madhank93 / learn-k8s-cka

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Please refer this repo to go through the core concepts of k8s.


  1. What need to be installed in Control plane and Worker node ?


    Control plane - API server, Scheduler, ETCD and Controller manager, Kubelet, Kube proxy and Container runtime

    Worker node - Kubelet, Kube proxy and Container runtime

  2. What are the prerequisites that need to be installed and how to be installed ?

    • For prerequisites refer here

    • Installing container runtime (CRI) refer here

    • Installing kubeadm, kubelet and kubectl refer here

      • kubelet - It is a process runs on all the instances (master/worker node) and it takes of running pods and containers ...etc
      • kubeadm - It is a command line tool, initializes the k8s cluster
      • kubectl - It is a command line tool to interact with the cluster.

  3. What are Static pods ?

    Static Pods or Master pods (API server, Scheduler, ETCD and Controller manager) are managed directly by the kubelet daemon on a specific node, without the API server observing them or control plane. Kubelet continuously watches for /etc/kubernetes/manifests folder on a node and schedules the pods according to the manifests files.

    For more info refer here

