juliand665 / Protoquest

Simple architecture for making HTTP requests of various kinds, based on protocols and Combine.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple architecture for making HTTP requests of various kinds, based on protocols and Combine.


Built-in request types (you can always add your own):

  • bodiless requests (e.g. GET)
  • JSON-body requests (e.g. POST)
  • string-body requests (encoding customizable)
  • raw data requests (e.g. file uploads)
  • multipart requests (TODO)

Built-in response types (also expandable):

  • bodiless responses (just status codes)
  • JSON responses
  • string responses (encoding customizable)
  • raw data responses (e.g. file downloads)

Protoquest also offers some convenient type aliases for combining these:

  • GetJSONRequest (no body request, JSON response)
  • JSONJSONRequest (JSON request, JSON response)
  • …and many more in this style

The library also supports URL parameters, along with a handy way to express them using function builders (via ArrayBuilder):

struct MyRequest: GetJSONRequest {
	var startIndex = 0
	var endIndex: Int?
	// implicitly gets @ArrayBuilder from the Request protocol
	var urlParams: [URLParameter] {
		("startIndex", startIndex)
		if let endIndex = endIndex {
			("endIndex", endIndex)


For these examples, we're working with the most basic form of a client which just provides a base URL for request paths:

struct TestClient: Protoclient {
	let baseURL = URL(string: "https://test.com")!

let client = TestClient()

Basic JSON-JSON Request

struct TestRequest: JSONJSONRequest, Encodable {
	var path: String { "example/path" }
	var text: String
	struct Response: Decodable {
		var value: Int

client.send(TestRequest(text: "hi!"))

This sends a request to https://test.com/example/path, encoding a JSON body ({"text": "hi!"}), defaulting the HTTP method to "POST" (overridable in the request) and the Content-Type header to application/json. When it gets a response, it tries to decode it into a TestRequest.Response: a JSON object with a single property value whose value is an Int.

Basic URL Parameters

struct TestURLParameterRequest: GetRequest, StringDecodingRequest, Encodable {
	var path: String { "url_parameters/query_items" }
	var param1: String
	var param2 = 42
	var shouldIncludeSecondParam = true
	var urlParams: [URLParameter] {
		("one", param1)
		if shouldIncludeSecondParam {
			("two", param2)

client.send(TestURLParameterRequest(param1: "te-st"))

This sends a (bodiless) GET request to https://test.com/url_parameters/query_items?one=te%26st&two=42 (you'll notice the URL-incompatible character & in param1 was percent-encoded to %26), in return expecting a simple string. Note how easy the function builder implicitly added to urlParams from the Request protocol makes conditional parameters.


Simple architecture for making HTTP requests of various kinds, based on protocols and Combine.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%