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Self driving car/Robotic hardware/sensor buying guide

There are a bunch of both courses and blog posts out there that tells you what types of sensors are important and most common in the self driving car perception stack. There are fewer which gives you practical advice and gives an exact specification of which sensor they use and how much they cost.  Now as most of you already have guessed, most of the sensors are industrial grade and out of range for most regular people. Which is why this guide will focus on "entry level" sensors that are "cheap" and "medium level" sensors which are more performant but more expensive.

Hopefully all of these sensors are possible to get a hold of for a regular person (aka no business).

It also contains a section on hardware setup for AV:s but it can be read/used for any kind of robotics system that needs a perception stack.

Typical base hardware setup:

  • Main Forward Camera: 150 m (about 492 feet) typically, condition dependent
  • Wide Forward Camera: 60 m (about 197 feet) typically, condition dependent
  • Narrow Forward Camera: 250 m (about 820 feet) typically, conditions dependent
  • Forward Looking Side Camera: 80 m (about 262 feet) typically, condition dependent
  • Rear View Camera: 50 m (about 164 feet) typically, condition dependent
  • Rearward Looking Side Camera: 100 m (about 328 feet) typically, condition dependent
  • Radar: 160 m (about 524 feet) typically, conditions dependent
  • Ultrasonic: 8 m (about 26 feet) typically, condition dependent
  • LIDAR: 200 m (about 656 feet) typically, condition dependent


Listed prices are mostly for second hand equipment

Name Resolution Refresh rate Price Buying link Level Comments
ELP USB camera 1280x720 30fps 33USD https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32861618476.html Entry CS lens mount, USB
Leopard Imaging - - 200 - 700USD https://leopardimaging.com/product-category/usb30-cameras/usb30-box-cameras Medium/High Some big brands use Leopard imaging cameras, industrial grade. LI-USB30 sometimes available on Ebay
Flir PointGrey Blackfly/Grasshopper - - 50 - 1000USD https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1311.R1.TR4.TRC2.A0.H0.Xpointgrey+.TRS0&_nkw=point+grey+camera&_sacat=0 Medium/High Some big brands use PointGrey, and Udacity Carla for instance.


You will need lenses for the cameras, for different use cases. In the Baidu Apollo setup, two 6 mm lenses and one 25 mm lens is used for the front facing cameras.

Name Price Buying link Level Comments
25 mm lens (CS-mount) 6 USD https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32813129966.html Entry
6 mm lens (CS-mount) 3 USD https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32633024819.html Entry


Name Refresh rate Price Buying link Level Comments
GlobalSat BU-353-S4 USB GPS Receiver 5 Hz 40 USD https://www.thegpsstore.com/USGlobalSat-BU353-S4-USB-GPS-Receiver-P3219.aspx?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4qvlBRDiARIsAHme6ouhT1VkBXncsu2cn0sHCkJv9OfCNZAtqkjigDu8GIUxzPiZB_Ql0nsaAusgEALw_wcB Entry
Emlid Reach RS+ (GPS+RTK) 5 Hz 800 USD https://emlid.com/reachrs/#rs-order Medium
Swiftnav Duro/Piksi 10 Hz 2295 USD https://www.swiftnav.com/store?category=Duro+Starter+Kit Medium/High


Name Refresh rate Price Buying link Level Comments
SparkFun Razer 9-DOF 36 USD https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14001 Entry
Lord Microstrain 3DM-GX5-xx 300 USD https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=microstrain Medium
Xsens MTI-xx 300USD https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=xsens&_sop=12 Medium/High Used by a lot of the big brands
TinkerForge IMU Brick 2.0 65 USD https://www.tinkerforge.com/en/shop/bricks/imu-v2-brick.html Entry


This is now only 3D LIDAR. For the missing buying links, search Ebay for the model.

Name Range FOV Refresh rate Price Buying link Level Comments
LeddarTech M16 110m 19x3.0 degrees 6.25 Hz 500 USD Low/Medium
LeddarTech VU8 34m 100x3.0 degrees 100 - 500 USD Low/Medium
BeneWake CE30 30m 60x4 degrees 30Hz 1000 - 1500 USD Low/Medium
Livox Mid40/Mid-100 90m 38.4 circular 600 - 1500 USD https://store.dji.com/product/livox-mid?vid=48991 Low/Medium A good review https://msadowski.github.io/livox-mid40-review/ explaining the special circular FoV etc.
Velodyne VLP-16 100m 360x30 degrees 10Hz (varies) 2000 - 3000 USD Medium/High


Name Range Price Buying link Comments
Lexus Toyota 2015 - 2016 (88210-07010) 2 - 150 m (?) 100 USD https://www.ebay.com/itm/FACTORY-OEM-2015-2019-TOYOTA-HIGHLANDER-ADAPTIVE-CRUISE-CONTROL-DISTANCE-SENSOR/143449107826?epid=658112985&hash=item21663bad72:g:g6wAAOSwkYZdyLjx Short range radar

SONAR / Ultrasonic sensors

Name Detecting distance Price Buying link Comments
Car Parking Sensors 4 Radars Kits 22mm Ultrasonic 0.3 - 2m 20USD https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33045825229.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.65801263deosGH&algo_pvid=817b9f1f-c294-459c-bfb7-6f29adc523d2&algo_expid=817b9f1f-c294-459c-bfb7-6f29adc523d2-8&btsid=a40102de-f056-4ac1-94ed-838e0f0bb54d&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_8,searchweb201603_53

Wheel encoders

Name Price Buying link Comments
US Stock Encoder 600P 20 USD https://www.ebay.com/itm/US-Stock-Encoder-600-P-R-5V-24V-Incremental-Rotary-AB-2-Phase-6mm-Shaft/371842303935?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649

References and resources

General AV hardware stack






Autonomous vehicle hardware guide and survey