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tutorial node.js

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Este tutorial node.js recoge toda la información relevante para el desarrollo en este entorno de desarrollo.



Getting Started with Node.js

Este manual quiere que aprendas el 80% de todo JavaScript en 20% del tiempo Javascript Handbook

Developer Roadmap Roadmap to becoming a Web Developer in 2019 is a set of charts demonstrating the paths that you can take and the technologies that you would want to adopt in order to become a frontend, backend or a devops. I made these charts for an old professor of mine who wanted something to share with his college students to give them a perspective; sharing them here to help the community.

NPM - Todo lo que necesitas saber



Crear fichero hello.js con editor o con el siguiente codigo:

$ echo 'console.log("Hello, World!");' > hello.js
$ node hello.js
Hello, World!


Crea un fichero HelloServer.js con el siguiente codigo:

var http = require('http');

http.createServer(function (request, response) {
    response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    response.end('Hello Server\n');

console.log('Server started');

Salva el fichero y ejecuta el comando:

$ node HelloServer.js

Verás en el terminal 'Server Started' y abriendo en navegador http://localhost:8080 aparece el mensaje 'Hello Server'



Presentar un contador de accesos facilmente sin necesitar ninguna base de datos creando el fichero '03-Counter.js' con el codigo:

var http = require('http');

var userCount = 0;
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
    console.log('New connection');

    response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    response.write('We have had '+userCount+' visits!\n');

console.log('Server started');

ejecutar el siguiente comando,

node 03-Counter.js

Cuando accedemos a (http://localhost:8080) veremos un contador de vistas. El contador aumenta de dos en dos, porque en cada peticion del navegador, también se pide el favicon desde el servidor (http://localhost:8080/favicon.ico). Igualmente el servidor presenta en pantalla dos mensajes por cada petición del navegador.


Controlar la ejecución asíncrona

Formas de manejar la asincronía en JavaScript

callbacks promesas y async-await

Callbacks Now we're going to take a look at callbacks and what makes them so useful.

Creando y utilizando callbacks

Is async / await useless?

Write Your Own Node.js Promise Library from Scratch

Pruebas asíncronas en node.js

Ejemplos de carga síncrona y asíncrona de Javascript. Problemas y soluciones

Build a Basic CRUD App with Vue.js and Node This tutorial will take you step by step through scaffolding a Vue.js project, offloading secure authentication to Okta’s OpenID Connect API (OIDC), locking down protected routes, and performing CRUD operations through a backend REST API server. This tutorial uses the following technologies but doesn’t require intimate knowledge to follow along:

  • Vue.js with vue-cli, vue-router, and Okta Vue SDK
  • Node with Express, Okta JWT Verifier, Sequelize, and Epilogue

Componentes, librerias

Logality a versatile and powerful logger for Node.js

Buefy Lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma

Robot Fast 1kB functional library for creating Finite State Machines

Danfo.js es una biblioteca de JavaScript de código abierto que proporciona estructuras de datos de alto rendimiento, intuitivas y fáciles de usar para manipular y procesar datos estructurados. Está inspirada en gran medida en la biblioteca de Pandas para Python y proporciona una interfaz y API similares. Esto significa que los usuarios que están familiarizados con la API de Pandas y conocen JavaScript pueden comenzar a usarla de inmediato.


  • 7 FREE Sites For Web Developers You Probably Didn't Know Existed
  • gtmetrix See how your site performs, reveal why it's slow and discover optimization opportunities.
  • Amplication is an open‑source development tool. It helps you develop quality Node.js applications without spending time on repetitive coding tasks. Here you can create a Node.js app using few clicks: Create Data Models 📁, Push code to GitHub directly from Amplication 📲, Connect from code using GraphQL or REST 📃
  • Beginner's Guide to JavaScript Static Code Analysis
  • Volta Install and run any JS tool quickly and seamlessly! Ensure everyone in your project has the same tools—without interfering with their workflow. No matter the package manager, Node runtime, or OS, one command is all you need: volta install.
  • Bootstrap Studio A powerful desktop app for creating responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework.

Glitch. Online Platform to develop node

javascript reporting server innovative and unlimited reporting based on javascript templating engines

Continuous Integration and deployment(CI/CD Pipeline) with Jenkins and Node.js

Nodebook is an in-browser REPL supporting many programming languages. Code's on the left, Console's on the right. Click "Run" or press Ctrl+Enter or Cmd+Enter to run your code. Code is automatically persisted on the file system.

