kcleal / SV_benchmark_PacBio_HiFi

Structural variant benchmark using PacBio HiFi reads

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📊 SV Benchmark using PacBio HiFi data

This is a reproducible benchmark of structural variant (SV) callers using PacBio HiFi reads. The truth set is described in detail here:

A robust benchmark for detection of germline large deletions and insertions. Zook et al., 2020. Nature Biotechnology

plot plot

Single run average

caller TP FP FN precision recall f1 gt_concordance
sniffles 8659.83 564 981.167 0.939 0.898 0.918 0.936
cuteSV 8490.17 571.833 1150.83 0.937 0.881 0.908 0.92
delly 7864.5 297 1776.5 0.964 0.816 0.883 0.911
dysgu 8955.83 481.5 685.167 0.949 0.929 0.939 0.929
NGSEP 8742.5 575.833 898.5 0.938 0.907 0.922 0.926
svim 8838.33 726.167 802.667 0.924 0.917 0.92 0.841

Merged runs

caller TP FP FN precision recall f1 gt_concordance
sniffles 9393 589 248 0.941 0.9743 0.9573 0.9772
cuteSV 9367 548 274 0.9447 0.9716 0.958 0.9863
delly 9320 625 321 0.9372 0.9667 0.9517 0.9827
dysgu 9421 538 220 0.946 0.9772 0.9613 0.9728
NGSEP 9300 624 341 0.9371 0.9646 0.9507 0.9682
svim 9346 699 295 0.9304 0.9694 0.9495 0.9766

Reads were from PacBio Sequel II HiFi. Six runs were tested individually (~8X coverage), or after merging together (~51X coverage). SV callers tested were as follows:

For benchmarking truvari v4.0.0 was used with parameters -r 1000 --passonly -p 0 --dup-to-ins

Run the run_single_sample.sh script to map and call SVs for each sequencing run. Wait for that to complete then run the run_merged.sh script.


  • ~ 350 Gb space, 64 gb Ram, 8 cores
  • Docker / Singularity (Required for Mac, optional for Linux)
  • Job scheduler of some kind (slurm used here)

Setup environment

mkdir benchmark && cd benchmark
docker run -it --memory="64g" --mount src="${PWD}",target=/results,type=bind condaforge/mambaforge
mamba update conda -y && cd results

Note, you may need to set the memory and swap space manually using Docker Desktop on Mac.

Install tools:

mamba create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -n bench python=3.9 awscli samtools=1.17 bcftools minimap2=2.26 sniffles=2.2.0 cuteSV=2.0.3 truvari=4.0.0 delly=1.1.6 -y
conda activate bench
pip install dysgu==1.6.0 svim==2.0.0
wget https://github.com/NGSEP/NGSEPcore/releases/download/v4.3.2/NGSEPcore_4.3.2.jar

Grab datasets

Reference genome:

wget https://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ReferenceSamples/giab/release/references/GRCh37/hs37d5.fa.gz
gunzip hs37d5.fa.gz && samtools faidx hs37d5.fa

PacBio reads found online at SRA or EBI under accession PRJNA586863:

for i in {44..49}; do wget -nc ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR103/0${i}/SRR103822${i}/SRR103822${i}_subreads.fastq.gz; done

SV truth set:

wget ${ftp}/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.bed
wget ${ftp}/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz
wget ${ftp}/HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz.tbi

