jzyong / GameServer4g

Distributed game server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  GameServer4j for go version, distributed framework. Clients and gateways use TCP custom protocols, Intranet message forwarding use GRPC forwarding, all stateless services can be horizontally extended, and stateful services can be horizontally extended through partition, state binding and other rules. The basic architecture of the project is shown below:

Architecture diagram


Navmesh pathfinding server client

Project Description
game-api login,charge logic
game-common common logic,local tool etc
game-gate network handle,message dispatcher
game-hall game logic server
game-manager maintain background http services
game-message protobuf message
game-res document,script etc
game-service game micro service
game-world world logic


  • add document(mdbook)
  • develop manager,api,microservice,
  • develop redis,mongo
  • docker-compose run


  • QQ Group:143469012


Distributed game server

License:MIT License


Language:Go 95.7%Language:Batchfile 2.4%Language:Dockerfile 1.9%