jc211 / NeRFCapture

An iOS app that collects/streams posed images for NeRFs using ARKit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TypeError: set_camera_extrinsics(): incompatible function arguments.

ChristianMilianti opened this issue · comments

Hey Jad,
Really cool project!

I'm trying to run it on an iPhone 13 Pro Max, but I run into the following error when I try to send an image from my phone to instant-ngp when I run the following command $python scripts/nerfcapture2nerf.py --stream.

Do you know what the problem could be?

Screenshot from 2023-03-21 18-56-18


Thanks for that Jad, that seems to have worked!
Another question I have is when I run

python scripts/nerfcapture2nerf.py --stream

the images are sent to instant-ngp and I can see them fine, but I'm not sure how to visualise the nerf that is being trained? On the other hand, If I first save the captured images using

python scripts/nerfcapture2nerf.py --save_path "dir1/dir2" --n_frames 20

and then drag and drop the saved folder into instant-ngp the nerf is created.

Do you know how to visualise the nerf directly when python scripts/nerfcapture2nerf.py --stream is run?

By pressing the green button

Could be the images are taken too far away from the unit box?

Here's a video of what I mean (skip to about 20 sec in)

I can get the images to be sent from my phone to instant-ngp no problem using python scripts/nerfcapture2nerf.py --stream

But when I click start training, I'm not sure how to visualise the actual nerf that is being trained, I can only pan around the images that I've taken.

Whereas if I first save the images using python scripts/nerfcapture2nerf.py --save_path "dir1/dir2" --n_frames 20, and then simply drag and drop the saved folder, the nerf visualisation automatically appears.


Ahhhhh yes, it automatically defaulted to that it seems.

Thanks for your assistance, that worked! :)