Run SV callers

Map data and call SVs for each run:

for i in {44..49}; do \

$(cat > job${i}.sh << EOF
#SBATCH --job-name=joball
#SBATCH --partition=compute
#SBATCH --output=out.${i}.%J
#SBATCH --error=err.${i}.%J
#SBATCH --time=0-24:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8G
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8

minimap2 -t8 -a -x map-hifi hs37d5.fa SRR103822${i}_subreads.fastq.gz | \
  samtools view -bh - | \
  samtools sort -o SRR103822${i}.mm2.bam -
samtools index -@8 SRR103822${i}.mm2.bam

samtools coverage -r 1 SRR103822${i}.mm2.bam > SRR103822${i}.cov.tsv

sniffles --threads 8 --input SRR103822${i}.mm2.bam --vcf HG002_${i}.pacbio.sniffles.vcf

dysgu call --mode pacbio --procs 8 -x --clean hs37d5.fa wd_${i} SRR103822${i}.mm2.bam -o HG002_${i}.pacbio.dysgu.vcf

mkdir wd_cuteSV_${i}
cuteSV -t 8 -s 2 --genotype SRR103822${i}.mm2.bam hs37d5.fa HG002_${i}.pacbio.cuteSV.vcf wd_cuteSV_${i}

delly lr -g hs37d5.fa SRR103822${i}.mm2.bam > HG002_${i}.pacbio.delly.vcf

java -jar NGSEPcore_4.3.2.jar SingleSampleVariantsDetector -runOnlySVs -runLongReadSVs -i SRR103822${i}.mm2.bam -r hs37d5.fa -o HG002_${i}.pacbio.NGSEP.vcf

svim alignment --sample SRR103822${i} --tandem_duplications_as_insertions --interspersed_duplications_as_insertions wd_svim_SRR103822${i} SRR103822${i}.mm2.bam hs37d5.fa
bcftools view -i 'QUAL >= 2' wd_svim_SRR103822${i}/variants.vcf |  bcftools sort -Ov -o HG002_${i}.pacbio.svim.vcf -

  # change this to 'bash job${i}' if running without slurm
  sbatch job${i}.sh

Merge runs and call SVs:

$(cat > joball.sh << EOF
#SBATCH --job-name=joball
#SBATCH --partition=compute
#SBATCH --output=out.all.%J
#SBATCH --error=err.all.%J
#SBATCH --time=0-24:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8G
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8

samtools merge -@8 -o all.bam *mm2.bam; samtools index -@8 all.bam

samtools coverage -r 1 all.bam > all.cov.tsv

dysgu call --mode pacbio --procs 8 -x hs37d5.fa wd_all all.bam -o HG002_all.pacbio.dysgu2.vcf

sniffles --threads 8 --input all.bam --vcf HG002_all.pacbio.sniffles.vcf

mkdir wd_cuteSV_all
cuteSV -t 8 --genotype all.bam hs37d5.fa HG002_all.pacbio.cuteSV.vcf wd_cuteSV_all

delly lr -g hs37d5.fa all.bam > HG002_all.pacbio.delly.vcf

java -jar -Xmx64G NGSEPcore_4.3.2.jar SingleSampleVariantsDetector -runOnlySVs -runLongReadSVs -i all.bam -r hs37d5.fa -o HG002_all.pacbio.NGSEP.vcf

svim alignment --sample all --tandem_duplications_as_insertions --interspersed_duplications_as_insertions wd_svim_all all.bam hs37d5.fa
bcftools view -i 'QUAL >= 10' wd_svim_all/variants.vcf |  bcftools sort -Ov -o HG002_all.pacbio.svim.vcf -

# run 'bash joball.sh' if running without slurm
sbatch joball.sh


Run truvari:

callers=( "sniffles" "cuteSV" "dysgu" "delly" "NGSEP.vcf_SVsLongReads" "svim" )

for i in {44..49}
  for name in "${callers[@]}"
    bgzip -f HG002_${i}.pacbio.${name}.vcf
    tabix -f HG002_${i}.pacbio.${name}.vcf.gz
    truvari bench -f hs37d5.fa \
                  -b HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz \
                  --includebed HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.bed \
                  -c HG002_${i}.pacbio.${name}.vcf.gz \
                  --passonly -r 1000 -p 0 --dup-to-ins \
                  -o truvari_${i}_${name}

for name in "${callers[@]}"
  bgzip -f HG002_all.pacbio.${name}.vcf
  tabix -f HG002_all.pacbio.${name}.vcf.gz
  truvari bench -f hs37d5.fa \
                -b HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz \
                --includebed HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.bed \
                -c HG002_all.pacbio.${name}.vcf.gz \
                --passonly -r 1000 -p 0 --dup-to-ins \
                -o truvari_all_${name}

