jcordes73 / vue-storefront-openshift

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Vue Storefront on OpenShift


This project contains a version of the Vue Storefront deployable on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.


Git client

To checkout the projects from Github, install a git client on RHEL 8 like this:

yum install -y git

OpenShift Client (oc)

You can download the OpenShift Client 4.5 here


For modification of JSON config files we use jq, install it like this on RHEL 8:

yum install -y jq


The installation of the Vue Storefront consists of the following parts

  • Installation of Vue Storefront API for OpenShift
  • Cloning of this repository
  • Installing Vue Storefront
  • Adding labels/annotations for Topology View

The installation of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is not part of this project. For a local deployment on your desktop/laptop consider using Red Hat CodeReady Containers.

Installing Vue Storefront API

Follow the instruction as in Vue Storefront API.

Cloning of the Vue Storefront for OpenShift repository

git clone https://github.com/jcordes73/vue-storefront-openshift
cd vue-storefront-openshift

In config/openshift.json you need to change the URL of the Vue Storefront API URL as well as the URL for the images:

VS_API_URL=http://`oc get route vue-storefront-api -o json | jq .spec.host -r`
jq ".api.url=\"$VS_API_URL\"" config/openshift.json > config/openshift.json.tmp
mv config/openshift.json.tmp config/openshift.json
jq ".images.baseUrl=\"$VS_API_URL/img/\"" config/openshift.json > config/openshift.json.tmp
mv config/openshift.json.tmp config/openshift.json

Installing Vue Storefront

oc new-app https://github.com/jcordes73/vue-storefront-openshift --name vue-storefront --env-file=openshift.env
oc expose svc vue-storefront

After the container has started adjust the configuration following these steps

oc create configmap vue-storefront --from-file=config
oc set volumes deployments vue-storefront --add --name=vue-storefront-config-volume --mount-path=/opt/app-root/src/config -t configmap --configmap-name=vue-storefront

To undo the configuration changes execute the following

oc set volumes deployments vue-storefront --remove --name=vue-storefront-config-volume
oc delete cm vue-storefront

Adding labels/annotations for Topology View

oc label deployment/vue-storefront app.openshift.io/runtime=nodejs
    oc label deployment/vue-storefront app.kubernetes.io/part-of=vue-storefront
oc annotate deployment/vue-storefront app.openshift.io/connects-to=vue-storefront-api
oc annotate bc/vue-storefront app.openshift.io/vcs-uri="https://github.com/jcordes73/vue-storefront-openshift"
oc annotate deployment/vue-storefront app.openshift.io/vcs-uri="https://github.com/jcordes73/vue-storefront-openshift"



Language:TypeScript 87.9%Language:JavaScript 11.1%Language:Vue 0.8%Language:HTML 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%