shadowContents !== undefined) {
    yield '<template shadowroot="open">';
    yield* shadowContents;
    yield '</template>';
  yield el.innerHTML;
  yield `</${el.localName}>`;

const el = new MyElement();
for(let chunk of render(el)) {


A bundle of @lit-labs/ssr


Language:JavaScript 89.2%Language:Shell 10.8%