jakubhajek / traefik-2.5

What is new in Traefik 2.5

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Traefik 2.5

Deploying Traefik with the official Helm Chart

  • Add Traefik's chart repository to Helm:
helm repo add traefik https://helm.traefik.io/traefik
  • Update the chart repository by running:
helm repo update
  • Customise the values.yaml by adding extra configuration.

  • Create Traefik namespace:

kubectl create namespace traefik 
  • Deploy Traefik by running the following command:
helm upgrade --install traefik -f values.yaml traefik/traefik -n traefik
  • Verify the installation.

  • Explore Traefik dashboard by creating port forwarding to Traefik's pod by running the following command:

kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --selector "app.kubernetes.io/name=traefik" --output=name) 9000:9000

Deploying sample applications

  • Create a namepsace where apps and services will be created
  • Deploy the applications
  • Create Ingressroute for deployed applications

Ingress and IngressClass

  • Please check if IngressClass has been created with the new API version
  • Deploy the Ingress object using the appropriate API version. Verify what annotatios has been added to the Ingress object.

Weighted Round Robin with Nested Healtchecks

The feature is currently only available as dynamic configuration provided through File. That's why we have to add file provider that points to a config map containing Traefik's extra configuration.

  • Create configmap:
 kubectl create configmap traefik-configs -n traefik --from-file=dynamic.yaml=config/dynamic.yaml 
  • Add File provider and VolumeMounts to the values.yaml
  • Deploy Traefik using the files values.yaml
helm upgrade --install traefik -f values.yaml traefik/traefik -n traefik
  • Verify running configuration using the following command:
curl https://nested.waw.demo.traefiklabs.tech

You should receive responses from both services whoamiv1 and whoamiv2 according to the weights set in the dynamic configuration.

  • Scale down to 0 replicas on one of the service
kubectl scale deployment whoamiv2 --replicas=0
  • Verify configuration using the following command:
curl https://nested.waw.demo.traefiklabs.tech

You should receive reposnes only from whoamiv1.

Traefik automatically discover that whoamiv2 is down and send reuqests only to the healthy services, that is whoamiv1.

Local provider plugins

  • A simple command docker-compose up should deploy the example.
  • Check dashboard to see the new provider plugins

HTTP3, still in the experimental phase