jrussino / describot

Generates useful information for a given serial robotic manipulator, such as Forward Kinematics, Equations of Motion, and Jacobian (for the end effector, with respect to the base frame). Saves symbolic Matlab variables, and also outputs a LaTeX-formatted report.

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## describot - Matlab functions for characterizing serial robot manipulators #

Set up symbolic variables for any of the variable joint parameters and link lengths. Then create an Nx4 matrix "dh_parameters", which contains the DH Parameters for the robot, and a string "configuration", which lists the joint types from base to end effector (R for revolute, P for prismatic). Finally, call descrobot.m as follows:

describot(dh_parameters,configuration,'OPTION 1','VALUE 1',...,'OPTION N', 'VALUE N');

The available options and their default values are:
- robotName: A name for the robot, to be used in file names and report.
        default = generic name formed by 'robot' + date string
- saveVars: Whether or not to save characterization variables to a file.
        default = 'true'
- generateReport: Whether or not to generate a LaTeX-formatted report.
        default = 'false'
- verbose: If true, displays progress and results while running.
        default = 'false'

The files describe_SCARA.m and describe_SCORBOT.m are provided as examples.

If generateReport is set to "true", the program will save a LaTeX-formatted report to a file named "{robotName} Report.tex"


Generates useful information for a given serial robotic manipulator, such as Forward Kinematics, Equations of Motion, and Jacobian (for the end effector, with respect to the base frame). Saves symbolic Matlab variables, and also outputs a LaTeX-formatted report.