jpatel98 / instock-api-silentdebuggers

An Inventory Management System with full CRUD functionality, built for a client that maintains a growing chain of warehouses.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comjpatel98/instock-api-silentdebuggersRepository from Github https://github.comjpatel98/instock-api-silentdebuggers

InStock Server

An Inventory Management System for a client that maintains a list of warehouses. Built by a team of three web developers using Agile methodology and daily scrums. Built with MVC pattern in mind. Source of data is a MySQL database. Using knex.js to interact with the db.

A front-end application accompanies this server.

Tech Stack




Run Locally

To run the server side locally, clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd instock-api-silentdebuggers

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the development server

  npm run dev

Connect to DB and data seeding

To connect the server with the databse we use a SQL query builder, knex.js.

Install knex.js if it has not yet been installed:

  npm install knex --save

Create a new database named "instock" on your local machine using the mysql client tool.

Once the database has been created, run the latest migration file to build the database table. To do this run the command as follows:

  npm run migrate

Once the tables have been created we can seed them to populate the tables with data. To do this run:

  npm run seed

API Reference

GET /warehouses

Get information from all warehouses.

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Manhattan",
  "address": "503 Broadway",
  "manager": "Parmin Aujla",
  "phone": "+1 (646) 123-1234",
  "email": "",
  "city": "New York",
  "country": "USA"
  "id": 2,
  "name": "Washington",
  "address": "33 Pearl Street SW",
  "manager": "Greame Lyon",
  "phone": "+1 (646) 123-1234",
  "email": "",
  "city": "Washington",
  "country": "USA"

GET /warehouses/:id

Get a single warehouse

  • /warehouses/1:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Manhattan",
    "address": "503 Broadway",
    "city": "New York",
    "country": "USA",
    "position": "Warehouse Manager",
    "manager": "Parmin Aujla",
    "phone": "+1 (646) 123-1234",
    "email": "",
    "updated_at": "2022-10-31T15:21:13.000Z"

GET /warehouses/:id/inventories

Get inventory for a given warehouse

  • /api/warehouses/1/inventories:

        "id": 1,
        "warehouse_id": "2922c286-16cd-4d43-ab98-c79f698aeab0",
        "item_name": "Television",
        "description": "This 50\", 4K LED TV provides a crystal-clear picture and vivid colors.",
        "category": "Electronics",
        "status": "In Stock",
        "quantity": 500
        "id": 2,
        "warehouse_id": "2922c286-16cd-4d43-ab98-c79f698aeab0",
        "item_name": "Gym Bag",
        "description": "Made out of military-grade synthetic materials, this gym bag is highly durable, water resistant, and easy to clean.",
        "category": "Gear",
        "status": "Out of Stock",
        "quantity": 0

POST /warehouses

Add a new warehouse. Needs the following JSON object for each request

  "name": "Chicago",
  "address": "3218 Guess Rd",
  "city": "Chicago",
  "country": "USA",
  "manager": "Jameson Schuppe",
  "phone": "+1 (919) 797-2875",
  "email": ""

PUT /warehouses/:id

Edit a warehouse, given its ID.

  • Request body should have the following properties as an example:

  • /warehouses/1:

      "name": "Chicago",
      "address": "3218 Guess Rd",
      "city": "Chicago",
      "country": "USA",
      "manager": "Jameson Schuppe",
      "phone": "+1 (919) 797-2875",
      "email": ""

DELETE /warehouses/:id

Delete a warehouse, given its ID.

GET /inventories/:id

Get a single item, given its inventory ID.

  • /inventories/1:

      "id": 1,
      "itemName": "Television",
      "description": "This 50 inch, 4K LED TV provides a crystal-clear picture and vivid colors.",
      "warehouseName": "Manhattan",
      "warehouseID": 1,
      "quantity": 500,
      "category": "Electronics",
      "status": "In Stock",
      "updated_at": "2022-10-31T15:21:13.000Z"

POST /inventories

Create a new inventory item.

  • Request body should have the following properties as an example:
      "itemName": "Television",
      "description": "This 50 inch, 4K LED TV provides a crystal-clear picture and vivid colors.",
      "warehouseID": 1,
      "quantity": 500,
      "category": "Electronics",
      "status": "In Stock"

PUT /inventories/:id

Edit an inventory item, given its ID.

  • Request body should have the following properties as an example:

  • /inventories/1

      "itemName": "Television",
      "description": "This 50 inch, 4K LED TV provides a crystal-clear picture and vivid colors.",
      "warehouseID": 1,
      "quantity": 500,
      "category": "Electronics",
      "status": "In Stock"

DELETE /inventories/:id

Delete an item, given its ID.


The server has been deployed on heroku with JawsDB provisioning the DB.


An Inventory Management System with full CRUD functionality, built for a client that maintains a growing chain of warehouses.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%