jcordes73 / vue-storefront-api-openshift

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Vue Storefront API on OpenShift


This project contains a version of the Vue Storefront API deployable on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.


Git client

To checkout the projects from Github, install a git client on RHEL 8 like this:

yum install -y git

OpenShift Client (oc)

You can download the OpenShift Client 4.5 here


For modification of JSON config files we use jq, install it like this on RHEL 8:

yum install -y jq


The installation of the Vue Storefront API consists of the following parts

  • Cloning of this repository
  • Logging in into OpenShift as a developer and creation of a project
  • Installing ElasticSearch 5.6
  • Installing Redis 4
  • Installing Vue Storefront API
  • Adding labels/annotations for Topology View
  • Install Magento 2

The installation of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is not part of this project. For a local deployment on your desktop/laptop consider using Red Hat CodeReady Containers.

Cloning of the Vue Storefront API for OpenShift repository

git clone https://github.com/jcordes73/vue-storefront-api-openshift
cd vue-storefront-api-openshift

Logging in into OpenShift and creation of a project

oc login -u developer -p developer https://api.crc.testing:6443
oc new-project vue-storefront

Installing ElasticSearch 5.6

oc new-app elasticsearch:5.6.11 --name elasticsearch -e discovery.type=single-node
oc create -f elasticsearch-pvc.yml
oc set volume deployment/elasticsearch --add --overwrite --name=elasticsearch-volume-1 --type=persistentVolumeClaim --claim-name=elasticsearch-pvc
oc label deployment/elasticsearch app.openshift.io/runtime=elastic

Installing Redis 4

oc new-app redis:4 --name redis-cache
oc create -f redis-cache-pvc.yml
oc set volume deployment/redis-cache --add --overwrite --name=redis-cache-volume-1 --type=persistentVolumeClaim --claim-name=redis-cache-pvc
oc label deployment/redis-cache app.openshift.io/runtime=redis

Installing Vue Storefront API

oc new-app https://github.com/jcordes73/vue-storefront-api-openshift --name vue-storefront-api --env-file=openshift.env [-e NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0--build-env=NPM_MIRROR=<Your NPM Mirror>]
oc create route edge --service vue-storefront-api

After the container has started up initialize the database

oc rsh deployments/vue-storefront-api yarn db new

Adding labels/annotations for Topology View

oc label deployment/vue-storefront-api app.openshift.io/runtime=nodejs
oc annotate bc/vue-storefront-api app.openshift.io/vcs-uri="https://github.com/jcordes73/vue-storefront-api-openshift"
oc annotate deployment/vue-storefront-api app.openshift.io/vcs-uri="https://github.com/jcordes73/vue-storefront-api-openshift"
oc annotate deployment/vue-storefront-api app.openshift.io/connects-to=elasticsearch,redis-cache
oc label deployment/elasticsearch app.kubernetes.io/part-of=vs-api
oc label deployment/redis-cache app.kubernetes.io/part-of=vs-api
oc label deployment/vue-storefront-api app.kubernetes.io/part-of=vs-api

Installing Magento

Installing Magento requires multiple steps:

  • Installing MariaDB
  • Installing the Magento 2 container

To deploy MariaDB 10.3 execute the following

oc new-app registry.redhat.io/rhel8/mariadb-103 --name mariadb -e MYSQL_DATABASE="magento" -e MYSQL_USER="magento" -e MYSQL_PASSWORD="pass"
oc set volumes deployment/mariadb --add --name mariadb-volume-1 --type=persistentVolumeClaim --claim-name=mariadb-pvc --mount-path=/var/lib/mysql/data
oc create -f mariadb-pvc.yml
oc label deployment/mariadb app.openshift.io/runtime=mariadb
oc label deployment/mariadb app.kubernetes.io/part-of=magento

From a system subscribed to RHEL 8 copy the entitlement, subscription configuration and certificates like this

Now you can deploy the Magento 2.3 container

scp -r root@<RHEL 8 System>:/etc/pki/entitlement .
scp -r root@<RHEL 8 System>:/etc/rhsm .
scp -r root@<RHEL 8 System>:/etc/rhsm/ca .

Now you can deploy the Magento 2.3 container

oc create configmap rhsm-conf --from-file rhsm
oc create configmap rhsm-ca --from-file ca
oc create configmap pki-entitlement --from-file entitlement

oc new-app https://github.com/jcordes73/magento2#2.3 --name magento \
--build-env MAGENTO_DATABASE_HOST=mariadb \
--build-env MAGENTO_DATABASE_NAME=magento \
--build-env MAGENTO_DATABASE_USERNAME=magento \
--build-env MAGENTO_ADMIN_USER=admin \
--build-env MAGENTO_ADMIN_PASSWORD='magento2020' \
--build-env MAGENTO_ADMIN_EMAIL='admin@magento.com' \
--build-env MAGENTO_ADMIN_FIRSTNAME='first' \
--build-env MAGENTO_ADMIN_LASTNAME='last' \
--dry-run=true -o json | \
jq '.items[1].spec.source.configMaps=[{"configMap":{"name":"rhsm-conf"},"destinationDir":"rhsm-conf"},{"configMap":{"name":"rhsm-ca"},"destinationDir":"rhsm-ca"},{"configMap":{"name":"pki-entitlement"},"destinationDir":"pki-entitlement"}]' | \
oc create -f -

After the container has started up succesfully you can continue with the setup of Magento:

oc label deployment/magento app.openshift.io/runtime=php
oc label deployment/magento app.kubernetes.io/part-of=magento
oc annotate deployment/magento app.openshift.io/vcs-uri="https://github.com/jcordes73/magento2"
oc annotate deployment/magento app.openshift.io/connects-to=vue-storefront-api,mariadb
oc create route edge --service magento

Login to Magento 2 with the admin user created at the path /admin and create an integration (under "System" / "Integration").

Now modify the magento2 and imageable section in config/openshift.json the URLs like this:

MAGENTO_HOST=`oc get route magento -o json | jq .spec.host -r`
VS_HOST=`oc get route vue-storefront -o json | jq .spec.host -r`	

jq ".magento2.imgUrl=\"$MAGENTO_URL/media/catalog/product\"" config/openshift.json > config/openshift.json.tmp
jq ".magento2.api.url=\"$MAGENTO_URL/rest\"" config/openshift.json.tmp > config/openshift.json
jq ".imageable.whitelist.allowedHosts = [\"$MAGENTO_HOST\",\"MAGENTO_HOST\"]" config/openshift.json > config/openshift.json.tmp

mv config/openshift.json.tmp config/openshift.json

, change the tokens in the magento2 section and afterwards apply the change of the configuration like this:

oc create configmap vue-storefront-api --from-file=config
oc set volumes deployment/vue-storefront-api --add --name=vue-storefront-api-config-volume --mount-path=/opt/app-root/src/config -t configmap --configmap-name=vue-storefront-api

If needed you can undo the configuration changes execute the following

oc set volumes deployment vue-storefront-api --remove --name=vue-storefront-api-config-volume
oc delete cm vue-storefront-api

After Vue Storefront API has been restarted execute

oc rsh deployments/vue-storefront-api yarn mage2vs import

Next steps

Deploy Vue Storefront for OpenShift



Language:JavaScript 66.7%Language:TypeScript 33.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%