Node.js task runners: Are they right for you?

FlexSearch.js A Full Text Search Library

Redux Starter Kit A simple set of tools to make using Redux easier https://redux-starter-kit.js.org

What Is Redux: A Designer’s Guide

Nuxt.js Nuxt.js presets all the configuration needed to make your development of a Vue.js application enjoyable.

Chrome DevTools - CSS and JS code coverage

Using DevTools from Puppeteer

Eliminate an entire category of bugs with a few simple tools

JavaScript Animation Engine

Using Prettier to Format Your JavaScript Code

Noderize Noderize lets you create Node apps in less than 30 seconds.

Top JavaScript VSCode Extensions for Faster Development


Why we chose Flutter and how it’s changed our company for the better.

How to Use npm as a Build Tool

NPM scripts como task runner

You do console.log in any place of the code WITHOUT code modification With @ChromeDevTools you can create "conditional breakpoint". If you add console.log into the condition, the debugger will not pause, because console.log returns undefined.

[Local Servers with public URLs]

Everyone can now run JavaScript on Cloudflare with Workers

Deploy your first App with Heroku and Node.js

Learn the smart, efficient way to test any JavaScript application

jsPDFClient-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone

A beginner's guide to continuous integration

Complete Node.js Project Setup from Docker to Testing


Deep JavaScript: Theory and techniques

You don´t know JS: Up Going (Kyle Simpson). Javascript Grammar was created to speed up the learning process of JavaScript – the language for programming websites, applications and robots!


Node.js vs Python for a Beginner’s Web App

The Definitive Node.js Handbook

A JavaScript String Methods Cheatsheet

  1. Did you know that Google has its own JavaScript style guide? It lays out best practices for writing clean, understandable code. Here are some of the highlights (7 minute read): https://fcc.im/2GtBwN3

Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings

2018 NODE.JS USER STUDY DETAILED REPORT OF FINDINGS Node.js is emerging as a universal development framework for digital transformation with a broad diversity of applications. With nearly 10 million Node.js users, three in four users are planning to increase their use of Node.js in the next 12 months. Node users continue to report positive business impact, including improving developer productivity and satisfaction and lowering cost.

Guía Estilo Google para js

Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide

Node.js for beginners

El libro para principiantes en node.js

Digital Transformation with the Node.js DevOps Stack, PayPal, Netflix, and Walmart show the way to do rapid digital transformation of legacy systems

How Fintonic uses Node.js, MongoDB & Kubernetes to scale, es un artículo sobre la arquitectura y escalabilidad de Fintonic.



This is an excellent path to follow from the very beginning. It's clear and concise and also gives some great suggestions for resources and even project ideas! I think the project ideas in particular are interesting because it's often a ticking point with "what do I make"

While I'm personally a huge fan of just making more and better todo lists, mixing it up is fun too.


This is a comprehensive from-the-beginning interactive experience. It's a book, but it integrates flash cards and excellent interactive code exercises.

It's a remarkable clean presentation and a very effective learning experience.

For us at egghead, it's inspiring and we want to start adding this type of functionality to our courses!


This is Flat Iron's introduction to JavaScript, and it is excellent. They give you a free trial, and I'm not sure what the full program costs, but Flat Iron is one of the best bootcamps out there and this course shows it.


This is a concise free course from Gordon Zhu that provides an excellent entry point for folks new to JS.

https://javascript.info/ This is a free book, and it is a comprehensive intro to JavaScript. It is freshly rewritten and provides an excellent starting point to learning JavaScript.

Best free resources to learn Node.js


How to prevent your Node.js process from crashing. Una promesa sin manejar actualmente provoca un mensaje de aviso, pero en el futuro avisa que provocara el cierre del proceso node con un codigo de salida de error. Este artículo indica como reaccionar por programa a esas promesas sin manejar, por ejemplo enviando la pila de traza a uns servicio de reporting con el objetivo de tener la información y mantener el proceso activo.

