kanster / MARS-VINS

MARS-VINS binary release repository

Home Page:http://mars.cs.umn.edu/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Copyright, Patent & License Notice

The MARS VINS software is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. Use of the software may be covered by at least US patents and applications 9,243,916, 9,658,07, 14/733,468 and 15/601,261 assigned to Regents of the University of Minnesota. The software can be freely used for educational and research purposes by non-profit institutions and US government agencies only. Other organizations are allowed to use the MARS VINS software only for evaluation purposes, and any further uses will require prior approval from http://z.umn.edu/marsvins. The software may not be sold or redistributed without prior approval. One may make copies of the software for their use provided that the copies, are not sold or distributed, are used under the same terms and conditions.

As unestablished research software, this code is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The downloading, or executing any part of this software constitutes an implicit agreement to these terms. These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

Quick Install Instructions

Follow these steps to build an example program on linux (built for ubuntu 14.04) This program will run stereo vins on a given dataset (see https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B599VDE8UJvURjZOazBpak10bFk for some example datasets and config file).

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make example_app -DPLATFORM=x86 -DCAMERA_MODEL=equidistant
make install
./example_app <config file> <output file> <imu data file> <left image directory> <right image directory>

Custom install

The following options for MARS-VINS are currently available: Platforms:

Linux (x86)

Linux (arm64)

Android (arm64)

In addition to these platforms, 3 camera models:




example_app can be compiled for any of the above combinations in the following fashion.

For linux builds:

cd build
cmake -DPLATFORM=<x86 or arm64> -DCAMERA_MODEL=<equidistant or fov or  or radial_tangential> ..
make example_app
make install
./example_app <config file> <output file> <imu data file> <left image directory> <right image directory>

For android builds (adb required to interface with android, android device should be rooted):

cd build_android
## edit cmake_android.sh to select your camera model
sh cmake_android.sh
make example_app
make install
adb push ./example_app <directory on android device>
adb shell
cd <directory on android device>
./example_app <config file> <output file> <imu data file> <left image directory> <right image directory>


MARS-VINS binary release repository




Language:CMake 93.0%Language:C++ 6.8%Language:Shell 0.3%