matiaz / List-CoreML-Models

A Big Awesome List CoreML Models.

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List CoreML-Models Awesome


A List CoreML-Models projects and resources. Feel free to contribute!

With Core ML, you can integrate trained machine learning models into your app.

CoreML-Models is the result of applying a machine learning algorithm to a set of training data. The model makes predictions based on new input data. For example, a model that's been trained on a region's historical house prices may be able to predict a house's price when given the number of bedrooms and bathrooms.


  • VisualSentimentCNN - From Pixels to Sentiment: Fine-tuning CNNs for Visual Sentiment Prediction.

  • Tutorial_coreml - Integrating Machine Learning models into your app.

  • CoreML-in-ARKit - Simple project to detect objects and display 3D labels above them in AR. This serves as a basic template for an ARKit project to use CoreML.

  • Artists Recommendation - Recommend a artist based on given location and genre.

  • NamesDT - Predict whether a name is for male or female.

  • FlickrStyle - Detect the artistic style of images.

  • Oxford102 - Detect the type of flowers from images.

  • Food101 - Predict the type of foods from images.

  • SentimentVision - Predict positive or negative sentiments from images.

  • HED - Detect nested edges from a color image. Models.

  • FacesVisionDemo - Gender Classification from first names.

  • Sentiment Polarity - Predict positive or negative sentiments from sentences.

  • MNIST - Predict handwritten (drawn) digits from images.

  • EmotionNet - Predict a person's emotion from one's portrait.

  • GenderNet - Predict a person's gender from one's portrait.

  • AgeNet - Predict a person's age from one's portrait.

  • YOLO - Recognize what the objects are inside a given image and where they are in the image.

  • Car Recognition - Detects the dominant objects present in an image.

  • Car VGG16 - Detects the dominant objects present in an image.

  • ResNet50 - Predict the brand & model of a car.

  • Inception v3 - Detects the dominant objects present in an image.

  • Places CNN - Detects the scene of an image from 205 categories such as bedroom, forest, coast etc.

  • MobileNet - Detects the dominant objects present in an image.



Utilities to Work with Core ML

  • TensorFlow - This repository contains machine learning models implemented in TensorFlow. The models are maintained by their respective authors. To propose a model for inclusion, please submit a pull request.

  • Caffe - Lots of researchers and engineers have made Caffe models for different tasks with all kinds of architectures and data: check out the model zoo!

  • TensorFlow Slim - TF-slim is a new lightweight high-level API of TensorFlow (tensorflow.contrib.slim) for defining, training and evaluating complex models.



Your contributions are always welcome! To add, remove, or change things on the list: Submit a pull request. See for guidelines.


A Big Awesome List CoreML Models.