jhoek / UncommonSense.Nav.ObjectIDReservations

PowerShell module for managing Microsoft Dynamics NAV object ID reservations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


PowerShell module for managing Microsoft Dynamics NAV object ID reservations


Command Synopsis
Get-NAVObjectIDReservation Retrieves all NAV object ID reservations
New-NavObjectIDReservation Creates one or more new NAV object ID reservations
Remove-NavObjectIDReservation Removes one or more existing NAV object ID reservations



Retrieves all NAV object ID reservations


Get-NAVObjectIDReservation -DataFilePath <string> [-Comment <string>] [-UserName <string>] [-ObjectType <ObjectType[]>] [-BeforeLoad <scriptblock>] [-AfterSave <scriptblock>] [<CommonParameters>]

Output Type(s)

  • UncommonSense.Nav.ObjectIDReservations.Reservation


Comment <string>

Filters reservations by specified comment text.

Required?                    false
Position?                    named
Default value                *
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

UserName <string>

Filters reservations by specified user name.

Required?                    false
Position?                    named
Default value                *
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

ObjectType <ObjectType[]>

Filters reservations by specified object type.

Required?                    false
Position?                    named
Default value                Table, Page, Report, Codeunit, XmlPort, Query, MenuSuite
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

DataFilePath <string>

The path to your local reservations data file

Required?                    true
Position?                    named
Default value                
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

BeforeLoad <ScriptBlock>

The scriptblock to invoke before loading your local data file

Required?                    false
Position?                    named
Default value                {}
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

AfterSave <ScriptBlock>

The scriptblock to invoke after saving your local data file

Required?                    false
Position?                    named
Default value                {}
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false



Creates one or more new NAV object ID reservations


New-NavObjectIDReservation [-ObjectType] <ObjectType> [-ObjectID] <int[]> [[-Comment] <string>] -DataFilePath <string> [-Force] [-BeforeLoad <scriptblock>] [-AfterSave <scriptblock>] [<CommonParameters>]

Output Type(s)

  • UncommonSense.Nav.ObjectIDReservations.Reservation


ObjectType <ObjectType>

The type of object to reserve

Possible values: Table, Page, Report, Codeunit, XmlPort, Query, MenuSuite

Required?                    true
Position?                    1
Default value                Table
Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?  false

ObjectID <int[]>

One or more object IDs to reserve

Required?                    true
Position?                    2
Default value                
Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?  false

Comment <string>

Optional comment for the reservation

Required?                    false
Position?                    3
Default value                
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

Force <SwitchParameter>

If present, allows overwriting of other users&#39; reservations

Required?                    false
Position?                    named
Default value                False
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

DataFilePath <string>

The path to your local reservations data file

Required?                    true
Position?                    named
Default value                
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

BeforeLoad <ScriptBlock>

The scriptblock to invoke before loading your local data file

Required?                    false
Position?                    named
Default value                {}
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

AfterSave <ScriptBlock>

The scriptblock to invoke after saving your local data file

Required?                    false
Position?                    named
Default value                {}
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false



Removes one or more existing NAV object ID reservations


Remove-NavObjectIDReservation [-ObjectType] <ObjectType> [-ObjectID] <int[]> -DataFilePath <string> [-Force] [-BeforeLoad <scriptblock>] [-AfterSave <scriptblock>] [<CommonParameters>]


ObjectType <ObjectType>

The type of the reserved object

Possible values: Table, Page, Report, Codeunit, XmlPort, Query, MenuSuite

Required?                    true
Position?                    1
Default value                Table
Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?  false

ObjectID <int[]>

The ID of the reserved object

Required?                    true
Position?                    2
Default value                
Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?  false

Force <SwitchParameter>

If present, allows removal of other users&#39; reservations

Required?                    false
Position?                    named
Default value                False
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

DataFilePath <string>

The path to your local reservations data file

Required?                    true
Position?                    named
Default value                
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

BeforeLoad <ScriptBlock>

The scriptblock to invoke before loading your local data file

Required?                    false
Position?                    named
Default value                {}
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false

AfterSave <ScriptBlock>

The scriptblock to invoke after saving your local data file

Required?                    false
Position?                    named
Default value                {}
Accept pipeline input?       false
Accept wildcard characters?  false
Generated 06-03-2018 08:45


PowerShell module for managing Microsoft Dynamics NAV object ID reservations

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C# 64.5%Language:PowerShell 35.5%