manila95 / papers_trove

Collection of papers and corresponding notes relevant to my research.

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State Estimation

  • A micro Lie theory for state estimation in robotics [pdf] - (14/12/2018)

  • Global Pose Estimation with an Attention-based Recurrent Network [pdf] - (pending)

Neural Networks

  • A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks [pdf] - (pending)


  • Why does deep and cheap learning work so well?∗ [pdf] - (pending)

Machine Learning

  • DropMax: Adaptive Variational Softmax [pdf] - (pending)

  • Efficient Classification for Additive Kernel SVMs [pdf] - (pending)

  • Zero-Shot Learning - A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly [pdf] - (pending)

Reinforcement Learning

  • A Generalized Path Integral Control Approachto Reinforcement Learning [pdf] - (pending)

  • Manifold Embeddings for Model-BasedReinforcement Learning under Partial Observability [pdf] - (pending)

  • Model Based Reinforcement Learning for Atari [pdf] - (pending)

  • Randomized Prior Functionsfor Deep Reinforcement Learning [pdf] - (pending)


  • Are Deep Policy Gradient Algorithms Truly Policy Gradient Algorithms? [pdf] [Talk] - (pending)

  • DARLA: Improving Zero-Shot Transfer in Reinforcement Learning [pdf] - (pending)

  • Concrete Problems in AI safety [pdf] - (pending) -(thesis)

  • Reinforcement Learning with Attention that Works: A Self-Supervised Approach [pdf] - (pending)

  • Manifold Embeddings for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning under Partial Observability [pdf] - (pending)

  • Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms [pdf] - (26/12/2018)

  • Prioritized Experience Replay [pdf] - (pending)

  • Memory-based control with recurrent neural networks [pdf] - (27/12/2018)

  • Reinforcement learning with unsupervised auxiliary tasks [pdf] - (pending)

  • Noisy Networks for Exploration [pdf] - (pending)

  • Learning Continuous Control Policies by Stochastic Value Gradients [pdf] - (pending)

  • On Learning Intrinsic Rewards for Policy Gradient Methods [pdf] - (20/12/2018)

  • Potential-based shaping in model-based reinforcement learning. [pdf] - (pending)

  • Theoretical Considerations Of Potential-Based Reward Shaping For Multi-Agent Systems [pdf] - (pending)

  • Dynamic Potential-Based Reward Shaping [pdf] - (pending)

  • Potential-Based Difference Rewards for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning [pdf] - (pending)

  • Theory and Application of Reward Shaping in Reinforcement Learning [pdf] - (pending)

Reinforcement Learning Robotics

  • A Reinforcement Learning Approach to the View Planning Problem [pdf] - (pending)

  • PRECOG: PREdiction Conditioned On Goals in Visual Multi-Agent Settings [pdf] [link]- (pending)

  • Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation for DeepReinforcement Learning [pdf] - (pending)

  • Learning Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Control for Autonomous Target Following [pdf] - (21/05/19)

  • CIRL: Controllable Imitative Reinforcement Learning for Vision-based Self-driving [pdf] - (pending)

  • Playing Doom with SLAM-Augmented Deep Reinforcement Learning [pdf] - (18/12/2018)

  • Towards Monocular Vision based Obstacle Avoidance through Deep Reinforcement Learning [pdf] - (22/01/19)

Robotic Vision

  • Multi-Task Self-Supervised Object Detection via Recycling of Bounding Box Annotations [pdf]

  • Bounding Box Regression With Uncertainty for Accurate Object Detection [pdf]

  • A General Pipeline for 3D Detection of Vehicles [pdf] - (pending)

  • UnDeepVO : Monocular Visual Odometry through Unsupervised Deep Learning [pdf] - (pending)

  • Unsupervised Adversarial Depth Estimation using Cycled Generative Networks [pdf]

  • Stereo Vision-based Semantic 3D Object and Ego-motion Tracking for Autonomous Driving [pdf] - (pending)

  • Orthographic Feature Transform for Monocular 3D Object Detection [pdf] - (17/05/19)

  • Multi-Level Fusion based 3D Object Detection from Monocular Images [pdf] - (pending)

  • Digging Into Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation [pdf] [code] - (18/05/19)

  • Perceptual Organization and Recognition of Indoor Scenes from RGB-D Images [pdf] [notes] - (11/02/19)

  • Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Video [pdf] [slides] - (20/04/19)

  • 3D-RCNN: Instance-level 3D Object Reconstruction via Render-and-Compare [pdf] - (pending)

Autonomous Driving SLAM

  • Monocular Plan View Networks for Autonomous Driving [pdf] - (pending)

  • Visual SLAM for Automated Driving: Exploring the Applications of Deep Learning [pdf] - (pending)

Autonomous Driving

  • Model-free Deep Reinforcement Learning for Urban Autonomous Driving [pdf] - (pending)

  • CARLA: An Open Urban Driving Simulator [pdf] - (08/01/2019)

  • Autonomous Braking System via Deep Reinforcement Learning [pdf] - (18/12/2018)

Unsupervised Learning

  • Mining on Manifolds: Metric Learning without Labels [pdf] - (24/03/19)

  • Unsupervised Learning via Meta-Learning [pdf] - (pending)


  • Introducing PlaNet: A Deep Planning Network for Reinforcement Learning [link]

  • Stacked Capsule Autoencoders [link]

Tutorials and Workshops

  • Learning Representation & Behavior: Manifold and Spectral Methods for Markov Decision Processes and Reinforcement Learning [pdf] [full_theory] - **(pending)

Relevant Competitions

Datasets and Platforms

  • Arena: A General Evaluation Platform and Building Toolkit for Multi-Agent Intelligence [pdf] - (pending)


  • OpenAI Spinning Up [link]

  • Advanced Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning [link]

  • Applications of Reinforcement Learning (Medium) [link

  • RL materials [link]

  • Gaussian Processes & Kernel Methods (University of Cambridge) [link]

Internship and PhD prospects (Project Based)

  • TUM Neurorobotics [link]

  • TUM Neurorobotics- Reinforcement Learning — A comparison Study with Spike and Rate Based Neurons [pdf]

  • TUM Neurorobotics- Deep Spiking Q-Networks [pdf]


Collection of papers and corresponding notes relevant to my research.