lianos / Rx

Eases some of the pain when using Sublime Text 2 to code in R

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rx: Take two; call somebody else in the morning.

This is a package currently under development for Sublime Text 2 that enhances its functionality as an editor for the R language.

Included functionality:

  • Enhanced Send code to R process functionality (from R tools). User can send R commands to an R process from any section of a document that is scoped as R code (source.r.*). This allows you to send code from files that aren't simply *.R source files -- such as R code found within chunks of SWeave and knitr documents, for example.

    The selection can span several chunks (across "normal text" blocks) and only the R chunks within the selection are parsed and sent.

  • Adds syntax file to support editing Rmarkdown (⌘⇧P Set Syntax: Rmarkdown).


Editing "literate documents" (knitr, Rmarkdown, SWeave)

Add a rule to your favorite color scheme to set the background of R chunks to a slightly different color in order to make them easier to recognize. For example, to set the background color of embedded R source code to be a dark grey, you would:

    <string>Embedded R</string>

A modified copy of Monokai Soda that includes such a highlight rule is included in this package.

Origin Story

The impetus to develop this package was to support authoring Rmarkdown files in something besides Rstudio. While Rstudio is a great project, its editor was too slow to work in for me on my machine, which left me pining for something a bit less painful. I have been using Emacs/ESS for the longest time, but I know Python much better than elisp, and I've always felt a bit more at home with TextMate-like editors.

The initial functionality for sending commands to a running R process was forked from the excellent R tools package.

This code is released under the Apache 2 license.


Eases some of the pain when using Sublime Text 2 to code in R


Language:Python 100.0%