mariojgt / UnrealRpgMapMaker

This project was desing to create a texture representation on your scene and with that use so you can generate a map and use the map texture to locate your player in the map.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Unreal Engine Map Maker

This Project is desing to work with any project all the file you need to work is inside the folder MapSystem, there is a demo scene but if you follow the documeation is realy easy to integrate, i recoment watch the video more features in the way, update

Tutorial link

1 Capture you scene and create a map

In Order to proper test you scene you need to create a visual representation of you level but fortunaly we have a component call BP_MapWorldCapture the location is inside Actors/BP_MapWorldCapture, to proper use this actor you need to create 2 target points in you scene the first one you name LowerRightCorner and the second one you name UpperLeftCorner note tha the name is not import we just using for organization, you need to place those component in a way they to a zipp line so we can create a square map of you scene, now you need to add another actor call BP_MapBoundaries locate at Actors/MapBoundaries/BP_MapBoundaries on you add this actor you need to add the target points references that actor will set at the center of the square buy default once you done that you can add your BP_MapWorldCapture actor and follow the step 2.

2 Create the texture of you scene

In the actor BP_MapWorldCapture is only required to add the reference of the BP_MapBoundaries you can controll the z postion of the actor but now the x or y now in your BP_MapWorldCapture you need to select the SceneCapture in game and generate a texture

3 Map settings

on the folder MapSettings in the DT_MapSettings you can setup your paraments such as the texture of map you have created more information check the tooltip in the varaibles, one more important thing in the BP_MapBoundaries you need to set up the varaibles Map Datable Row Id to the row id settings you want so in this way tou can have multiple maps

4 Actor setup

You need to add the BPC_WorldMap to actor that are based in character ther is some methods that is required to start this actor in order to work right, the event StartMap will trigger all the the fuction and method needed to start the map fuctions and ToogleMap this event will show and hide the map this method will get the owner actor cast to character and get the player controller and open the map


  1. Fully rpg map
  2. Display actors position on the map
  3. display markers ,fast travel and fog of war points on the map
  4. radar system simular to god of war
  5. map regions (still working in progress) you have have multiple map boundaries and the player touch those areas will update the map

Planed features

  1. Saving and loading system for the marker, player markers and possible the player position
  2. Radar settings refactor, i need to update the radar config settings varaible


This project was desing to create a texture representation on your scene and with that use so you can generate a map and use the map texture to locate your player in the map.