jwpleow / opencv_calibration

testing opencv calibration

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OpenCV Stereo Calibration using findChessboardCornersSB (live or offline)


OpenCV 4.5.1+  
Printed https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/master/modules/calib3d/doc/pics/checkerboard_radon.png

Live Calibration

Uses cv::VideoCapture - the current string used assumes the camera feed is a UDP feed on port 5000 from GStreamer:
e.g. on the computer with the cameras:

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src ! video/x-raw, width=1280, height=400, format=GRAY8 ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw, format=I420 ! jpegenc ! image/jpeg ! jpegparse ! rtpjpegpay name=pay0 pt=96 ! udpsink port=5000 host=<ip of the computer running the calibration code>

Offline Calibration

If doing offline calibration - see format from generate_calib_xml.py
Place the xml file and pictures into the build/ folder

./single-camera-calibration leftcalib.xml -c=0

Single camera calibration

To run the single camera calibration:

  1. Set the necessary parameters and check possible arguments in single-camera-calibration/main.cpp
  2. Compile e.g.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
  1. Run e.g.
# if using the entire video feed
./single-camera-calibration -s=<size of one square in the chessboard in m. defaults to 0.01795>
# if using left half/right half of a stereo feed, set -c to 0 or 1 respectively: 
./single-camera-calibration -c=0 -s=<size of one square in the chessboard in m. defaults to 0.01795>
  1. Follow instructions in the terminal (make sure camera feed is the foreground window when pressing hotkeys):
    Use spacebar to save the current image to use as a calibration image (needs to have the chessboard detected to accept it). Press enter after taking >10 images to run calibration. Press q or escape to exit program."; Usually at least 20 images is recommended.
  2. Calibration parameters will be saved to CalibParams_<image_side>.yml by default

If running for a stereo camera calibration, make sure the -c flag is specified

Stereo camera calibration

This stereo calibration assumes you have already run single-camera-calibration on each individual camera to obtain their camera matrix and distortion coefficients. The resulting CalibParams_0.yml and CalibParams_1.yml from single-camera-calibration should be left in the build folder for use by the stereo calibrator.

Similar instructions as single camera calib

./stereo-camera-calibration -s=<size of one square in the chessboard in m. defaults to 0.01795>

Unforunately, this calibrator requires the entire chessboard in the field of view of the camera. look at https://docs.opencv.org/master/d9/d0c/group__calib3d.html#gadc5bcb05cb21cf1e50963df26986d7c9?


testing opencv calibration


Language:C++ 96.5%Language:Python 2.2%Language:CMake 1.3%