korzen / PositionBasedFluids

Home Page:http://jagj10.github.io/projects/pbf.html

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CUDA/C++ implementation of several papers in the spirit of developing a small demo similar to Nvidia's FleX framework (https://developer.nvidia.com/physx-flex)

Papers implemented in part or in full:

On current hardware a fluid scene of 50k fluid particles and up to 500k diffuse particles runs at about 10-15 fps. The cloth scene which consists of a cloth mesh of 4k vertices, approximately 1k fluid particles, and up to 20k diffuse particles runs at 25-30 fps. Additional parameter tuning and optimizations could be done to make it even faster.

Dependencies for the project include:

  • GLEW
  • GLFW
  • CUDA 7
  • GLM
  • DevIL

Screenshots: Alt text Alt text




Language:C++ 68.7%Language:Cuda 17.9%Language:GLSL 11.1%Language:C 2.3%