A tree-sitter grammar and parser for pyrope
This repo is a tree-sitter Pyrope grammar.
You will need to install tree-sitter-cli in order to use parser.
Yarn usage:
yarnpkg install
yarnpkg run generate
npm usage:
npm install
npm run generate
Example of how to run the command line tree-sitter parser:
./node_modules/tree-sitter-cli/tree-sitter parse -q -t ./benchtest/large1.prp
./node_modules/tree-sitter-cli/tree-sitter parse -t ./snippets/delegate.prp
- -t outputs elapsed time
- -q doesnt printout constructed tree
- -D debug mode printsout constructed tree
To test some examples:
To run some benchmark:
Pyrope syntax highlighting in neovim is possible using the nvim-treesitter plugin. Install the plugin with your package manager.
To install the parser using nvim-treesitter, add this to your init.lua. Update the url line to point to the tree-sitter-pyrope repository.
local parser_config = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers".get_parser_configs()
parser_config.pyrope = {
install_info = {
url = "~/projects/tree-sitter-pyrope", -- local path or git repo
files = {"src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c"},
In neovim run :TSInstall pyrope
Locate the nvim-treesitter folder where neovim plugins are installed. Make a pyrope directory in nvim-treesitter/queries. Copy tree-sitter-pyrope/queries/highlights.scm into nvim-treesitter/queries.
After opening a .prp file, run :setf pyrope
to tell nvim-treesitter which parser to use.
Then, run :TSEnable highlight
and highlights should be visible.
A vertical alignment tool for pyrope is in progress. It will align pyrope code based on the tree-sitter nodes.
Clone the tree-sitter repository.
Run make in the tree-sitter directory to generate a static library called lib-treesitter.a
Compile prpfmt.c using clang -I tree-sitter/lib/include prpfmt.c tree-sitter-pyrope/src/parser.c tree-sitter-pyrope/src/scanner.c tree-sitter/libtree-sitter.a
Since the program uses the tree-sitter C API, its path must be included in the compile process.