Implementing Feature Flags with Node and React


Can you tell me if your Node app is healthy? #ppt

  • npm blocked - https://www.npmjs.com/package/blocked Check if a node event loop is blocked
  • Influx Data integrates real-time analytics, event handling, and time-based data with Open Source plugins
  • Graphana - A quick way to generate helpful, pre-canned grafana dashboards for Cloudwatch and Graphite

Node.js En Vivo Episodios de Node.js en Vivo en Español

Desarrolla integraciones con bots a través de la plataforma y la API de Hangouts Chat

Hacking de Videojuegos con JavaScript Recomendada por Bonilla

Build the future of the web with modern JavaScript (Google I/O ’18)

Creating an autocomplete component with downshift

How to build your own website

MongoDB Node.js, Express.js, and Mongoose (75 minute watch)

MongoDB Tutorial - CRUD app from scratch using Node.js

Intro to Game Development with JavaScript

UI Testing Myths

  • Myth 1: "Tests always break when I make any changes to the code"
  • Myth 2: “I can’t test a ‘connected’ redux component”
  • Myth 3: “End-to-End tests are slow and brittle”


#javascript ES6 cheatsheet — String Templates

The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms

WhatsApp Clone with Meteor CLI and Ionic

Handling Time Zone in JavaScript

Trilium Notes Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes. A Knowledge Base App Built on Express.js (A hierarhical note taking app. Built as an Express app but also includes Electron packaging.)

Web application used for BilboStack feedback and questions

introduction to linked lists

Aprende a crear tu propio juego de plataformas estilo Super Mario usando JavaScript con este tutorial

Build a Basic CRUD App with Vue.js and Node

Creating a Reusable Pagination Component in Vue

Creating and Reading QR Codes with Node.js

A blockchain in 200 lines of code

Blockchain programado con JavaScript

Awesome Node.js opensource projects

Crear una BlockChain en Node.js sirve para aprender que es una Blockchain, creando una simplificacion con Node.js

Winamp2-js El clásico Winamp 2.9 en HTML5 y JavaScript como código abierto.

Build a complete mobile app with Ionic 3 For this ionic tutorial I built an app with a question and answer format, where users will be able to ask and answer questions. The home page will have a list of categories. Each category will have a list of questions, and each question will have a list of answers. Users will also have the possibility to vote the questions and answers, plus a form for creating questions and answers.

Friendly Pix es un clon de Instagram desarrollado por Google como aplicacion de ejemplo usando Firebase.

How to Create a Slack App in 3 Minutes

A Slack app step by step

Los 10 mejores ejemplos de aplicaciones Node.js para empresas

¿Por qué usar Javascript para el IoT?

¿Por qué deberías convertir tu Mobile Site en una aplicación web progresiva (PWA)?

Los 10 mejores ejemplos de aplicaciones Node.js para empresas

Calculadoras online

  1. How to build your own 8-Ball Pool game from scratch using JavaScript and HTML5 - a comprehensive video tutorial (1 hour watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXwCrtAo4Wc

  2. JavaScript symbols, iterators, generators, async/await, and async iterators — all explained simply (14 minute read): https://medium.freecodecamp.org/4003d7bbed32

  3. How to use JavaScript Regular Expressions to rapidly search through text (12 minute read): https://medium.freecodecamp.org/48b46a68df29

  4. How to code your own YouTube app: a full YouTube API tutorial with code examples (1 hour watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sWEecNUW-o

Building a Snipping Tool with Electron, React and Node.js

Creating an Instagram Bot With Node.js

Aprende a crear tu propio videojuego en el navegador usando JavaScript gracias a este curso gratuito intensivo

Google Chrome Extensions

Getting Started Tutorial This tutorial will build an extension that allows the user to change the background color of any page on developer.chrome.com. It will use many core components to give an introductory demonstration of their relationships.

How to Create and Publish a Chrome Extension in 20 minutes Follow these steps and your idea will turn into reality and you’ll be able to publish a real extension in the Chrome Web Store in no time.

Create a Chrome Extension in 90 Seconds Creating a Chrome extension requires a manifest.json file which defines how your extension will behave. With a minimal setup, you can already manipulate pages and change elements. This lesson walks you through creating a manifest.json file which will essentially "block" twitter and reddit and tell you to get back to work.

WEB static


tutorial node.js


Language:JavaScript 95.0%Language:HTML 4.0%Language:CSS 1.0%