kopparam / homelab

Useful application hosted on your laptop connected to any WiFi exposed to the Internet, securely!

Home Page:https://homelab.kopparam.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Homelab

This projects contains the configuration of my home lab setup. It is a collection of docker compose files which configures all the applications

The docker workload is run on my Lenovo Windows Laptop



  1. Create a docker network. This will be used for all containers running in the docker host related to homelab.
    docker network create homelab-network
  2. Create a volume for portainer so that the data is persistent across compose up's and down's.
    docker volume create portainer-data


This is the gateway to the homelab, which is exposed to the internet.

It used Cloudflare Tunnel to establish a reverse tunnel to the cloudflare's network.

Set the following environment variables in the .env file


Then start the gateway using the following command

docker compose -f compose.gateway.yaml up -d

Traefik - Reverse Proxy

Traefik is the reverse proxt to homelab, to manage routing, SSL, and other configurations for HTTP trafic management within the Docker instance.

Keycloak - Identity Provider

  1. Create a self-signed cert openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout ./keycloak/secrets/key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out ./keycloak/secrets/certificate.pem
  2. Create volume for postgres docker volume create homelab-postgres-data



Portainer is a nice UI to manage the Docker Desktop instance.

Softserve - Git Server

A minimal and beautiful SSH based application to host git repositories.


3 node Kubernetes cluster on RaspberryPis


Add this to the rc file

export SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE=$HOME/.sops/key.txt

Add the private key to the .sops/key.txt

Add secrets using sops

sops -e plainsecrets.yaml


Configure Application Instrumentation After the Helm chart is deployed, you will need to configure your application instrumentation to send telemetry data to Grafana Alloy using one of these addresses:

OTLP/gRPC endpoint: http://grafana-k8s-monitoring-grafana-agent.lgtm.svc.cluster.local:4317

OTLP/HTTP endpoint: http://grafana-k8s-monitoring-grafana-agent.lgtm.svc.cluster.local:4318

Zipkin endpoint: grafana-k8s-monitoring-grafana-agent.lgtm.svc.cluster.local:9411

Rook + Ceph: Cloud Native Storage

This creates a Cepf Object and FileSystem Storageclasses in Kubernetes using Rook. Block devices are explicitly disabled as the required modules are not included in the kernel od RaspberryPi OS.

It uses a single replica for all the object pools as I plan to use this for CloudnativePG, which has replication built in. This is the reason this POC needs a single thumb drive and a single partition on it.

Hardware Setup

1 x 64 GB USB 3 thumb drive inserted in rpi5-02's blue USB ports

Prerequisite setup

Caution: These steps destroy all data on the drive, execute by making sure the device being wiped with step 1

  1. Note the device name, for me it was /dev/sda sudo fdisk -l
  2. Clear the drive, by zero'ing out first 100MB of the drive sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=100 oflag=direct,dsync
  3. Create a single empty partition on the drive, this is because ceph does not like removable drives and a bug which thinks the drive is less than 5 GB
    1. sudo fdisk /dev/sda
    2. g # Create a new partition table
    3. n # Create a new partition
    4. Press enter for partition number, start and end sectors
    5. w # Save and exit
  4. sudo partprobe /dev/sda

Add label to the node that has the drive

Run ansible/rook-ceph.yaml

Run the rook helmfile

helmfile apply --skip-diff-on-install


Useful application hosted on your laptop connected to any WiFi exposed to the Internet, securely!



Language:Shell 100.0%