jdposada / DataQualityDashboard

A tool to help improve data quality standards in observational data science.

Home Page:https://ohdsi.github.io/DataQualityDashboard

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status codecov.io

The DataQualityDashboard is a tool to help improve data quality standards in observational data science.


An R package for characterizing the data quality of a person-level data source that has been converted into the OMOP CDM 5.3.1 format.


  • Utilizes configurable data check thresholds
  • Analyzes data in the OMOP Common Data Model format for all data checks
  • Produces a set of data check results with supplemental investigation assets.


DataQualityDashboard is an R package

System Requirements

Requires R (version 3.2.2 or higher). Requires DatabaseConnector and SqlRender.

R Installation


Executing Data Quality Checks

# fill out the connection details -----------------------------------------------------------------------
connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(dbms = "", 
                                                              user = "", 
                                                              password = "", 
                                                              server = "", 
                                                              port = "", 
                                                              extraSettings = "")

cdmDatabaseSchema <- "yourCdmSchema" # the fully qualified database schema name of the CDM
resultsDatabaseSchema <- "yourResultsSchema" # the fully qualified database schema name of the results schema (that you can write to)
cdmSourceName <- "Your CDM Source" # a human readable name for your CDM source

# determine how many threads (concurrent SQL sessions) to use ----------------------------------------
numThreads <- 1 # on Redshift, 3 seems to work well

# specify if you want to execute the queries or inspect them ------------------------------------------
sqlOnly <- FALSE # set to TRUE if you just want to get the SQL scripts and not actually run the queries

# where should the logs go? -------------------------------------------------------------------------
outputFolder <- "output"

# logging type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
verboseMode <- FALSE # set to TRUE if you want to see activity written to the console

# write results to table? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
writeToTable <- TRUE # set to FALSE if you want to skip writing to a SQL table in the results schema

# if writing to table and using Redshift, bulk loading can be initialized -------------------------------

# Sys.setenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" = "",
#            "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" = "",
#            "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" = "",
#            "AWS_BUCKET_NAME" = "",
#            "AWS_OBJECT_KEY" = "",
#            "AWS_SSE_TYPE" = "AES256",
#            "USE_MPP_BULK_LOAD" = TRUE)

# which DQ check levels to run -------------------------------------------------------------------
checkLevels <- c("TABLE", "FIELD", "CONCEPT")

# which DQ checks to run? ------------------------------------

checkNames <- c() # Names can be found in inst/csv/OMOP_CDM_v5.3.1_Check_Desciptions.csv

# run the job --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DataQualityDashboard::executeDqChecks(connectionDetails = connectionDetails, 
                                    cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema, 
                                    resultsDatabaseSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
                                    cdmSourceName = cdmSourceName, 
                                    numThreads = numThreads,
                                    sqlOnly = sqlOnly, 
                                    outputFolder = outputFolder, 
                                    verboseMode = verboseMode,
                                    writeToTable = writeToTable,
                                    checkLevels = checkLevels,
                                    checkNames = checkNames)

# inspect logs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ParallelLogger::launchLogViewer(logFileName = file.path(outputFolder, cdmSourceName, 
                                                      sprintf("log_DqDashboard_%s.txt", cdmSourceName)))

# (OPTIONAL) if you want to write the JSON file to the results table separately -----------------------------
jsonFilePath <- ""
DataQualityDashboard::writeJsonResultsToTable(connectionDetails = connectionDetails, 
                                            resultsDatabaseSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema, 
                                            jsonFilePath = jsonFilePath)

Viewing Results

Launching Dashboard as Shiny App

DataQualityDashboard::viewDqDashboard(jsonPath = file.path(getwd(), outputFolder, cdmSourceName, sprintf("results_%s.json", cdmSourceName)))

Launching on a web server

If you have npm installed:

  1. Install http-server:
npm install -g http-server
  1. Rename the json file to results.json and place it in inst/shinyApps/www

  2. Go to inst/shinyApps/www, then run:


A results JSON file for the Synthea synthetic dataset will be shown. You can view your results by replacing the results.json file with your file (with name results.json).

View checks

To see description of checks using R, execute the command bellow:




DataQualityDashboard is licensed under Apache License 2.0

Development status

In early development phase. Not ready for use.


This project is supported in part through the National Science Foundation grant IIS 1251151.


A tool to help improve data quality standards in observational data science.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 90.7%Language:R 5.4%Language:HTML 1.5%Language:TSQL 1.4%Language:CSS 0.8%Language:Perl 0.2%