Run the plotting script:

python3 plot_benchmark.py

Individual samples

caller TP FP FN precision recall f1 gt_concordance depth
sniffles 8569 556 1072 0.9391 0.8888 0.9132 0.9309 7.6135
sniffles 8608 550 1033 0.9399 0.8929 0.9158 0.931 8.0543
sniffles 8607 588 1034 0.9361 0.8927 0.9139 0.9367 8.4205
sniffles 8723 571 918 0.9386 0.9048 0.9214 0.9413 8.8387
sniffles 8747 559 894 0.9399 0.9073 0.9233 0.9375 9.2231
sniffles 8705 560 936 0.9396 0.9029 0.9209 0.9393 9.0572
cuteSV 8396 539 1245 0.9397 0.8709 0.904 0.9136 7.6135
cuteSV 8424 550 1217 0.9387 0.8738 0.9051 0.9099 8.0543
cuteSV 8435 587 1206 0.9349 0.8749 0.9039 0.9195 8.4205
cuteSV 8575 588 1066 0.9358 0.8894 0.912 0.9244 8.8387
cuteSV 8571 583 1070 0.9363 0.889 0.9121 0.9261 9.2231
cuteSV 8540 584 1101 0.936 0.8858 0.9102 0.9234 9.0572
delly 7600 289 2041 0.9634 0.7883 0.8671 0.9314 7.6135
delly 7693 272 1948 0.9659 0.7979 0.8739 0.9271 8.0543
delly 7781 287 1860 0.9644 0.8071 0.8788 0.8905 8.4205
delly 8002 311 1639 0.9626 0.83 0.8914 0.8869 8.8387
delly 8098 310 1543 0.9631 0.84 0.8973 0.9143 9.2231
delly 8013 313 1628 0.9624 0.8311 0.892 0.9141 9.0572
dysgu 8848 433 793 0.9533 0.9177 0.9352 0.925 7.6135
dysgu 8861 462 780 0.9504 0.9191 0.9345 0.9216 8.0543
dysgu 8939 488 702 0.9482 0.9272 0.9376 0.9264 8.4205
dysgu 9015 493 626 0.9481 0.9351 0.9416 0.9322 8.8387
dysgu 9062 505 579 0.9472 0.9399 0.9436 0.933 9.2231
dysgu 9010 508 631 0.9466 0.9346 0.9406 0.9339 9.0572
NGSEP 8632 564 1009 0.9387 0.8953 0.9165 0.9149 7.6135
NGSEP 8644 560 997 0.9392 0.8966 0.9174 0.9211 8.0543
NGSEP 8706 588 935 0.9367 0.903 0.9196 0.925 8.4205
NGSEP 8827 579 814 0.9384 0.9156 0.9269 0.9291 8.8387
NGSEP 8837 582 804 0.9382 0.9166 0.9273 0.9338 9.2231
NGSEP 8809 582 832 0.938 0.9137 0.9257 0.9306 9.0572
svim 8754 678 887 0.9281 0.908 0.9179 0.8133 7.6135
svim 8754 720 887 0.924 0.908 0.9159 0.8284 8.0543
svim 8784 720 857 0.9242 0.9111 0.9176 0.834 8.4205
svim 8925 721 716 0.9253 0.9257 0.9255 0.8491 8.8387
svim 8930 773 711 0.9203 0.9263 0.9233 0.8615 9.2231
svim 8883 745 758 0.9226 0.9214 0.922 0.8584 9.0572


Structural variant benchmark using PacBio HiFi reads


Language:Shell 55.6%Language:Python 44.4%